1 00:00:00,410 --> 00:00:08,669 [Music] 2 00:00:09,759 --> 00:00:13,400 morning this is Pastor David from 3 00:00:12,019 --> 00:00:15,798 International Baptist Church in 4 00:00:13,400 --> 00:00:17,630 Stuttgart Germany and we are going 5 00:00:15,798 --> 00:00:20,809 through the book of Acts and we are now 6 00:00:17,629 --> 00:00:23,599 in chapter 22 of Acts let me give a 7 00:00:20,809 --> 00:00:26,059 background to this situation we're 8 00:00:23,599 --> 00:00:28,070 coming upon now this is about the 9 00:00:26,059 --> 00:00:30,528 testimony of the Apostle Paul in the 10 00:00:28,070 --> 00:00:32,570 title sermon is the roots of life change 11 00:00:30,528 --> 00:00:35,420 and what he's doing is giving a defense 12 00:00:32,570 --> 00:00:40,490 for his life he's explaining why he is 13 00:00:35,420 --> 00:00:43,310 like he is and he starts with Christ as 14 00:00:40,490 --> 00:00:44,240 the reason why am i different because of 15 00:00:43,310 --> 00:00:46,609 Christ 16 00:00:44,240 --> 00:00:49,250 now here's what happened he came into 17 00:00:46,609 --> 00:00:52,070 the temple temple ground he came in with 18 00:00:49,250 --> 00:00:53,780 some companions he came in properly just 19 00:00:52,070 --> 00:00:56,840 as a religious Jew would do in his day 20 00:00:53,780 --> 00:00:58,969 but some people they were there from the 21 00:00:56,840 --> 00:01:00,350 province of Asia recognized him they 22 00:00:58,969 --> 00:01:02,629 must have known he was there as they 23 00:01:00,350 --> 00:01:05,900 said even when he met with James that 24 00:01:02,630 --> 00:01:07,460 the elder in Jerusalem they said people 25 00:01:05,900 --> 00:01:09,980 will know you're here and we can't hide 26 00:01:07,459 --> 00:01:12,439 this fact so he comes to the temple 27 00:01:09,980 --> 00:01:14,600 ground and they seize him and they began 28 00:01:12,439 --> 00:01:17,870 accusing him and the crowd reacts 29 00:01:14,599 --> 00:01:20,269 angrily and they even began beating him 30 00:01:17,870 --> 00:01:23,300 on the temple compound right there 31 00:01:20,269 --> 00:01:25,549 physically attacking him above the 32 00:01:23,299 --> 00:01:27,829 temple compound today the temple is this 33 00:01:25,549 --> 00:01:30,620 only big high hill I did then too but 34 00:01:27,829 --> 00:01:32,900 the Roman army never really trusted what 35 00:01:30,620 --> 00:01:35,719 was going on there so they built a tower 36 00:01:32,900 --> 00:01:38,180 above the temple and it's called 37 00:01:35,719 --> 00:01:41,450 fortress Antonia named for Marc Anthony 38 00:01:38,180 --> 00:01:44,080 by the way and they looked down on the 39 00:01:41,450 --> 00:01:47,000 tip of ground and the garrison commander 40 00:01:44,079 --> 00:01:50,150 came down with some soldiers and they 41 00:01:47,000 --> 00:01:52,459 stopped them beating Paul and and they 42 00:01:50,150 --> 00:01:54,859 arrested him put him in Chains in fact 43 00:01:52,459 --> 00:01:57,289 you later on he in that conversation the 44 00:01:54,859 --> 00:01:59,060 commander says he assumed he was an 45 00:01:57,290 --> 00:02:01,640 Egyptian that caused problems and Paul 46 00:01:59,060 --> 00:02:05,049 says no I'm from Tarsus of cilicia 47 00:02:01,640 --> 00:02:08,360 a city well known city an important city 48 00:02:05,049 --> 00:02:11,840 and and he says I want to speak to the 49 00:02:08,360 --> 00:02:13,590 crowd and so this is what we have his 50 00:02:11,840 --> 00:02:16,469 species giving a defense 51 00:02:13,590 --> 00:02:18,390 for his life so if you're gonna have an 52 00:02:16,469 --> 00:02:20,489 offense for your life what would you say 53 00:02:18,389 --> 00:02:22,500 where would you begin would you begin 54 00:02:20,489 --> 00:02:24,450 with your birth with you with your 55 00:02:22,500 --> 00:02:27,449 parents what they said or they did or 56 00:02:24,449 --> 00:02:30,089 what they didn't do well Paul's Compass 57 00:02:27,449 --> 00:02:34,289 hometown and he's explaining to them why 58 00:02:30,090 --> 00:02:36,810 he is different psychologists tell us 59 00:02:34,289 --> 00:02:38,579 that we have different things that shape 60 00:02:36,810 --> 00:02:42,000 us in life and if you listen to 61 00:02:38,580 --> 00:02:44,400 psychology or read psychology the comedy 62 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:46,860 talked about two domains of our of our 63 00:02:44,400 --> 00:02:48,900 minds there's the affective domain and 64 00:02:46,860 --> 00:02:51,959 the cognitive domain the affective 65 00:02:48,900 --> 00:02:54,450 domain is the emotional part of us the 66 00:02:51,959 --> 00:02:56,969 cognitive domain is the way we think and 67 00:02:54,449 --> 00:03:00,628 reason and generally speaking they say 68 00:02:56,969 --> 00:03:03,750 that home life and and family and 69 00:03:00,628 --> 00:03:08,009 friendships they really impact the 70 00:03:03,750 --> 00:03:10,590 affective domain and the professional 71 00:03:08,009 --> 00:03:13,169 relationships we have they impact the 72 00:03:10,590 --> 00:03:14,939 cognitive domain now that's generally 73 00:03:13,169 --> 00:03:16,619 true although we can course be taught 74 00:03:14,939 --> 00:03:19,829 how to do things at home and we can 75 00:03:16,620 --> 00:03:21,329 learn experiences we can learn emote 76 00:03:19,829 --> 00:03:24,389 have emotional experiences with friends 77 00:03:21,329 --> 00:03:26,209 at work but generally speaking they 78 00:03:24,389 --> 00:03:28,530 would say there are three main 79 00:03:26,209 --> 00:03:30,900 influences in our life there's first of 80 00:03:28,530 --> 00:03:32,579 all the personality we were born with 81 