1 00:00:00,410 --> 00:00:08,669 [Music] 2 00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:13,359 well good morning again friends this is 3 00:00:11,679 --> 00:00:15,599 pastor david packer from international 4 00:00:13,359 --> 00:00:16,960 baptist church in stuttgart germany 5 00:00:15,599 --> 00:00:19,118 and we are going through the seven 6 00:00:16,960 --> 00:00:21,039 letters of seven churches today 7 00:00:19,118 --> 00:00:22,879 we are looking at the letter to the 8 00:00:21,039 --> 00:00:25,599 church in bhutira 9 00:00:22,879 --> 00:00:27,759 or thyatira or theater you can choose 10 00:00:25,599 --> 00:00:30,240 whichever way you want to pronounce this 11 00:00:27,760 --> 00:00:31,679 name of this church but is the second 12 00:00:30,239 --> 00:00:35,759 chapter of revelation 13 00:00:31,678 --> 00:00:37,280 verses 18 down to the end of the chapter 14 00:00:35,759 --> 00:00:39,280 we're going to read our text in just a 15 00:00:37,280 --> 00:00:41,280 minute and go through it bit by bit 16 00:00:39,280 --> 00:00:43,600 as we have the other text we're looking 17 00:00:41,280 --> 00:00:46,480 at how christ describes himself 18 00:00:43,600 --> 00:00:48,558 how he evaluates the church and then the 19 00:00:46,479 --> 00:00:49,359 overcomer how those people in this 20 00:00:48,558 --> 00:00:52,000 situation 21 00:00:49,359 --> 00:00:53,920 can overcome as we mentioned throughout 22 00:00:52,000 --> 00:00:56,480 this series this is seven letters to 23 00:00:53,920 --> 00:00:59,120 seven churches and this number seven 24 00:00:56,479 --> 00:01:01,119 indicates the the complete picture of 25 00:00:59,119 --> 00:01:03,839 the churches throughout the church 26 00:01:01,119 --> 00:01:05,759 age this is from the day of pentecost 27 00:01:03,840 --> 00:01:07,359 until the return of christ and we are in 28 00:01:05,760 --> 00:01:09,280 the church age today 29 00:01:07,359 --> 00:01:11,118 sometimes people looked at this as 30 00:01:09,280 --> 00:01:13,760 though it's a panoramic view 31 00:01:11,118 --> 00:01:16,159 of church history and this would be the 32 00:01:13,760 --> 00:01:19,520 era of the terror this is from the 33 00:01:16,159 --> 00:01:21,759 uh from about 600 a.d to the reformation 34 00:01:19,519 --> 00:01:23,840 leading up to the reformation and 35 00:01:21,759 --> 00:01:25,759 sometimes we call that the dark ages 36 00:01:23,840 --> 00:01:27,200 it wasn't all dark there were some good 37 00:01:25,759 --> 00:01:29,759 things that happened 38 00:01:27,200 --> 00:01:31,200 during that time but we see that what 39 00:01:29,759 --> 00:01:34,478 this text is dealing with 40 00:01:31,200 --> 00:01:36,640 is the issue of moral compromise 41 00:01:34,478 --> 00:01:38,719 last week we looked at doctrinal 42 00:01:36,640 --> 00:01:38,959 compromise and this week we're looking 43 00:01:38,719 --> 00:01:41,359 at 44 00:01:38,959 --> 00:01:42,319 moral compromise actually the two go 45 00:01:41,359 --> 00:01:45,118 hand in hand 46 00:01:42,319 --> 00:01:46,319 when we compromise doctrinally we will 47 00:01:45,118 --> 00:01:49,200 also compromise 48 00:01:46,319 --> 00:01:50,000 morally now let me just give a general 49 00:01:49,200 --> 00:01:52,840 introduction 50 00:01:50,000 --> 00:01:54,078 into this issue of morality or 51 00:01:52,840 --> 00:01:56,399 philosophies 52 00:01:54,078 --> 00:01:57,279 of morality throughout the centuries 53 00:01:56,399 --> 00:01:59,840 there have been 54 00:01:57,280 --> 00:02:01,519 endless a number of people that have 55 00:01:59,840 --> 00:02:04,079 come up with some philosophy 56 00:02:01,519 --> 00:02:05,759 of morality someone just mentioned a few 57 00:02:04,078 --> 00:02:07,359 of those and maybe you have 58 00:02:05,759 --> 00:02:09,439 you could be familiar with or you may 59 00:02:07,359 --> 00:02:11,038 have heard about now first of all there 60 00:02:09,439 --> 00:02:13,759 is the biblical position 61 00:02:11,038 --> 00:02:15,199 biblical law what does the bible say we 62 00:02:13,759 --> 00:02:18,000 should obey it 63 00:02:15,199 --> 00:02:19,119 but there's also uh there's comptia this 64 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:22,318 is from emmanuel 65 00:02:19,120 --> 00:02:24,159 kant a categorical imperative 66 00:02:22,318 --> 00:02:25,839 that is his idea that there is an 67 00:02:24,159 --> 00:02:28,079 absolute requirement 68 00:02:25,840 --> 00:02:29,439 that must be obeyed in all circumstances 69 00:02:28,080 --> 00:02:32,480 it's very similar 70 00:02:29,439 --> 00:02:33,840 to biblical law in fact many have many 71 00:02:32,479 --> 00:02:36,399 have identified 72 00:02:33,840 --> 00:02:38,560 what kant taught is very similar if not 73 00:02:36,400 --> 00:02:39,439 identical to biblical law that is there 74 00:02:38,560 --> 00:02:42,640 is a moral 75 00:02:39,439 --> 00:02:43,439 absolute and we must obey that moral 76 00:02:42,639 --> 00:02:45,919 absolute 77 00:02:43,439 --> 00:02:47,519 but then we see there are many other 78 00:02:45,919 --> 00:02:49,759 ideologies that have come 79 00:02:47,519 --> 00:02:51,599 on on this day in this age many are 80 00:02:49,759 --> 00:02:54,239 familiar with situational 81 00:02:51,598 --> 00:02:54,719 ethics and we'll get to that in just a 82 00:02:54,239 --> 00:02:57,640 minute 83 00:02:54,719 --> 00:02:59,158 but uh there's also this idea of 84 00:02:57,639 --> 00:03:01,518 utilitarianism 85 00:02:59,158 --> 00:03:03,120 utilitarianism is used by many of the 86 00:03:01,519 --> 00:03:06,640 communist states 87 00:03:03,120 --> 00:03:08,400 and this is the moral concept that means 88 00:03:06,639 --> 00:03:10,158 the right thing to do is whatever would 89 00:03:08,400 --> 00:03:12,879 bring the greatest good 90 00:03:10,158 --> 00:03:15,039 to the greatest number of course you can 91 00:03:12,878 --> 00:03:17,199 see that's a slippery slope because who 92 00:03:15,039 --> 00:03:18,560 is determined who is to determine what's 93 00:03:17,199 --> 00:03:22,079 the greatest good 94 00:03:18,560 --> 00:03:24,719 for the greatest number that