00:03:30,900 --> 00:03:35,909 every one of us have come into this 82 00:03:32,579 --> 00:03:39,180 world with a personality secondly there 83 00:03:35,909 --> 00:03:41,098 were our experiences in life what home 84 00:03:39,180 --> 00:03:43,590 we were raised in what that was like was 85 00:03:41,098 --> 00:03:46,738 it encouraging was a nurturing was it 86 00:03:43,590 --> 00:03:50,219 was it hard and maybe did be experience 87 00:03:46,739 --> 00:03:53,310 abuse or were we were we honored and 88 00:03:50,219 --> 00:03:56,159 where we provide provided for all those 89 00:03:53,310 --> 00:03:59,459 things impact us and we cannot escape 90 00:03:56,159 --> 00:04:02,459 experiences all of us have a mixture of 91 00:03:59,459 --> 00:04:03,930 good experiences and bad experiences to 92 00:04:02,459 --> 00:04:05,669 what degree they're good or bad that's 93 00:04:03,930 --> 00:04:08,519 another matter but all of us experience 94 00:04:05,669 --> 00:04:11,099 those things and then the third 95 00:04:08,519 --> 00:04:13,889 influence our life is our choices what 96 00:04:11,098 --> 00:04:17,608 did we do with our personality what do 97 00:04:13,889 --> 00:04:19,168 we do with our experiences no sad thing 98 00:04:17,608 --> 00:04:21,029 is this some people go through their 99 00:04:19,168 --> 00:04:23,370 life blaming their parents for 100 00:04:21,029 --> 00:04:25,889 everything everything they do even when 101 00:04:23,370 --> 00:04:27,689 they get up in golden years they still 102 00:04:25,889 --> 00:04:30,329 say well my father did 103 00:04:27,689 --> 00:04:32,610 this are my mother did this and in fact 104 00:04:30,329 --> 00:04:34,469 we can as we get older I'm learning 105 00:04:32,610 --> 00:04:38,009 firsthand and as we get older we can 106 00:04:34,470 --> 00:04:40,890 even be more introspective but the 107 00:04:38,009 --> 00:04:43,709 reality is this that our choice was more 108 00:04:40,889 --> 00:04:46,860 important than what happened to us we 109 00:04:43,709 --> 00:04:49,979 have power to make a choice of whether 110 00:04:46,860 --> 00:04:52,350 we'll forgive whether we'll go believe 111 00:04:49,980 --> 00:04:54,270 those messages those negative messages 112 00:04:52,350 --> 00:04:56,910 we receive or believe the positive ones 113 00:04:54,269 --> 00:04:59,069 we receive or what will we think of them 114 00:04:56,910 --> 00:05:01,439 what will we do with them well oh that's 115 00:04:59,069 --> 00:05:04,079 just psychology but will we see in this 116 00:05:01,439 --> 00:05:05,939 scripture it is another level of human 117 00:05:04,079 --> 00:05:08,339 existence and now we're speaking of the 118 00:05:05,939 --> 00:05:11,850 Spirit and this is even more profound 119 00:05:08,339 --> 00:05:15,539 this is much deeper and the Apostle Paul 120 00:05:11,850 --> 00:05:18,060 is describing why his life is as it is 121 00:05:15,540 --> 00:05:21,030 he speaks of radical change 122 00:05:18,060 --> 00:05:23,339 now that word radical really means a 123 00:05:21,029 --> 00:05:26,459 route change in English we have this 124 00:05:23,339 --> 00:05:28,979 this vegetable we call a radish it's a 125 00:05:26,459 --> 00:05:31,668 root and really the word radical shares 126 00:05:28,980 --> 00:05:34,710 the same root meaning root word 127 00:05:31,668 --> 00:05:37,649 etymology with that word and to be 128 00:05:34,709 --> 00:05:40,799 radically changed means to be changed at 129 00:05:37,649 --> 00:05:43,560 your very foundation and this is what 130 00:05:40,800 --> 00:05:45,900 Christ does for us this is what the 131 00:05:43,560 --> 00:05:49,079 gospel does for us that we are changed 132 00:05:45,899 --> 00:05:51,569 not just not just emotionally change not 133 00:05:49,079 --> 00:05:54,779 just cognitively changed but we are 134 00:05:51,569 --> 00:05:57,029 changed in our very core now if we just 135 00:05:54,779 --> 00:05:58,859 look at those two issues of the emotion 136 00:05:57,029 --> 00:06:00,809 and the technical knowledge or the 137 00:05:58,860 --> 00:06:02,340 cognitive domain we would say that the 138 00:06:00,810 --> 00:06:05,370 emotional really is more powerful 139 00:06:02,339 --> 00:06:07,229 because it helps us it gives us the 140 00:06:05,370 --> 00:06:09,810 emotional foundation to deal with the 141 00:06:07,230 --> 00:06:11,640 the technologies that we deal with then 142 00:06:09,810 --> 00:06:14,759 to accept them that that's more 143 00:06:11,639 --> 00:06:17,939 influential but the Spirit is even more 144 00:06:14,759 --> 00:06:21,480 profound what God does in our spirit is 145 00:06:17,939 --> 00:06:24,029 even greater so let's look at this 22nd 146 00:06:21,480 --> 00:06:28,410 chapter of Acts look at what Paul says I 147 00:06:24,029 --> 00:06:31,589 know he is on the steps leading from the 148 00:06:28,410 --> 00:06:34,530 temple compound to fortress Antonia and 149 00:06:31,589 --> 00:06:35,969 he stops to address the crowd and he 150 00:06:34,529 --> 00:06:39,389 speaks to them 151 00:06:35,970 --> 00:06:40,920 in Aramaic or the Hebrew tongue scholars 152 00:06:39,389 --> 00:06:44,430 differ whether it was really Hebrew 153 00:06:40,920 --> 00:06:46,590 Aramaic probably I believe most would 154 00:06:44,430 --> 00:06:49,019 say is probably Aramaic that says the 155 00:06:46,589 --> 00:06:51,569 Hebrew tongue means the common language 156 00:06:49,019 --> 00:06:53,519 of the street and we find out in the 157 00:06:51,569 --> 00:06:55,079 speech he grew up in Jerusalem although 158 00:06:53,519 --> 00:06:56,399 he was born in Tarsus and he still 159 00:06:55,079 --> 00:07:02,399 called Paul of Tarsus 160 00:06:56,399 --> 00:07:07,379 he was grew up in Jerusalem so verse 1 161 00:07:02,399 --> 00:07:10,079 chapter 22 brothers and fathers listen 162 00:07:07,379 --> 00:07:11,969 out to my defense but they heard and 163 00:07:10,079 --> 00:07:16,289 speak to them an aramaic they became 164 00:07:11,970 --> 00:07:19,350 very quiet then Paul said I am a Jew 165 00:07:16,290 --> 00:07:21,660 born in Tarsus of Silesia and brought up 166 00:07:19,350 --> 00:07:23,340 in the city under Gamaliel I was 167 00:07:21,660 --> 00:07:25,890 thoroughly trained the law of our 168 00:07:23,339 --> 00:07:29,129 fathers and was just as zealous for God 169 00:07:25,889 --> 00:07:31,319 as in it you are today I persecuted the 170 00:07:29,129 --> 00:07:33,209 followers of this way that is the 171 00:07:31,319 --> 00:07:35,459 followers of Christ the followers of 172 00:07:33,209 --> 00:07:38,419 Christianity 173 00:07:35,459 --> 00:07:40,889 the fathers of this way to their death 174 00:07:38,420 --> 00:07:43,650 arresting both men and women throwing 175 00:07:40,889 --> 00:07:45,750 them into prison as also the high 176 00:07:43,649 --> 00:07:48,449 priests and all the council can testify 177 00:07:45,750 --> 00:07:50,279 that as the Sanhedrin and the next day 178 00:07:48,449 --> 00:07:52,829 after this we see appear before the 179 00:07:50,279 --> 00:07:55,649 Sanhedrin buddy he's saying they know 180 00:07:52,829 --> 00:07:58,079 this many of them are here now and they 181 00:07:55,649 --> 00:08:01,759 have records any way they can they know 182 00:07:58,079 --> 00:08:05,099 who I am the end of who I was certainly 183 00:08:01,759 --> 00:08:07,918 and he says I even obtained letters from 184 00:08:05,100 --> 00:08:10,590 them to their brothers in Damascus and 185 00:08:07,918 --> 00:08:12,870 wit there to bring these people as 186 00:08:10,589 --> 00:08:16,439 prisoners to Jerusalem to be punished on 187 00:08:12,870 --> 00:08:18,780 Damascus was in Syria and that's where 188 00:08:16,439 --> 00:08:20,870 Paul became converted on the road to 189 00:08:18,779 --> 00:08:23,609 Damascus he was going to this companions 190 00:08:20,870 --> 00:08:26,550 traveling by foot on the road to 191 00:08:23,610 --> 00:08:28,740 Damascus and all that road that's where 192 00:08:26,550 --> 00:08:32,668 the Lord arrested Paul on his way to 193 00:08:28,740 --> 00:08:34,799 arrest others Christ arrested Paul but 194 00:08:32,668 --> 00:08:36,689 he describes his life and he's just 195 00:08:34,799 --> 00:08:40,588 saying look you won't know who I am Here 196 00:08:36,690 --> 00:08:43,320 I am I was born in Tarsus I grew up in 197 00:08:40,589 --> 00:08:45,260 Jerusalem I had a good education here I 198 00:08:43,320 --> 00:08:47,450 was educated by 199 00:08:45,259 --> 00:08:49,370 Gamaliel Gamaliel was was the most 200 00:08:47,450 --> 00:08:51,470 important teacher that day and age and 201 00:08:49,370 --> 00:08:53,960 he was most respected among the the 202 00:08:51,470 --> 00:08:57,769 Pharisees certainly his I was I was 203 00:08:53,960 --> 00:09:01,100 trained under him and I received a very 204 00:08:57,769 --> 00:09:03,470 thorough training I was educated in all 205 00:09:01,100 --> 00:09:05,960 these things the Pharisees talked about 206 00:09:03,470 --> 00:09:09,500 I was a Pharisees Pharisee that is I I 207 00:09:05,960 --> 00:09:13,879 really obeyed all that they they taught 208 00:09:09,500 --> 00:09:16,009 no explained about the Pharisees and the 209 00:09:13,879 --> 00:09:19,100 history of Israel that you see a period 210 00:09:16,009 --> 00:09:20,840 where where much of their history in the 211 00:09:19,100 --> 00:09:23,570 Old Testament we see many periods I 212 00:09:20,840 --> 00:09:26,780 should say where they really drifted 213 00:09:23,570 --> 00:09:28,580 away from God and into polytheism 214 00:09:26,779 --> 00:09:30,949 into worshipping the gods of the 215 00:09:28,580 --> 00:09:32,660 Canaanite people and then God would 216 00:09:30,950 --> 00:09:34,910 bring revival they'd come back to him 217 00:09:32,659 --> 00:09:37,309 and but their greatest problem was 218 00:09:34,909 --> 00:09:39,709 simply drifting away from the law of 219 00:09:37,309 --> 00:09:42,369 Moses drifting away from the teachings 220 00:09:39,710 --> 00:09:45,139 of Scripture into the pagan religions 221 00:09:42,370 --> 00:09:46,850 the God that sent a prophet the prophet 222 00:09:45,139 --> 00:09:49,159 that preached and then he bring a 223 00:09:46,850 --> 00:09:51,500 revival sometimes a great revival stones 224 00:09:49,159 --> 00:09:54,350 a small revival but then after the 225 00:09:51,500 --> 00:09:56,120 Babylonian captivity when that the city 226 00:09:54,350 --> 00:09:58,730 of Jerusalem was destroyed and and 227 00:09:56,120 --> 00:10:01,269 because of God's judgment and their 228 00:09:58,730 --> 00:10:04,580 unbelief they were brought into 229 00:10:01,269 --> 00:10:08,539 Babylonian captivity in Babylon they 230 00:10:04,580 --> 00:10:13,310 became more devout and they repented of 231 00:10:08,539 --> 00:10:16,099 their disbelief and they came back to to 232 00:10:13,309 --> 00:10:20,389 Jerusalem but as they came back we see 233 00:10:16,100 --> 00:10:22,580 this legalism arising and the Pharisees 234 00:10:20,389 --> 00:10:25,159 were in the extremists you think of them 235 00:10:22,580 --> 00:10:27,530 as religious law irrespective since the 236 00:10:25,159 --> 00:10:30,339 scribes and the Pharisees and and and 237 00:10:27,529 --> 00:10:33,649 they were all like really serious 238 00:10:30,340 --> 00:10:36,170 religious lawyers they had studied not 239 00:10:33,649 --> 00:10:38,059 just the law of Moses but also all the 240 00:10:36,169 --> 00:10:41,569 things that the rabbis had written 241 00:10:38,059 --> 00:10:44,959 interpreting it and but they did not 242 00:10:41,570 --> 00:10:48,350 really teach or believe in the necessity 243 00:10:44,960 --> 00:10:51,379 of changing the heart they just said you 244 00:10:48,350 --> 00:10:54,139 just need to do the right thing that's 245 00:10:51,379 --> 00:10:56,519 all it is you just need to do the right 246 00:10:54,139 --> 00:11:00,090 thing and 247 00:10:56,519 --> 00:11:03,840 they had lots and lots and lots of rules 248 00:11:00,090 --> 00:11:05,430 to follow now it would have been nice to 249 00:11:03,840 --> 00:11:07,379 have seen something like that in the Old 250 00:11:05,429 --> 00:11:09,779 Testament time because they were such 251 00:11:07,379 --> 00:11:12,059 but the other way but now we see that 252 00:11:09,779 --> 00:11:15,929 extremism that was there some of them 253 00:11:12,059 --> 00:11:17,579 were sincere and we see in fact this 254 00:11:15,929 --> 00:11:19,649 story of the Bible about Nicodemus 255 00:11:17,580 --> 00:11:21,509 remember he was a Pharisee and he came 256 00:11:19,649 --> 00:11:23,909 to Jesus at night and talked to him it's 257 00:11:21,509 --> 00:11:26,490 the third chapter of John and so jesus 258 00:11:23,909 --> 00:11:28,439 said nicknames you need to be born again 259 00:11:26,490 --> 00:11:31,440 you need to be born from above you need 260 00:11:28,440 --> 00:11:34,140 a new heart in a near life so we see 261 00:11:31,440 --> 00:11:36,300 some of them did become believers of 262 00:11:34,139 --> 00:11:38,759 course Paul is one of those who became 263 00:11:36,299 --> 00:11:42,209 believers but still this hard 264 00:11:38,759 --> 00:11:44,189 legalism continued among them in Romans 265 00:11:42,210 --> 00:11:46,620 Paul explains this he talks about the 266 00:11:44,190 --> 00:11:48,690 religious Jew talks about the Gentile 267 00:11:46,620 --> 00:11:53,519 and he says it really doesn't make any 268 00:11:48,690 --> 00:11:56,460 difference and in chapter 3 verse 23 he 269 00:11:53,519 --> 00:11:59,519 says there's no difference for all Jew 270 00:11:56,460 --> 00:12:02,250 or Gentile all have sinned and fall 271 00:11:59,519 --> 00:12:06,149 short of the glory of God and he says 272 00:12:02,250 --> 00:12:08,610 it's despite my wonderful religious 273 00:12:06,149 --> 00:12:12,029 upbringing despite all these teachings 274 00:12:08,610 --> 00:12:14,490 and that was among the strictest sect I 275 00:12:12,029 --> 00:12:17,789 was among those who were really sincere 276 00:12:14,490 --> 00:12:21,779 in their faith but nevertheless I was a 277 00:12:17,789 --> 00:12:23,819 sinner I needed God's grace now Jesus 278 00:12:21,779 --> 00:12:26,039 had some hard words to say to the 279 00:12:23,820 --> 00:12:28,560 scribes and the Pharisees and if you 280 00:12:26,039 --> 00:12:31,289 look in the 23rd chapter of Matthew 281 00:12:28,559 --> 00:12:34,889 verses 14 through 27 you can see these 282 00:12:31,289 --> 00:12:38,069 words he he really does it confront them 283 00:12:34,889 --> 00:12:40,819 any sense to them he says you travel 284 00:12:38,070 --> 00:12:43,470 over sea and land to make a single 285 00:12:40,820 --> 00:12:45,690 proselyte but when he becomes a 286 00:12:43,470 --> 00:12:48,660 proselyte you make him twice as much a 287 00:12:45,690 --> 00:12:52,770 child of hell as yourselves it called 288 00:12:48,659 --> 00:12:54,929 them blind guides a guide has to see 289 00:12:52,769 --> 00:12:55,949 this is you're blind guys you're guiding 290 00:12:54,929 --> 00:12:58,679 but you don't know where you're going 291 00:12:55,950 --> 00:13:00,600 you're going the wrong way and you look 292 00:12:58,679 --> 00:13:03,000 like you're like a dirty Cup that as the 293 00:13:00,600 --> 00:13:05,879 outside is really clean but the inside 294 00:13:03,000 --> 00:13:07,919 is nasty or he says you're like a 295 00:13:05,879 --> 00:13:09,840 whitewashed septic or septic air is like 296 00:13:07,919 --> 00:13:11,549 a tomb so you're like a tomb 297 00:13:09,840 --> 00:13:14,340 someone has painted white it looks 298 00:13:11,549 --> 00:13:17,099 really nice on the outside but inside is 299 00:13:14,340 --> 00:13:19,350 death and as he described their religion 300 00:13:17,100 --> 00:13:21,779 they had gotten this whole issue wrong 301 00:13:19,350 --> 00:13:23,700 because they neglected the heart they 302 00:13:21,779 --> 00:13:25,709 tried to earn their righteousness they 303 00:13:23,700 --> 00:13:29,640 said we don't need grace we've achieved 304 00:13:25,710 --> 00:13:33,210 it ourselves and that was Paul's idea so 305 00:13:29,639 --> 00:13:35,699 he's on his way to Damascus going his 306 00:13:33,210 --> 00:13:37,800 way to persecute Christians there and 307 00:13:35,700 --> 00:13:39,320 then in verse 6 we read these words says 308 00:13:37,799 --> 00:13:44,099 about noon 309 00:13:39,320 --> 00:13:46,800 this is Acts chapter 22 verse 6 about 310 00:13:44,100 --> 00:13:49,080 noon as I came near Damascus suddenly a 311 00:13:46,799 --> 00:13:51,240 bright light from heaven flashed around 312 00:13:49,080 --> 00:13:54,480 me I fell to the ground and heard a 313 00:13:51,240 --> 00:13:57,870 voice say to me Saul Saul why do you 314 00:13:54,480 --> 00:13:59,970 persecute me who are you lord I asked I 315 00:13:57,870 --> 00:14:03,299 have Jesus of Nazareth then you are 316 00:13:59,970 --> 00:14:05,550 persecuting he replied my companion saw 317 00:14:03,299 --> 00:14:07,799 the light but they did not understand 318 00:14:05,549 --> 00:14:09,839 the voice of him who was speaking to 319 00:14:07,799 --> 00:14:10,829 them now that description describes a 320 00:14:09,840 --> 00:14:12,990 miracle 321 00:14:10,830 --> 00:14:14,910 most of us were mere saved we did not 322 00:14:12,990 --> 00:14:17,100 have a flashing light or a great light 323 00:14:14,909 --> 00:14:18,629 we just heard the message and we felt 324 00:14:17,100 --> 00:14:22,110 the conviction of the Spirit we put our 325 00:14:18,629 --> 00:14:24,210 faith and trust in Christ but still 326 00:14:22,110 --> 00:14:26,879 there's a picture here of what happens 327 00:14:24,210 --> 00:14:29,040 to when the gospel is presented the 328 00:14:26,879 --> 00:14:31,379 companion saw the light they didn't hear 329 00:14:29,039 --> 00:14:33,000 the voice and many people if you go to a 330 00:14:31,379 --> 00:14:35,639 religious meeting or you listen to a 331 00:14:33,000 --> 00:14:38,850 sermon like this all you hear is the 332 00:14:35,639 --> 00:14:41,250 voice of man or the light this may be 333 00:14:38,850 --> 00:14:44,250 associated with the with the meeting 334 00:14:41,250 --> 00:14:47,039 maybe you'll hear music but Paul said 335 00:14:44,250 --> 00:14:49,320 something else happened to him it was 336 00:14:47,039 --> 00:14:51,959 the voice in his heart a voice that he 337 00:14:49,320 --> 00:14:54,330 heard and that's what we need in order 338 00:14:51,960 --> 00:14:56,430 to be saved not just to hear the message 339 00:14:54,330 --> 00:14:59,520 with our ears that the man or the woman 340 00:14:56,429 --> 00:15:02,489 is speaking but to hear the message from 341 00:14:59,519 --> 00:15:04,559 the Spirit that convicts us of sin and 342 00:15:02,490 --> 00:15:06,960 convinces us that Christ is our Savior 343 00:15:04,559 --> 00:15:11,309 and we need to make a decision now to 344 00:15:06,960 --> 00:15:12,960 trust in him no Paul was familiar with 345 00:15:11,309 --> 00:15:15,389 the Christian teachings and that's why 346 00:15:12,960 --> 00:15:16,680 when his speaks about his conversion 347 00:15:15,389 --> 00:15:18,779 tell us the story of his conversion 348 00:15:16,679 --> 00:15:20,579 there's no presentation of the gospel 349 00:15:18,779 --> 00:15:23,399 because Paul already knew the 350 00:15:20,580 --> 00:15:25,560 I mean he had interrogated Christians no 351 00:15:23,399 --> 00:15:27,389 doubt he had tortured sub or threatened 352 00:15:25,559 --> 00:15:30,269 them trying to get to these Christians 353 00:15:27,389 --> 00:15:33,179 secret seems Bobby saw him as a devious 354 00:15:30,269 --> 00:15:35,610 a cult someone who had plans to take 355 00:15:33,179 --> 00:15:37,709 over the world take over the Jewish 356 00:15:35,610 --> 00:15:40,769 religion and so he would have 357 00:15:37,710 --> 00:15:42,780 interrogated them and ready got to what 358 00:15:40,769 --> 00:15:45,750 did they believe why are they teaching 359 00:15:42,779 --> 00:15:47,100 this thing and he knew the gospel he 360 00:15:45,750 --> 00:15:50,789 just didn't believe in the gospel until 361 00:15:47,100 --> 00:15:52,860 that moment but when Christ appeared it 362 00:15:50,789 --> 00:15:55,589 was different for that point on Christ 363 00:15:52,860 --> 00:15:58,620 called him to faith and he believed in 364 00:15:55,590 --> 00:16:02,040 Christ know when he believed in Christ 365 00:15:58,620 --> 00:16:03,990 he came to the end of this Jewish faris 366 00:16:02,039 --> 00:16:06,419 a cold obsession with earning his 367 00:16:03,990 --> 00:16:09,029 salvation he realized he could not earn 368 00:16:06,419 --> 00:16:11,120 his salvation it was not possible but he 369 00:16:09,029 --> 00:16:14,009 accepted the Christ provided salvation 370 00:16:11,120 --> 00:16:16,200 and as you can almost sense a huge 371 00:16:14,009 --> 00:16:20,039 weight rolling off the Paul's shoulders 372 00:16:16,200 --> 00:16:22,890 like oh I'm letting go of this obsession 373 00:16:20,039 --> 00:16:25,769 with trying to earn my salvation trying 374 00:16:22,889 --> 00:16:28,710 to make people realize that that Paul or 375 00:16:25,769 --> 00:16:31,860 Saul of Tarsus he was called Paul is a 376 00:16:28,710 --> 00:16:33,509 good boy and he can do it on his own 377 00:16:31,860 --> 00:16:36,659 he said I realized I can never do it on 378 00:16:33,509 --> 00:16:39,659 my own and I'm persecuting Christ and I 379 00:16:36,659 --> 00:16:42,809 come in my weakness but I trust that he 380 00:16:39,659 --> 00:16:45,179 is indeed the savior he is who he said 381 00:16:42,809 --> 00:16:47,309 he was and when it came to that moment 382 00:16:45,179 --> 00:16:49,949 of a trust in Christ he received the 383 00:16:47,309 --> 00:16:52,139 spirit in his life in his life was 384 00:16:49,950 --> 00:16:53,040 different from that point on that's why 385 00:16:52,139 --> 00:16:55,470 he was different 386 00:16:53,039 --> 00:16:57,929 that's the radical route change that 387 00:16:55,470 --> 00:16:59,970 that that changed him and changes 388 00:16:57,929 --> 00:17:01,829 everybody who trusts in Christ he was no 389 00:16:59,970 --> 00:17:06,600 longer the same and we are no longer the 390 00:17:01,830 --> 00:17:09,420 same the moment we trust in Christ no he 391 00:17:06,599 --> 00:17:12,629 said this later on in 1st Corinthians 392 00:17:09,420 --> 00:17:14,490 1:17 he spoke about this but the the 393 00:17:12,630 --> 00:17:17,180 power of the Cross he said this he said 394 00:17:14,490 --> 00:17:20,549 for Christ did not send me to baptize 395 00:17:17,180 --> 00:17:23,100 but to preach the gospel not with words 396 00:17:20,549 --> 00:17:25,889 of human