has led to 95 00:03:22,080 --> 00:03:27,760 abuse of power and sometimes even 96 00:03:24,719 --> 00:03:29,199 genocides against other people and then 97 00:03:27,759 --> 00:03:31,280 there's consequentialism 98 00:03:29,199 --> 00:03:33,839 proportionalism proportionalism has this 99 00:03:31,280 --> 00:03:34,479 idea it is never right to go against a 100 00:03:33,840 --> 00:03:36,719 principle 101 00:03:34,479 --> 00:03:38,639 unless there's a proportionate reason 102 00:03:36,719 --> 00:03:39,919 that would justify it again a very 103 00:03:38,639 --> 00:03:41,439 slippery slope 104 00:03:39,919 --> 00:03:42,878 in other words you should always obey 105 00:03:41,439 --> 00:03:43,919 your principles except when you 106 00:03:42,878 --> 00:03:47,039 shouldn't 107 00:03:43,919 --> 00:03:50,158 and who's to say what's right or wrong 108 00:03:47,039 --> 00:03:51,199 it's the moral relativism that we're 109 00:03:50,158 --> 00:03:53,759 seeing in the 110 00:03:51,199 --> 00:03:54,639 modern philosophies in the last few 111 00:03:53,759 --> 00:03:57,120 centuries 112 00:03:54,639 --> 00:03:58,719 now when it comes to situation ethics 113 00:03:57,120 --> 00:04:02,239 situation simply says 114 00:03:58,719 --> 00:04:02,799 it depends on the situation what's right 115 00:04:02,239 --> 00:04:05,519 and wrong 116 00:04:02,799 --> 00:04:06,239 it entirely depends on the situation 117 00:04:05,519 --> 00:04:08,400 many 118 00:04:06,239 --> 00:04:09,280 christians have taken up situation 119 00:04:08,400 --> 00:04:11,360 ethics and 120 00:04:09,280 --> 00:04:12,400 and they said that the guiding principle 121 00:04:11,360 --> 00:04:15,280 should be 122 00:04:12,400 --> 00:04:16,639 love or agape love that should be the 123 00:04:15,280 --> 00:04:19,279 guiding principle 124 00:04:16,639 --> 00:04:21,040 if you intend to love someone and care 125 00:04:19,279 --> 00:04:21,518 for them then that's all that matters 126 00:04:21,040 --> 00:04:24,960 and 127 00:04:21,519 --> 00:04:25,840 how you do that is immaterial but it has 128 00:04:24,959 --> 00:04:29,519 set up 129 00:04:25,839 --> 00:04:30,638 many very confusing and immoral 130 00:04:29,519 --> 00:04:32,879 scenarios 131 00:04:30,639 --> 00:04:33,759 for example joseph fletcher is one of 132 00:04:32,879 --> 00:04:36,159 those who 133 00:04:33,759 --> 00:04:37,439 promoted this teaching he is often 134 00:04:36,160 --> 00:04:40,080 called the father of 135 00:04:37,439 --> 00:04:42,800 situation ethics but he was a he was an 136 00:04:40,079 --> 00:04:47,120 episcopal priest he was born in 1905 137 00:04:42,800 --> 00:04:47,840 died in 1991 later he became an atheist 138 00:04:47,120 --> 00:04:51,680 even 139 00:04:47,839 --> 00:04:56,879 but he had this idea that even even 140 00:04:51,680 --> 00:04:59,840 agape love could also justify abortion 141 00:04:56,879 --> 00:05:01,120 uh killing of infants or infanticide 142 00:04:59,839 --> 00:05:03,519 euthanasia 143 00:05:01,120 --> 00:05:04,639 all of these things could be justified 144 00:05:03,519 --> 00:05:07,279 if the situation 145 00:05:04,639 --> 00:05:08,079 right on the argument of this is an 146 00:05:07,279 --> 00:05:11,439 expression 147 00:05:08,079 --> 00:05:12,399 of love um hell yeah a very slippery 148 00:05:11,439 --> 00:05:15,519 slope 149 00:05:12,399 --> 00:05:18,000 well we see in the bible there are moral 150 00:05:15,519 --> 00:05:19,120 absolutes there's things that are always 151 00:05:18,000 --> 00:05:21,120 wrong and 152 00:05:19,120 --> 00:05:23,680 god gave us the ten commandments in 153 00:05:21,120 --> 00:05:26,478 order to guide us and us we would know 154 00:05:23,680 --> 00:05:28,560 what we are to do and and trust him in 155 00:05:26,478 --> 00:05:31,120 all circumstances 156 00:05:28,560 --> 00:05:32,399 it's not a matter if i just mean well 157 00:05:31,120 --> 00:05:35,600 that it's okay 158 00:05:32,399 --> 00:05:39,599 rather i should do what is right and 159 00:05:35,600 --> 00:05:41,360 take the bible at face value and obey it 160 00:05:39,600 --> 00:05:43,120 there are going to be situations where 161 00:05:41,360 --> 00:05:43,680 it depends on what's right or wrong i 162 00:05:43,120 --> 00:05:46,240 mean 163 00:05:43,680 --> 00:05:46,720 always you have those situations in life 164 00:05:46,240 --> 00:05:50,319 uh 165 00:05:46,720 --> 00:05:53,600 but it's we are to be guided by god's 166 00:05:50,319 --> 00:05:54,719 moral principles see god calls us to be 167 00:05:53,600 --> 00:05:56,319 holy 168 00:05:54,720 --> 00:05:58,880 in the old testament and in the new 169 00:05:56,319 --> 00:06:01,120 testament this is a consistent message 170 00:05:58,879 --> 00:06:02,800 that we are not merely to believe in god 171 00:06:01,120 --> 00:06:04,240 and believe in grace and then do 172 00:06:02,800 --> 00:06:07,439 whatever we want 173 00:06:04,240 --> 00:06:10,478 often grace is used as an excuse for 174 00:06:07,439 --> 00:06:11,439 immoral and irresponsible living but 175 00:06:10,478 --> 00:06:14,159 grace 176 00:06:11,439 --> 00:06:14,560 receiving god's grace should lead us to 177 00:06:14,160 --> 00:06:18,160 live 178 00:06:14,560 --> 00:06:20,399 holy and pure lies for his glory 179 00:06:18,160 --> 00:06:21,919 that's what it means to receive grace 180 00:06:20,399 --> 00:06:23,758 means to live for him 181 00:06:21,918 --> 00:06:25,439 in the old testament in the sermon on 182 00:06:23,759 --> 00:06:27,439 the mount in the writings of the 183 00:06:25,439 --> 00:06:31,839 apostles we see this principle 184 00:06:27,439 --> 00:06:34,160 god says be holy just as i am holy 185 00:06:31,839 --> 00:06:36,560 that's our standard jesus christ his 186 00:06:34,160 --> 00:06:39,360 holiness and we're to maintain that 187 00:06:36,560 --> 00:06:40,160 at all times now let's look at our text 188 00:06:39,360 --> 00:06:42,879 we're in the second 189 00:06:40,160 --> 00:06:44,319 chapter and we're in the letter to the 190 00:06:42,879 --> 00:06:45,519 church and through it here with verse 191 00:06:44,319 --> 00:06:47,759 18. 