wisdom lest the cross be 397 00:17:23,099 --> 00:17:27,958 emptied of his power now some people 398 00:17:25,890 --> 00:17:30,590 have interpreted that say Oh baptism is 399 00:17:27,959 --> 00:17:33,650 not imported well we read later on it is 400 00:17:30,589 --> 00:17:35,778 report it but baptism is symbolic 401 00:17:33,650 --> 00:17:38,150 baptism alone can't change you that's 402 00:17:35,778 --> 00:17:40,069 what he was saying he some people heard 403 00:17:38,150 --> 00:17:41,870 him preach or saw the Christian rights 404 00:17:40,069 --> 00:17:44,808 they see well that's what I need I just 405 00:17:41,869 --> 00:17:47,719 need baptism baptism will do me all the 406 00:17:44,808 --> 00:17:49,579 good I need he says no that's not what 407 00:17:47,720 --> 00:17:52,308 Christ came to do it didn't just come 408 00:17:49,579 --> 00:17:54,048 and give us this Rite of baptism because 409 00:17:52,308 --> 00:17:57,259 you can baptize someone again and again 410 00:17:54,048 --> 00:17:59,690 and again and unless God does is doing a 411 00:17:57,259 --> 00:18:02,298 greater work in their life they will not 412 00:17:59,690 --> 00:18:05,120 be any different but it says this for 413 00:18:02,298 --> 00:18:07,819 Christ did not see me to baptize but to 414 00:18:05,119 --> 00:18:10,308 preach the gospel unless the cross be 415 00:18:07,819 --> 00:18:12,889 emptied of its power there's some times 416 00:18:10,308 --> 00:18:16,639 they look at the crosses and almost 417 00:18:12,890 --> 00:18:19,788 with's with simply a sentimental value 418 00:18:16,640 --> 00:18:22,700 to it now the cross of Christ the death 419 00:18:19,788 --> 00:18:25,069 he bore for us was a very painful and 420 00:18:22,700 --> 00:18:28,069 difficult death and it should touch us 421 00:18:25,069 --> 00:18:31,038 emotionally but sometimes we drift into 422 00:18:28,069 --> 00:18:33,918 a Christianity that is merely emotional 423 00:18:31,038 --> 00:18:37,599 and that is merely sentimental and we 424 00:18:33,919 --> 00:18:41,090 don't really see this profound teaching 425 00:18:37,599 --> 00:18:43,788 what Christ is doing now the Apostle 426 00:18:41,089 --> 00:18:46,490 Paul admitted that he was touched by 427 00:18:43,788 --> 00:18:48,500 this for example Glacius 2:20 he says 428 00:18:46,490 --> 00:18:51,259 this he said the life I now live I live 429 00:18:48,500 --> 00:18:54,230 by faith in the Son of God who loved me 430 00:18:51,259 --> 00:18:58,490 and gave himself from me so he 431 00:18:54,230 --> 00:19:01,399 recognized the huge payment of sin that 432 00:18:58,490 --> 00:19:04,099 God made but he understood that what 433 00:19:01,398 --> 00:19:07,428 really happened there was that Christ 434 00:19:04,099 --> 00:19:10,009 gave now a possibility that our old self 435 00:19:07,429 --> 00:19:11,028 righteousness or old life that's never 436 00:19:10,009 --> 00:19:13,099 what it should be 437 00:19:11,028 --> 00:19:16,970 it's never good enough for God that we 438 00:19:13,099 --> 00:19:19,639 can now put that aside it is now died it 439 00:19:16,970 --> 00:19:23,179 is not dead in Christ and it is finished 440 00:19:19,640 --> 00:19:27,020 and now we have a new life in him that's 441 00:19:23,179 --> 00:19:29,720 what the gospel is it's the end of a 442 00:19:27,019 --> 00:19:32,750 self life the end of an old life and the 443 00:19:29,720 --> 00:19:35,480 resurrection is the beginning of a new 444 00:19:32,750 --> 00:19:37,220 life let me use illustration from our 445 00:19:35,480 --> 00:19:38,899 building and I hope I can make this 446 00:19:37,220 --> 00:19:40,940 clear I think school illustration and 447 00:19:38,898 --> 00:19:41,719 our current building in our church where 448 00:19:40,940 --> 00:19:43,910 we're having 449 00:19:41,720 --> 00:19:47,559 a new sanctuary we've just finished 450 00:19:43,910 --> 00:19:49,670 constructing and now we're working to 451 00:19:47,559 --> 00:19:51,889 remodel the old building the old 452 00:19:49,670 --> 00:19:54,650 building has been been a blessing to us 453 00:19:51,890 --> 00:19:56,780 for the last 30 plus years and now we 454 00:19:54,650 --> 00:19:58,100 have volunteers there in fact this 455 00:19:56,779 --> 00:20:02,629 morning I was at the church and they 456 00:19:58,099 --> 00:20:05,240 were working tearing up the wires out of 457 00:20:02,630 --> 00:20:07,100 the facility and doing other things and 458 00:20:05,240 --> 00:20:09,049 and soon we're going to have a 459 00:20:07,099 --> 00:20:11,389 construction company come in and remodel 460 00:20:09,049 --> 00:20:13,369 it but we have this all a building and 461 00:20:11,390 --> 00:20:15,680 the new building well the new building 462 00:20:13,369 --> 00:20:19,849 is a different architect it's much more 463 00:20:15,680 --> 00:20:22,549 modern it's it's bigger and it's it's it 464 00:20:19,849 --> 00:20:23,689 looks nicer than the old building not to 465 00:20:22,549 --> 00:20:27,769 take anything away from the old building 466 00:20:23,690 --> 00:20:29,630 it's just a newer model and now what 467 00:20:27,769 --> 00:20:32,089 we're doing is we have that new building 468 00:20:29,630 --> 00:20:36,740 but we're trying to match the old 469 00:20:32,089 --> 00:20:38,029 building to it no let me say I think 470 00:20:36,740 --> 00:20:39,680 that's the right decision for us to make 471 00:20:38,029 --> 00:20:41,930 us a church at this point I'm not saying 472 00:20:39,680 --> 00:20:44,360 we should not have done that yeah 473 00:20:41,930 --> 00:20:46,460 there's a parallel to our lives that 474 00:20:44,359 --> 00:20:48,949 saasy try to do that it has become