192 00:06:45,519 --> 00:06:48,560 to the angel of the church in etira 193 00:06:47,759 --> 00:06:50,800 write 194 00:06:48,560 --> 00:06:52,000 these are the words of the son of god 195 00:06:50,800 --> 00:06:54,639 whose eyes are like 196 00:06:52,000 --> 00:06:55,279 blazing fire and whose feet are like 197 00:06:54,639 --> 00:06:57,199 burnished 198 00:06:55,279 --> 00:06:59,279 bronze let's stop there just for a 199 00:06:57,199 --> 00:07:02,160 second christ describes himself 200 00:06:59,279 --> 00:07:02,638 as the holy one his eyes like flaming 201 00:07:02,160 --> 00:07:05,199 fire 202 00:07:02,639 --> 00:07:06,240 blazing fire this has the idea of a 203 00:07:05,199 --> 00:07:09,680 purifying 204 00:07:06,240 --> 00:07:11,038 gaze um fire is associated with 205 00:07:09,680 --> 00:07:12,560 purifying 206 00:07:11,038 --> 00:07:15,360 in the new in the bible the new 207 00:07:12,560 --> 00:07:17,680 testament and it was the idea of 208 00:07:15,360 --> 00:07:19,680 fire burning up that which was impure 209 00:07:17,680 --> 00:07:22,160 and it has the idea that his gaze 210 00:07:19,680 --> 00:07:23,120 through his word by his spirit he looks 211 00:07:22,160 --> 00:07:26,160 into our soul 212 00:07:23,120 --> 00:07:28,800 convicts us of sin and he he 213 00:07:26,160 --> 00:07:30,800 leads us to repentance and to receiving 214 00:07:28,800 --> 00:07:31,598 his forgiveness receiving his cleansing 215 00:07:30,800 --> 00:07:35,199 that's what 216 00:07:31,598 --> 00:07:37,120 he desires us to do first john 1 9-10 if 217 00:07:35,199 --> 00:07:39,199 we confess our sins 218 00:07:37,120 --> 00:07:40,639 god is faithful and just will forgive us 219 00:07:39,199 --> 00:07:43,120 our sins and cleanse us from 220 00:07:40,639 --> 00:07:45,680 all unrighteousness if we say we have 221 00:07:43,120 --> 00:07:48,879 not sinned we make him out to be a liar 222 00:07:45,680 --> 00:07:52,400 and his word has no place in our hearts 223 00:07:48,879 --> 00:07:53,280 so we are to listen to his voice confess 224 00:07:52,399 --> 00:07:56,638 our sins 225 00:07:53,279 --> 00:08:00,239 and receive the forgiveness his eyes 226 00:07:56,639 --> 00:08:01,918 are like a blazing fire that penetrates 227 00:08:00,240 --> 00:08:03,918 into our hearts and our souls 228 00:08:01,918 --> 00:08:05,439 but then the next statement about his 229 00:08:03,918 --> 00:08:08,639 feet are like burnished 230 00:08:05,439 --> 00:08:11,519 bronze again that's apocalyptic language 231 00:08:08,639 --> 00:08:12,879 that is a symbol of stability means he 232 00:08:11,519 --> 00:08:14,560 knows where he stands 233 00:08:12,879 --> 00:08:17,039 he's not going to change he's not going 234 00:08:14,560 --> 00:08:19,598 to change his doctrine his teaching 235 00:08:17,038 --> 00:08:20,560 nor his moral absolutes he knows where 236 00:08:19,598 --> 00:08:22,959 he stands 237 00:08:20,560 --> 00:08:24,240 and he will not change he's not a god 238 00:08:22,959 --> 00:08:27,198 that changes like 239 00:08:24,240 --> 00:08:28,400 like shifting shadows he is steady he is 240 00:08:27,199 --> 00:08:30,800 consistent 241 00:08:28,399 --> 00:08:31,758 in his character in his standard and his 242 00:08:30,800 --> 00:08:34,799 holiness 243 00:08:31,759 --> 00:08:36,080 well this is a wonderful statement about 244 00:08:34,799 --> 00:08:39,278 who christ is for 245 00:08:36,080 --> 00:08:40,800 us and as his followers we should simply 246 00:08:39,278 --> 00:08:43,679 seek to obey him 247 00:08:40,799 --> 00:08:45,679 and follow him years ago after i came as 248 00:08:43,679 --> 00:08:47,519 pastor here at the church we adopted new 249 00:08:45,679 --> 00:08:48,399 constitution and in that constitution 250 00:08:47,519 --> 00:08:50,720 have a 251 00:08:48,399 --> 00:08:51,679 a church covenant it's one of the most 252 00:08:50,720 --> 00:08:53,600 common 253 00:08:51,679 --> 00:08:54,958 church covenants among baptists 254 00:08:53,600 --> 00:08:57,519 throughout the world 255 00:08:54,958 --> 00:08:58,239 but in that standard of morality it 256 00:08:57,519 --> 00:09:00,480 simply 257 00:08:58,240 --> 00:09:01,278 described the character of christ what 258 00:09:00,480 --> 00:09:04,639 are we to do 259 00:09:01,278 --> 00:09:06,240 how are we to act and 260 00:09:04,639 --> 00:09:08,319 when we're going through the process of 261 00:09:06,240 --> 00:09:09,680 looking at it one of the members of the 262 00:09:08,320 --> 00:09:12,240 church came to me 263 00:09:09,679 --> 00:09:14,079 and said this standard is too high no 264 00:09:12,240 --> 00:09:16,240 one can do that 265 00:09:14,080 --> 00:09:17,680 and i responded well that's the standard 266 00:09:16,240 --> 00:09:19,360 of the bible that's the standard of 267 00:09:17,679 --> 00:09:21,759 jesus christ 268 00:09:19,360 --> 00:09:23,278 we must maintain this standard surely 269 00:09:21,759 --> 00:09:25,120 we're going to fail 270 00:09:23,278 --> 00:09:27,278 and we need to come to him confess our 271 00:09:25,120 --> 00:09:29,278 sins receive his forgiveness but we 272 00:09:27,278 --> 00:09:30,958 must maintain this standard we can't put 273 00:09:29,278 --> 00:09:34,080 a standard sound 274 00:09:30,958 --> 00:09:34,719 my goal is to be not so bad no god's 275 00:09:34,080 --> 00:09:37,759 standard 276 00:09:34,720 --> 00:09:39,278 is holiness and that is what we must do 277 00:09:37,759 --> 00:09:40,799 well they didn't like my answer they 278 00:09:39,278 --> 00:09:43,120 eventually left the church 279 00:09:40,799 --> 00:09:44,000 but that's the biblical requirement we 280 00:09:43,120 --> 00:09:47,600 must aim 281 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:50,240 for holiness and aim to be all we can be 282 00:09:47,600 --> 00:09:52,240 for god by his spirit by the guidance of 283 00:09:50,240 --> 00:09:54,799 his word with the encouragement of our 284 00:09:52,240 --> 00:09:56,879 brothers and sisters in christ but still 285 00:09:54,799 --> 00:09:59,039 that's the standard now let's look and 286 00:09:56,879 --> 00:09:59,439 see the evaluation of christ of this 287 00:09:59,039 --> 00:10:01,759 church 288 00:09:59,440 --> 00:10:03,200 through a terror he says i know your 289 00:10:01,759 --> 00:10:05,679 deeds your love 290 00:10:03,200 --> 00:10:07,278 and faith your service and perseverance 291 00:10:05,679 --> 00:10:09,838 and that you are doing 292 00:10:07,278 --> 00:10:11,439 uh that you are now doing more than you 293 00:10:09,839 --> 00:10:13,120 did at first well 294 00:10:11,440 --> 00:10:15,200 that was a good statement they had 295 00:10:13,120 --> 00:10:16,399 persevered in service they had actually 296 00:10:15,200 --> 00:10:18,320 grown 297 00:10:16,399 --> 00:10:19,919 in their christian activity they were 298 00:10:18,320 --> 00:10:21,680 doing more 299 00:10:19,919 --> 00:10:23,919 uh they had grown they didn't say we're 300 00:10:21,679 --> 00:10:25,679 going to do less we're going to do more 301 00:10:23,919 --> 00:10:28,399 and that's a great ambition for any 302 00:10:25,679 --> 00:10:31,359 christian and any church to continue 303 00:10:28,399 --> 00:10:31,679 to grow in service some churches and 304 00:10:31,360 --> 00:10:33,919 some 305 00:10:31,679 --> 00:10:36,239 christians become content and they say 306 00:10:33,919 --> 00:10:37,919 i'm doing all i want to do and that's 307 00:10:36,240 --> 00:10:40,799 all i'm going to ever do 308 00:10:37,919 --> 00:10:42,078 but every christian every church should 309 00:10:40,799 --> 00:10:44,799 seek to do more 310 00:10:42,078 --> 00:10:46,479 every year seek to do more seek to grow 311 00:10:44,799 --> 00:10:48,399 seek to reach more people 312 00:10:46,480 --> 00:10:50,079 and never be content with saying we're 313 00:10:48,399 --> 00:10:52,879 just going to stop right here 314 00:10:50,078 --> 00:10:54,958 we need to continue to grow continue to 315 00:10:52,879 --> 00:10:57,039 share the gospel continue 316 00:10:54,958 --> 00:10:58,078 to love one another continue to seek to 317 00:10:57,039 --> 00:11:00,559 grow in our 318 00:10:58,078 --> 00:11:01,679 knowledge and our wisdom in our maturity 319 00:11:00,559 --> 00:11:05,039 in our faith 320 00:11:01,679 --> 00:11:06,399 in our giving in our numbers continue to 321 00:11:05,039 --> 00:11:10,000 grow 322 00:11:06,399 --> 00:11:12,480 each year become more and more in christ 323 00:11:10,000 --> 00:11:13,120 but then he says this nevertheless i 324 00:11:12,480 --> 00:11:15,680 have this 325 00:11:13,120 --> 00:11:17,440 against you he has something that's a 326 00:11:15,679 --> 00:11:19,439 problem with the church and this is this 327 00:11:17,440 --> 00:11:21,920 issue of moral compromise 328 00:11:19,440 --> 00:11:23,839 you tolerate that woman jezebel who 329 00:11:21,919 --> 00:11:26,240 calls herself a prophetess 330 00:11:23,839 --> 00:11:28,560 by her teaching she misleads my servants 331 00:11:26,240 --> 00:11:30,639 into sexual immorality and the eating of 332 00:11:28,559 --> 00:11:32,719 food sacrificed to idols 333 00:11:30,639 --> 00:11:34,319 i've given her time to repent of her 334 00:11:32,720 --> 00:11:36,879 immorality but she is 335 00:11:34,320 --> 00:11:38,560 unwilling so i will cast her on a bed of 336 00:11:36,879 --> 00:11:40,399 suffering and i will make those who 337 00:11:38,559 --> 00:11:41,679 commit adultery with her suffer 338 00:11:40,399 --> 00:11:45,120 intensely 339 00:11:41,679 --> 00:11:48,078 unless they repent of her ways 340 00:11:45,120 --> 00:11:50,078 well this is a statement of moral 341 00:11:48,078 --> 00:11:53,359 failings of the church 342 00:11:50,078 --> 00:11:55,519 the the doctrinal failings also 343 00:11:53,360 --> 00:11:58,000 lead to moral failings but here in this 344 00:11:55,519 --> 00:12:00,799 situation the moral failings 345 00:11:58,000 --> 00:12:02,720 come first that the church had failed 346 00:12:00,799 --> 00:12:04,559 and he knew they had failed now 347 00:12:02,720 --> 00:12:05,920 if we look at it historically from 348 00:12:04,559 --> 00:12:08,399 historical picture 349 00:12:05,919 --> 00:12:10,559 we're going to say this is the church 350 00:12:08,399 --> 00:12:11,440 during the dark ages leading up to the 351 00:12:10,559 --> 00:12:14,719 reformation 352 00:12:11,440 --> 00:12:15,519 and we can see there were terrible moral 353 00:12:14,720 --> 00:12:18,240 failings 354 00:12:15,519 --> 00:12:20,560 during those years in fact in many times 355 00:12:18,240 --> 00:12:22,959 uh the church was led by people who 356 00:12:20,559 --> 00:12:26,479 really had no faith themselves 357 00:12:22,958 --> 00:12:27,039 it was not uncommon to hear cardinals 358 00:12:26,480 --> 00:12:29,839 and even 359 00:12:27,039 --> 00:12:30,480 popes and and bishops to say such things 360 00:12:29,839 --> 00:12:33,279 as how 361 00:12:30,480 --> 00:12:34,720 profitable is the myth of jesus of 362 00:12:33,278 --> 00:12:36,159 nazareth they didn't even believe 363 00:12:34,720 --> 00:12:38,720 themselves 364 00:12:36,159 --> 00:12:41,120 but they made a lot of money in wearing 365 00:12:38,720 --> 00:12:42,800 these wonderfully beautiful ropes and 366 00:12:41,120 --> 00:12:45,278 holding positions and 367 00:12:42,799 --> 00:12:46,799 leading in the exercise of the rituals 368 00:12:45,278 --> 00:12:48,480 of the church 369 00:12:46,799 --> 00:12:50,559 but they had no faith themselves and 370 00:12:48,480 --> 00:12:54,079 this is a great tragedy 371 00:12:50,559 --> 00:12:55,039 now there were pockets of very devout 372 00:12:54,078 --> 00:12:57,439 faith 373 00:12:55,039 --> 00:12:58,240 we see many of the devotional writings 374 00:12:57,440 --> 00:13:00,880 of the church 375 00:12:58,240 --> 00:13:01,759 are very inspiring even to this day that 376 00:13:00,879 --> 00:13:03,278 came out of that 377 00:13:01,759 --> 00:13:05,039 period we will go on to all the 378 00:13:03,278 --> 00:13:06,078 theologians or all the devotional 379 00:13:05,039 --> 00:13:09,599 writings but let me mention 380 00:13:06,078 --> 00:13:12,078 just one thomas a campus he lived around 381 00:13:09,600 --> 00:13:15,360 duesberg and dusseldorf in