to 475 00:20:46,460 --> 00:20:51,650 Christ but it's like we have this old 476 00:20:48,950 --> 00:20:54,950 part of our life that we just sort of 477 00:20:51,650 --> 00:20:57,019 drag along and say well this is part of 478 00:20:54,950 --> 00:21:00,440 my life I just have to drag this along 479 00:20:57,019 --> 00:21:02,690 with me but see what Christ what he does 480 00:21:00,440 --> 00:21:05,450 in our life is that he would come into 481 00:21:02,690 --> 00:21:09,380 that old building and tear it down and 482 00:21:05,450 --> 00:21:12,259 dig down to the root dig down to the 483 00:21:09,380 --> 00:21:14,390 foundation and build a new foundation so 484 00:21:12,259 --> 00:21:16,220 that it would all look like Christ 485 00:21:14,390 --> 00:21:18,740 that's what God's plan is for our life 486 00:21:16,220 --> 00:21:21,980 too often we are dragging around this 487 00:21:18,740 --> 00:21:24,589 old building this old life that really 488 00:21:21,980 --> 00:21:27,170 doesn't mean anything for us now look 489 00:21:24,589 --> 00:21:29,869 with me in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 490 00:21:27,170 --> 00:21:32,450 this is such a wonderfully encouraging 491 00:21:29,869 --> 00:21:34,699 passage thank you really inspired the 492 00:21:32,450 --> 00:21:39,049 Apostle is speaking Paul speaking about 493 00:21:34,700 --> 00:21:42,460 a new life he says this verse 16 so from 494 00:21:39,049 --> 00:21:45,379 now on we regard no one from a worldly 495 00:21:42,460 --> 00:21:46,549 point of view now what's a worldly point 496 00:21:45,380 --> 00:21:48,320 of view just what I was mentioned that 497 00:21:46,549 --> 00:21:50,809 we have our personality we have our 498 00:21:48,319 --> 00:21:53,119 experiences we have our choices our 499 00:21:50,809 --> 00:21:54,809 decisions and that's the worldly point 500 00:21:53,119 --> 00:21:57,089 of view that's all done on this 501 00:21:54,809 --> 00:21:58,740 we have a personality we're born with 502 00:21:57,089 --> 00:22:01,589 and we have experiences that are this 503 00:21:58,740 --> 00:22:03,690 Rollie and then we have our choices and 504 00:22:01,589 --> 00:22:06,720 for some people that's all they know of 505 00:22:03,690 --> 00:22:08,940 life is that we don't really regard 506 00:22:06,720 --> 00:22:10,470 anyone anymore from a worldly point of 507 00:22:08,940 --> 00:22:12,299 view that just of that world he said 508 00:22:10,470 --> 00:22:14,160 though once we've regarded Christ this 509 00:22:12,299 --> 00:22:16,440 way that's speaking of Paul the Pharisee 510 00:22:14,160 --> 00:22:19,950 looking at Jesus so he's just the man 511 00:22:16,440 --> 00:22:21,990 that's all it is but now he says we 512 00:22:19,950 --> 00:22:25,410 don't see it that way any longer because 513 00:22:21,990 --> 00:22:28,440 now he knows of a true spiritual reality 514 00:22:25,410 --> 00:22:31,560 that changes who he is fundamentally and 515 00:22:28,440 --> 00:22:34,700 can change us fundamentally verse 17 he 516 00:22:31,559 --> 00:22:38,789 says this therefore if anyone is in 517 00:22:34,700 --> 00:22:42,120 Christ he is a new creation do you hear 518 00:22:38,789 --> 00:22:46,649 that he is a new creation the old has 519 00:22:42,119 --> 00:22:48,839 gone the new has come the old is gone it 520 00:22:46,650 --> 00:22:51,330 doesn't matter what happened 521 00:22:48,839 --> 00:22:53,849 it really doesn't don't limit your life 522 00:22:51,329 --> 00:22:55,649 by some pain of the past that doesn't 523 00:22:53,849 --> 00:22:59,429 matter you're a new creature in Christ 524 00:22:55,650 --> 00:23:01,350 and your foundation is new God has dug 525 00:22:59,430 --> 00:23:03,180 down into our lives through the gospel 526 00:23:01,349 --> 00:23:06,389 through the Spirit through the word to 527 00:23:03,180 --> 00:23:09,029 lay a new foundation we can stop saying 528 00:23:06,390 --> 00:23:11,700 well my father did this or my mother did 529 00:23:09,029 --> 00:23:13,920 that or my brother did this or some 530 00:23:11,700 --> 00:23:16,740 experience I had or I am glue did 531 00:23:13,920 --> 00:23:18,779 because if we may be all of those in a 532 00:23:16,740 --> 00:23:21,059 human sphere but we have a new sphere of 533 00:23:18,779 --> 00:23:23,700 life we have a new reality we have the 534 00:23:21,059 --> 00:23:25,409 dimension of the Spirit and when we 535 00:23:23,700 --> 00:23:27,870 understand who we are in Christ that's 536 00:23:25,410 --> 00:23:31,200 for Paul says look I had to throw away 537 00:23:27,869 --> 00:23:33,299 old Pharisee isn't a lot of studies I 538 00:23:31,200 --> 00:23:37,319 had to throw away say that what I needed 539 00:23:33,299 --> 00:23:41,700 I needed Christ I'm a new creature in 540 00:23:37,319 --> 00:23:45,210 him the old has gone the new has come in 541 00:23:41,700 --> 00:23:47,309 fact read in verse 19 is this verse 18 542 00:23:45,210 --> 00:23:49,890 says and all this is from God who 543 00:23:47,309 --> 00:23:51,690 reconciled us to himself through Christ 544 00:23:49,890 --> 00:23:54,480 and gave us the Ministry of 545 00:23:51,690 --> 00:23:56,640 reconciliation that God was reconciling 546 00:23:54,480 --> 00:24:00,960 the world to himself in Christ not 547 00:23:56,640 --> 00:24:02,820 counting men's sins against them and he 548 00:24:00,960 --> 00:24:05,039 has committed to us the message of 549 00:24:02,819 --> 00:24:05,950 reconciliation that's what that's the 550 00:24:05,039 --> 00:24:07,298 message we have 551 00:24:05,950 --> 00:24:08,830 Prine you can be a new creature in 552 00:24:07,298 --> 00:24:11,379 Christ she can be reconciled with God 