that area 382 00:13:12,078 --> 00:13:16,319 he was actually ethnically he was dutch 383 00:13:15,360 --> 00:13:19,200 not german 384 00:13:16,320 --> 00:13:20,000 but he wrote this wonderful book the 385 00:13:19,200 --> 00:13:22,000 imitation of 386 00:13:20,000 --> 00:13:24,399 christ and it's still being used today 387 00:13:22,000 --> 00:13:27,360 one of the most widely read books 388 00:13:24,399 --> 00:13:29,120 in all the all the world so we see 389 00:13:27,360 --> 00:13:31,039 others coming out of that martin luther 390 00:13:29,120 --> 00:13:33,039 for example philip lincoln 391 00:13:31,039 --> 00:13:35,199 they came out of that we're going to 392 00:13:33,039 --> 00:13:37,838 look next week at the reformation 393 00:13:35,200 --> 00:13:39,040 but also john wycliffe and john hoos we 394 00:13:37,839 --> 00:13:42,320 see some great 395 00:13:39,039 --> 00:13:45,519 bright lights of faith and devotion 396 00:13:42,320 --> 00:13:46,800 during that time but still the church as 397 00:13:45,519 --> 00:13:49,839 a whole 398 00:13:46,799 --> 00:13:53,599 was a an apostate church 399 00:13:49,839 --> 00:13:56,720 not believing and uh not living 400 00:13:53,600 --> 00:13:57,440 the faith now he mentions this bed of 401 00:13:56,720 --> 00:14:00,160 suffering 402 00:13:57,440 --> 00:14:00,800 and we don't know all that that means 403 00:14:00,159 --> 00:14:03,039 but 404 00:14:00,799 --> 00:14:03,838 as we mentioned over the last few weeks 405 00:14:03,039 --> 00:14:06,559 sin 406 00:14:03,839 --> 00:14:08,480 leads to consequences and if we are 407 00:14:06,559 --> 00:14:11,599 going to be immoral especially 408 00:14:08,480 --> 00:14:12,159 in the area of sexual immorality there 409 00:14:11,600 --> 00:14:15,040 are very 410 00:14:12,159 --> 00:14:17,278 likely going to be diseases that will 411 00:14:15,039 --> 00:14:19,919 contract and we will spread 412 00:14:17,278 --> 00:14:22,000 so he's warning them he says don't do 413 00:14:19,919 --> 00:14:24,240 that because that's not how i created 414 00:14:22,000 --> 00:14:24,879 the world i created the world so one man 415 00:14:24,240 --> 00:14:26,799 would be 416 00:14:24,879 --> 00:14:29,439 married to one woman and they would be 417 00:14:26,799 --> 00:14:32,479 faithful one another their entire lives 418 00:14:29,440 --> 00:14:34,720 and when you are sexually immoral it 419 00:14:32,480 --> 00:14:37,440 will not work out well for you 420 00:14:34,720 --> 00:14:39,440 or for the world we're also aware that 421 00:14:37,440 --> 00:14:41,680 the bubonic plague or the black death 422 00:14:39,440 --> 00:14:43,920 came into church at that time in fact 423 00:14:41,679 --> 00:14:45,679 we see that was a turning point in the 424 00:14:43,919 --> 00:14:48,799 church because 425 00:14:45,679 --> 00:14:50,559 to deal with the crisis of people dying 426 00:14:48,799 --> 00:14:52,879 they had to deal with this issue of 427 00:14:50,559 --> 00:14:54,479 death in the christian context and many 428 00:14:52,879 --> 00:14:57,439 of the priests died 429 00:14:54,480 --> 00:14:59,278 others were unwilling to to offer last 430 00:14:57,440 --> 00:15:01,839 rites to a dying soul 431 00:14:59,278 --> 00:15:03,679 so the catholic church actually made 432 00:15:01,839 --> 00:15:05,680 this provision they said you know if you 433 00:15:03,679 --> 00:15:06,399 don't have a priest if you'll simply 434 00:15:05,679 --> 00:15:09,439 confess 435 00:15:06,399 --> 00:15:10,078 christ you'll still be saved and that 436 00:15:09,440 --> 00:15:12,160 was a 437 00:15:10,078 --> 00:15:13,519 precursor to the reformation because 438 00:15:12,159 --> 00:15:15,838 then they began thinking 439 00:15:13,519 --> 00:15:16,560 now wait a minute if the church can do 440 00:15:15,839 --> 00:15:19,519 that 441 00:15:16,559 --> 00:15:21,679 during a crisis why can't it do that at 442 00:15:19,519 --> 00:15:24,560 other times and what is the truth 443 00:15:21,679 --> 00:15:26,879 the bible was hidden from the people so 444 00:15:24,559 --> 00:15:28,879 it's a time of moral compromise and 445 00:15:26,879 --> 00:15:30,958 moral bankruptcy in the church 446 00:15:28,879 --> 00:15:33,919 although there were pockets of great 447 00:15:30,958 --> 00:15:36,399 light there was a lot of darkness 448 00:15:33,919 --> 00:15:37,039 now for us today though we also live in 449 00:15:36,399 --> 00:15:39,519 a time 450 00:15:37,039 --> 00:15:40,078 where many people even though they call 451 00:15:39,519 --> 00:15:43,039 themselves 452 00:15:40,078 --> 00:15:44,879 christian compromise their faith we see 453 00:15:43,039 --> 00:15:45,919 the acceptance of some things very 454 00:15:44,879 --> 00:15:48,720 clearly taught 455 00:15:45,919 --> 00:15:50,159 against in the bible uh homosexuality 456 00:15:48,720 --> 00:15:52,800 for example 457 00:15:50,159 --> 00:15:54,480 to have homosexual desires they may come 458 00:15:52,799 --> 00:15:54,879 from different sources and that can be a 459 00:15:54,480 --> 00:15:56,800 very 460 00:15:54,879 --> 00:15:58,639 complicated development in someone's 461 00:15:56,799 --> 00:16:01,679 life but the bible 462 00:15:58,639 --> 00:16:03,198 clearly says that homosexual behavior is 463 00:16:01,679 --> 00:16:05,679 not the will of god 464 00:16:03,198 --> 00:16:07,919 and we can expect god to give us 465 00:16:05,679 --> 00:16:10,000 strength and grace 466 00:16:07,919 --> 00:16:11,360 and to be able to overcome all those 467 00:16:10,000 --> 00:16:13,519 desires 468 00:16:11,360 --> 00:16:15,600 i spoke with the walk with a man years 469 00:16:13,519 --> 00:16:19,039 ago who was not homosexual 470 00:16:15,600 --> 00:16:20,000 at all he was heterosexual and he 471 00:16:19,039 --> 00:16:23,360 thought that 472 00:16:20,000 --> 00:16:25,120 he just to had to have sex with with uh 473 00:16:23,360 --> 00:16:25,919 with women he just said i've got to do 474 00:16:25,120 --> 00:16:28,879 this and he 475 00:16:25,919 --> 00:16:30,639 he says because of my nature and he 476 00:16:28,879 --> 00:16:32,399 claimed to be a christian 477 00:16:30,639 --> 00:16:34,159 you know i prayed together i counseled 478 00:16:32,399 --> 00:16:36,320 with him but he said it's just because 479 00:16:34,159 --> 00:16:38,078 i'm italian you have to be italian 480 00:16:36,320 --> 00:16:39,519 i'm italian i have to do these things 481 00:16:38,078 --> 00:16:41,039 and i said i didn't think that was an 482 00:16:39,519 --> 00:16:42,959 excuse 483 00:16:41,039 --> 00:16:45,360 i thought that he could by the power of 484 00:16:42,958 --> 00:16:47,119 god resist temptation 485 00:16:45,360 --> 00:16:49,039 and he and i lost contact i don't know 486 00:16:47,120 --> 00:16:51,839 what happened to him but it's still a 487 00:16:49,039 --> 00:16:54,240 a picture of the excuses people give i 488 00:16:51,839 --> 00:16:55,199 just got to do this i can't stop but let 489 00:16:54,240 --> 00:16:58,560 me tell you friend 490 00:16:55,198 --> 00:17:01,519 you can you can the power of christ 491 00:16:58,559 --> 00:17:02,638 you can there's no sin that god cannot 492 00:17:01,519 --> 00:17:06,078 forgive and there's 493 00:17:02,639 --> 00:17:08,798 no addiction to sin or are no weakness 494 00:17:06,078 --> 00:17:11,038 in an area or no satanic stronghold 495 00:17:08,798 --> 00:17:12,720 that god by his truth and by spirit 496 00:17:11,038 --> 00:17:16,078 cannot enable you 497 00:17:12,720 --> 00:17:18,240 to overcome god is a god of power and 498 00:17:16,078 --> 00:17:21,918 might and he can lead us 499 00:17:18,240 --> 00:17:24,318 to say no to addictions no to sin 500 00:17:21,919 --> 00:17:25,839 and live in the freedom of the spirit 501 00:17:24,318 --> 00:17:29,440 and the power 502 00:17:25,838 --> 00:17:31,359 and the authority of his word now 503 00:17:29,440 --> 00:17:32,798 let's go into this the statement about 504 00:17:31,359 --> 00:17:34,879 the one who will overcome 505 00:17:32,798 --> 00:17:36,240 he says now i say to the rest of you and 506 00:17:34,880 --> 00:17:38,960 theater 507 00:17:36,240 --> 00:17:40,640 this is verse 24 to you who do not hold 508 00:17:38,960 --> 00:17:43,919 to her teaching and have not 509 00:17:40,640 --> 00:17:47,520 learned satan's so-called deep secrets 510 00:17:43,919 --> 00:17:49,360 and uh private organizations 511 00:17:47,519 --> 00:17:51,759 secret organization learning great 512 00:17:49,359 --> 00:17:53,759 secrets and intrigue thinking that's the 513 00:17:51,759 --> 00:17:56,160 way you get spiritual power 514 00:17:53,759 --> 00:17:58,240 all this is contradiction to the truth 515 00:17:56,160 --> 00:17:59,440 and it doesn't lead to the freedom of 516 00:17:58,240 --> 00:18:01,279 christ 517 00:17:59,440 --> 00:18:02,640 but he says if you have not given into 518 00:18:01,279 --> 00:18:04,639 that 519 00:18:02,640 --> 00:18:06,559 he says i was going to tell you about 520 00:18:04,640 --> 00:18:08,400 how you can experience freedom 521 00:18:06,558 --> 00:18:09,759 but he makes this comment it's in a 522 00:18:08,400 --> 00:18:13,360 parenthesis in the 523 00:18:09,759 --> 00:18:16,640 niv it says i will not impose any other 524 00:18:13,359 --> 00:18:19,439 burden on you now let me just say a word 525 00:18:16,640 --> 00:18:21,440 about the gentleness of our savior 526 00:18:19,440 --> 00:18:23,440 we are not to go beyond what is written 527 00:18:21,440 --> 00:18:26,880 or go beyond what is commanded 528 00:18:23,440 --> 00:18:29,200 where to uphold and teach and and 529 00:18:26,880 --> 00:18:31,520 and live out the faith what is in the 530 00:18:29,200 --> 00:18:33,759 bible but we're not to go beyond that 531 00:18:31,519 --> 00:18:35,679 and here we see these gentle words of 532 00:18:33,759 --> 00:18:36,400 christ that say i'm not gonna impose on 533 00:18:35,679 --> 00:18:38,798 you 534 00:18:36,400 --> 00:18:40,720 uh anything that that you may have been 535 00:18:38,798 --> 00:18:41,599 taught or been been warned of you're 536 00:18:40,720 --> 00:18:44,640 gonna have to do 537 00:18:41,599 --> 00:18:47,359 no i will just say you 538 00:18:44,640 --> 00:18:49,360 follow me and i'll bless you and i'll 539 00:18:47,359 --> 00:18:52,240 guide you that's all that's required you 540 00:18:49,359 --> 00:18:53,038 follow me he says hold on to what you 541 00:18:52,240 --> 00:18:55,679 have 542 00:18:53,038 --> 00:18:56,400 until i come and there is a wonderful 543 00:18:55,679 --> 00:18:59,600 promise 544 00:18:56,400 --> 00:19:02,400 that we are simply to obey him every day 545 00:18:59,599 --> 00:19:04,558 to live every day following christ and 546 00:19:02,400 --> 00:19:07,519 he'll guide us he'll lead us 547 00:19:04,558 --> 00:19:08,558 now verse 26 he says to him who 548 00:19:07,519 --> 00:19:12,400 overcomes 549 00:19:08,558 --> 00:19:14,960 and does my will to the end 550 00:19:12,400 --> 00:19:17,360 a statement of a complete commitment 551 00:19:14,960 --> 00:19:20,880 does my will to the end it means that we 552 00:19:17,359 --> 00:19:22,879 commit ourselves to follow christ 553 00:19:20,880 --> 00:19:25,360 we have this doctrine the presbyterians 554 00:19:22,880 --> 00:19:27,360 call the perseverance of the saints but 555 00:19:25,359 --> 00:19:29,599 let's be clear it's not the perseverance 556 00:19:27,359 --> 00:19:31,119 of the saints it is the perseverance of 557 00:19:29,599 --> 00:19:33,839 the holy spirit 558 00:19:31,119 --> 00:19:35,359 in believers that's what happens when he 559 00:19:33,839 --> 00:19:37,599 comes into us 560 00:19:35,359 --> 00:19:39,439 we do his will because he never leaves 561 00:19:37,599 --> 00:19:41,759 us he doesn't give up on us 562 00:19:39,440 --> 00:19:43,759 he says this three things he promises he 563 00:19:41,759 --> 00:19:45,839 said i will give authority 564 00:19:43,759 --> 00:19:48,319 over the nations and this is a statement 565 00:19:45,839 --> 00:19:49,199 to the victory we have in christ to his 566 00:19:48,319 --> 00:19:51,519 authority 567 00:19:49,200 --> 00:19:52,640 to share in the glorious victory we see 568 00:19:51,519 --> 00:19:54,879 in psalm 569 00:19:52,640 --> 00:19:56,720 2 verses 8 and 9 speaks about this 570 00:19:54,880 --> 00:19:59,039 prophetic word of christ 571 00:19:56,720 --> 00:19:59,759 ruling the nations but the rod of iron 572 00:19:59,038 --> 00:20:04,000 and then that 573 00:19:59,759 --> 00:20:07,119 very phrase the rod of iron is the idea 574 00:20:04,000 --> 00:20:08,079 of the authority the irresistible power 575 00:20:07,119 --> 00:20:11,359 of god 576 00:20:08,079 --> 00:20:14,879 uh to enforce his will and to do what he 577 00:20:11,359 --> 00:20:18,000 what he says he will do uh god leads us 578 00:20:14,880 --> 00:20:20,159 by spirit and friend in in heaven 579 00:20:18,000 --> 00:20:21,839 he will make us perfect and he wants to 580 00:20:20,159 --> 00:20:23,760 do this now in our life 581 00:20:21,839 --> 00:20:25,519 and every part of our life that we 582 00:20:23,759 --> 00:20:28,079 surrender to him 583 00:20:25,519 --> 00:20:30,319 he will take that and he will bless it 584 00:20:28,079 --> 00:20:32,079 he will grow it he will mature it 585 00:20:30,319 --> 00:20:34,480 and that's what he's doing he's getting 586 00:20:32,079 --> 00:20:37,119 us ready for eternity 587 00:20:34,480 --> 00:20:38,720 in heaven so this idea of a rod of our 588 00:20:37,119 --> 00:20:42,158 means the irrepressible 589 00:20:38,720 --> 00:20:45,360 righteous loving power of god 590 00:20:42,159 --> 00:20:46,320 in our life now he wants us to choose 591 00:20:45,359 --> 00:20:48,558 his authority 592 00:20:46,319 --> 00:20:50,558 he wants us to choose his authority he 593 00:20:48,558 --> 00:20:52,720 wants to say lord because your love 594 00:20:50,558 --> 00:20:55,359 i trust you with my heart and my life 595 00:20:52,720 --> 00:20:58,079 and my choices i'm going to put my life 596 00:20:55,359 --> 00:20:59,038 in your hands now let me let me simply 597 00:20:58,079 --> 00:21:01,439 say something is 598 00:20:59,038 --> 00:21:02,079 very important i feel impressed that 599 00:21:01,440 --> 00:21:04,240 many 600 00:21:02,079 --> 00:21:05,439 people in our church that i preach to 601 00:21:04,240 --> 00:21:09,038 weekly are faced 602 00:21:05,440 --> 00:21:10,640 daily with compromising situations 603 00:21:09,038 --> 00:21:12,798 when you're facing a compromising 604 00:21:10,640 --> 00:21:14,320 situation whether it's in your private 605 00:21:12,798 --> 00:21:16,720 life about what you're going to do or 606 00:21:14,319 --> 00:21:18,798 where you're going to go or maybe in 607 00:21:16,720 --> 00:21:20,240 your professional life or maybe your 608 00:21:18,798 --> 00:21:22,639 family life 609 00:21:20,240 --> 00:21:24,880 in those situations it's very important 610 00:21:22,640 --> 00:21:26,080 to simply trust the lord and say i'm 611 00:21:24,880 --> 00:21:28,480 going to do 612 00:21:26,079 --> 00:21:29,359 the right thing and trust the lord with 613 00:21:28,480 --> 00:21:31,440 results 614 00:21:29,359 --> 00:21:33,119 as god leads me i'm going to do the 615 00:21:31,440 --> 00:21:35,600 right thing 616 00:21:33,119 --> 00:21:37,279 and trust him i'm going to be right i'm 617 00:21:35,599 --> 00:21:38,158 going to be gracious i'm going to be 618 00:21:37,279 --> 00:21:40,240 faithful 619 00:21:38,159 --> 00:21:43,200 and i'm going to follow him so when you 620 00:21:40,240 --> 00:21:46,240 face these consequences confusing 621 00:21:43,200 --> 00:21:49,600 and uh and even 622 00:21:46,240 --> 00:21:52,558 very difficult temptations 623 00:21:49,599 --> 00:21:54,798 when you face satan's deception and you 624 00:21:52,558 --> 00:21:57,440 feel that stronghold of satan has 625 00:21:54,798 --> 00:21:58,079 built up in your life bearing down on 626 00:21:57,440 --> 00:22:01,120 you 627 00:21:58,079 --> 00:22:03,199 remember that in christ we have freedom 628 00:22:01,119 --> 00:22:04,879 we shall know the truth of christ we 629 00:22:03,200 --> 00:22:07,919 shall know the teachings of christ 630 00:22:04,880 --> 00:22:08,559 and his truth his teachings will set us 631 00:22:07,919 --> 00:22:10,480 free 632 00:22:08,558 --> 00:22:14,079 and by spirit we can live above these 633 00:22:10,480 --> 00:22:16,798 things now the final thing is i will 634 00:22:14,079 --> 00:22:18,000 give him the morning star morning star 635 00:22:16,798 --> 00:22:20,720 refers to the 636 00:22:18,000 --> 00:22:22,159 planet venus and in the morning is very 637 00:22:20,720 --> 00:22:25,519 bright in the sky often 638 00:22:22,159 --> 00:22:28,159 it's a precursor to the to the 639 00:22:25,519 --> 00:22:29,918 bright day and the morning star is the 640 00:22:28,159 --> 00:22:31,200 promise of the return of christ the 641 00:22:29,919 --> 00:22:33,360 coming kingdom 642 00:22:31,200 --> 00:22:34,319 and in these situations whenever we're 643 00:22:33,359 --> 00:22:36,879 faced with 644 00:22:34,319 --> 00:22:38,000 uh with a compromise a christian 645 00:22:36,880 --> 00:22:40,960 community 646 00:22:38,000 --> 00:22:41,839 morally compromised we can trust in god 647 00:22:40,960 --> 00:22:45,120 and trust that 648 00:22:41,839 --> 00:22:47,439 christ is returning and we can live in 649 00:22:45,119 --> 00:22:49,359 victory and in peace he will give us 650 00:22:47,440 --> 00:22:52,558 that assurance and we'll live 651 00:22:49,359 --> 00:22:54,240 confidently before him now let me just 652 00:22:52,558 --> 00:22:55,839 mention about a couple of these people i 653 00:22:54,240 --> 00:22:58,640 mentioned earlier that were 654 00:22:55,839 --> 00:23:00,319 bright lights during this dark period of 655 00:22:58,640 --> 00:23:03,400 the middle ages 656 00:23:00,319 --> 00:23:06,720 john wickliffe he was from england 657 00:23:03,400 --> 00:23:09,759 1320 to 1384 he lived 658 00:23:06,720 --> 00:23:12,319 he died from a stroke 54 659 00:23:09,759 --> 00:23:13,440 50 excuse me 64 years of age he died of 660 00:23:12,319 --> 00:23:17,038 a stroke 661 00:23:13,440 --> 00:23:20,159 but in 1382 two years before his death 662 00:23:17,038 --> 00:23:22,240 he translated the bible into english 663 00:23:20,159 --> 00:23:23,520 see the roman catholic church i wanted 664 00:23:22,240 --> 00:23:26,240 to to 665 00:23:23,519 --> 00:23:26,960 to suppress the teaching of the word of 666 00:23:26,240 --> 00:23:29,120 god 667 00:23:26,960 --> 00:23:31,679 uh the vulgate which was actually 668 00:23:29,119 --> 00:23:33,759 originally written to put the bible in 669 00:23:31,679 --> 00:23:36,000 the language of the people 670 00:23:33,759 --> 00:23:37,759 got to be the only official bible that 671 00:23:36,000 --> 00:23:40,480 could be taught but it was not 672 00:23:37,759 --> 00:23:42,240 understandable by the people of that day 673 00:23:40,480 --> 00:23:43,440 it had been translated in the fifth 674 00:23:42,240 --> 00:23:46,000 century 675 00:23:43,440 --> 00:23:47,278 and a few hundred years later people 676 00:23:46,000 --> 00:23:49,679 didn't know what it was saying 677 00:23:47,278 --> 00:23:51,038 the priest had to study latin but the 678 00:23:49,679 --> 00:23:54,400 common person could not 679 00:23:51,038 --> 00:23:56,319 understand it so john wycliffe 680 00:23:54,400 --> 00:23:57,919 translated the bible into english and 681 00:23:56,319 --> 00:24:00,558 his translation 682 00:23:57,919 --> 00:24:01,919 even to this day it was influential in 683 00:24:00,558 --> 00:24:06,000 so many areas 684 00:24:01,919 --> 00:24:08,720 of our english translations today and 685 00:24:06,000 --> 00:24:11,119 his his affirmation was this that only 686 00:24:08,720 --> 00:24:13,759 the bible was the reliable guide 687 00:24:11,119 --> 00:24:15,199 to the faith and that's exactly what we 688 00:24:13,759 --> 00:24:19,038 believe here in our church 689 00:24:15,200 --> 00:24:22,080 that the bible is the soul guide that is 690 00:24:19,038 --> 00:24:24,319 s-o-l-e the only guide 691 00:24:22,079 --> 00:24:25,439 to faith and practice for the church and 692 00:24:24,319 --> 00:24:27,359 for the believer 693 00:24:25,440 --> 00:24:29,679 and it shows us how to live what to 694 00:24:27,359 --> 00:24:33,278 believe and how to follow christ 695 00:24:29,679 --> 00:24:37,038 john huss in 1369 696 00:24:33,278 --> 00:24:40,159 he lived till born in 1369 lived to 14 697 00:24:37,038 --> 00:24:42,319 15. well he was active as a 698 00:24:40,159 --> 00:24:44,720 reformation as a pre-reformation leader 699 00:24:42,319 --> 00:24:45,519 this is a hundred years before martin 700 00:24:44,720 --> 00:24:47,919 luther 701 00:24:45,519 --> 00:24:49,599 came along but he was active or smaller 702 00:24:47,919 --> 00:24:53,440 today czechoslovakia or czech 703 00:24:49,599 --> 00:24:56,959 republic and he was active in 704 00:24:53,440 --> 00:24:59,440 bohemia moravia and he was 705 00:24:56,960 --> 00:25:01,278 really god's instrument to teach the 706 00:24:59,440 --> 00:25:03,679 truth that he simply wanted to have 707 00:25:01,278 --> 00:25:05,599 a biblical community a biblical faith 708 00:25:03,679 --> 00:25:07,519 people that gathered together to follow 709 00:25:05,599 --> 00:25:09,119 the christ of the bible 710 00:25:07,519 --> 00:25:10,558 and they did not go beyond what was 711 00:25:09,119 --> 00:25:13,199 written they didn't stop 712 00:25:10,558 --> 00:25:14,000 short of it either and he was opposed 713 00:25:13,200 --> 00:25:16,000 and was 714 00:25:14,000 --> 00:25:17,200 uh burnt at the stake his ashes 715 00:25:16,000 --> 00:25:20,880 sprinkled 716 00:25:17,200 --> 00:25:24,319 uh into the river and uh and he was uh 717 00:25:20,880 --> 00:25:26,640 supposedly extinguished and and uh 718 00:25:24,319 --> 00:25:28,240 forgotten uh all about but we still 719 00:25:26,640 --> 00:25:30,559 remember him today and 720 00:25:28,240 --> 00:25:31,440 his followers continued for many many 721 00:25:30,558 --> 00:25:34,480 years and 722 00:25:31,440 --> 00:25:36,320 and he and wycliffe laid a foundation 723 00:25:34,480 --> 00:25:38,558 uh for martin luther and philip 724 00:25:36,319 --> 00:25:41,599 burlington and others that came along 725 00:25:38,558 --> 00:25:43,440 in the 16th century to build upon 726 00:25:41,599 --> 00:25:45,839 so there were some bright lights and 727 00:25:43,440 --> 00:25:48,720 whenever someone stands for the truth 728 00:25:45,839 --> 00:25:50,639 no matter what stands for the truth god 729 00:25:48,720 --> 00:25:53,120 is going to bless that person 730 00:25:50,640 --> 00:25:54,720 and god can give him peace and joy so i 731 00:25:53,119 --> 00:25:56,719 pray that we'll be there as a church 732 00:25:54,720 --> 00:25:58,960 will not go along with the world will 733 00:25:56,720 --> 00:26:00,079 stand for the truth will follow christ i 734 00:25:58,960 --> 00:26:02,240 pray that you'll be that 735 00:26:00,079 --> 00:26:03,359 as a believer your family will be there 736 00:26:02,240 --> 00:26:05,599 as a family 737 00:26:03,359 --> 00:26:07,519 of believers let's pray father we thank 738 00:26:05,599 --> 00:26:09,599 you for your grace and your love we pray 739 00:26:07,519 --> 00:26:10,079 lord that we may stand strong for you 740 00:26:09,599 --> 00:26:12,240 and 741 00:26:10,079 --> 00:26:14,240 what you teach what your what your word 742 00:26:12,240 --> 00:26:16,960 says and also that we would 743 00:26:14,240 --> 00:26:17,839 live it out in our faith daily we would 744 00:26:16,960 --> 00:26:20,960 stand 745 00:26:17,839 --> 00:26:24,079 uh morally and ethically 746 00:26:20,960 --> 00:26:25,278 in your on your word and obey you give 747 00:26:24,079 --> 00:26:27,759 us the strength 748 00:26:25,278 --> 00:26:28,480 to be faithful to you give us the 749 00:26:27,759 --> 00:26:31,038 honesty 750 00:26:28,480 --> 00:26:31,839 to confess our sins daily and give us 751 00:26:31,038 --> 00:26:34,158 the grace 752 00:26:31,839 --> 00:26:36,158 where we understand we are accepted 753 00:26:34,159 --> 00:26:38,640 through our faith by your love 754 00:26:36,159 --> 00:26:40,559 and by the payment of our sins by christ 755 00:26:38,640 --> 00:26:42,240 our lord we pray that you bless us today 756 00:26:40,558 --> 00:26:47,519 we pray this in jesus name 757 00:26:42,240 --> 00:26:47,519 amen thank you god bless you today