553 00:24:08,829 --> 00:24:13,480 you can have a new foundation of your 554 00:24:11,380 --> 00:24:16,240 life and the power of God and your 555 00:24:13,480 --> 00:24:17,440 salvation is infinitely greater than 556 00:24:16,240 --> 00:24:19,690 whatever else has happened to you 557 00:24:17,440 --> 00:24:22,240 whatever life has done to you the power 558 00:24:19,690 --> 00:24:24,308 of God in Jesus Christ is greater than 559 00:24:22,240 --> 00:24:26,740 that and that's where our hope needs to 560 00:24:24,308 --> 00:24:29,259 be that's where we need to be need to 561 00:24:26,740 --> 00:24:31,839 invest our hope let me ask you have you 562 00:24:29,259 --> 00:24:34,929 seen that your life in that way are you 563 00:24:31,839 --> 00:24:36,308 like I have this wonderful new part of 564 00:24:34,929 --> 00:24:38,350 your life in Christ but you're still 565 00:24:36,308 --> 00:24:40,089 living in the old building still living 566 00:24:38,349 --> 00:24:43,209 in the old still living in the past 567 00:24:40,089 --> 00:24:45,609 move over forget about the past let 568 00:24:43,210 --> 00:24:47,769 Christ be your foundation move forward 569 00:24:45,609 --> 00:24:50,439 in him that is limitless friend that's 570 00:24:47,769 --> 00:24:52,839 what he's saying we are new people we 571 00:24:50,440 --> 00:24:55,230 are new creatures everything is new for 572 00:24:52,839 --> 00:24:57,970 us now the third thing is this though 573 00:24:55,230 --> 00:25:01,720 Christ also showed him his authority to 574 00:24:57,970 --> 00:25:06,639 go back to chapter 22 of Acts and we see 575 00:25:01,720 --> 00:25:11,919 in verse 10 as as he prays to Christ he 576 00:25:06,638 --> 00:25:14,979 says to him oops 22 he says them who are 577 00:25:11,919 --> 00:25:17,169 you lord I ask I am Jesus of Nazareth 578 00:25:14,980 --> 00:25:20,110 whom you're persecuting says what shall 579 00:25:17,169 --> 00:25:22,480 I do that I ask that's verse 10 get up 580 00:25:20,109 --> 00:25:24,908 the Lord said and go into Damascus there 581 00:25:22,480 --> 00:25:27,669 you will be told all that you have been 582 00:25:24,909 --> 00:25:29,440 assigned to do my companions led me by 583 00:25:27,669 --> 00:25:31,600 the hand into Damascus because the 584 00:25:29,440 --> 00:25:34,389 brilliance of the light had blinded me a 585 00:25:31,599 --> 00:25:35,888 man named Ananias came to me he was a 586 00:25:34,388 --> 00:25:37,778 devout observer of the law and highly 587 00:25:35,888 --> 00:25:39,759 respected by all the Jews living there 588 00:25:37,778 --> 00:25:42,759 he stood beside me said brother saw 589 00:25:39,759 --> 00:25:45,700 receive your sight and at that moment I 590 00:25:42,759 --> 00:25:48,220 was able to see then he said the god of 591 00:25:45,700 --> 00:25:50,919 Our Fathers has chosen you to know his 592 00:25:48,220 --> 00:25:53,829 will and to see the righteous one to 593 00:25:50,919 --> 00:25:56,049 hear words from his mouth you will be 594 00:25:53,829 --> 00:25:58,148 his witness to all the men of what you 595 00:25:56,048 --> 00:25:58,690 have seen and heard now what are you 596 00:25:58,148 --> 00:26:01,719 waiting for 597 00:25:58,690 --> 00:26:05,220 get up be baptized it is important get 598 00:26:01,720 --> 00:26:07,778 up be baptized and wash your sins away 599 00:26:05,220 --> 00:26:09,850 calling on his name it's a symbolic 600 00:26:07,778 --> 00:26:11,859 gesture of the sense being washed away 601 00:26:09,849 --> 00:26:14,648 of in your life being born identified 602 00:26:11,859 --> 00:26:15,409 with Christ with the barrel and water 603 00:26:14,648 --> 00:26:17,689 with 604 00:26:15,410 --> 00:26:19,279 death and burial and resurrected bring 605 00:26:17,690 --> 00:26:22,039 out of the water that's the symbolism of 606 00:26:19,279 --> 00:26:27,349 baptism but it's a new life in Christ 607 00:26:22,039 --> 00:26:30,680 get up now and let God wash your sins 608 00:26:27,349 --> 00:26:32,869 away follow him you have a great and new 609 00:26:30,680 --> 00:26:35,090 future now all of us have a new future 610 00:26:32,869 --> 00:26:38,599 in Christ we are new creatures in him 611 00:26:35,089 --> 00:26:40,129 and we have a new future in him one of 612 00:26:38,599 --> 00:26:42,889 the interesting things about the life of 613 00:26:40,130 --> 00:26:49,550 Paul not only how God used him but how 614 00:26:42,890 --> 00:26:53,509 God seemed to leave a face a weakness in 615 00:26:49,549 --> 00:26:55,659 Paul in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 he 616 00:26:53,509 --> 00:26:58,129 spoke about his his thorn in the flesh 617 00:26:55,660 --> 00:27:00,680 we don't know what it was for sure but 618 00:26:58,130 --> 00:27:03,200 one of the one of the possibilities and 619 00:27:00,680 --> 00:27:04,670 probably the lead case again although 620 00:27:03,200 --> 00:27:06,529 we're not sure but probably the lead 621 00:27:04,670 --> 00:27:09,289 case was that something happened on the 622 00:27:06,529 --> 00:27:11,779 road to Damascus and that his eyes were 623 00:27:09,289 --> 00:27:13,789 never the same again remember that Luke 624 00:27:11,779 --> 00:27:16,339 the author the human author of the book 625 00:27:13,789 --> 00:27:18,500 of Acts look was a physician here's he 626 00:27:16,339 --> 00:27:21,679 in that day and age he was called a 627 00:27:18,500 --> 00:27:24,079 doctor and he described healings more 628 00:27:21,680 --> 00:27:25,730 from a doctor's perspective and when 629 00:27:24,079 --> 00:27:28,399 Paul is healed that's the night chapter 630 00:27:25,730 --> 00:27:29,930 of Acts it speaks about his healing from 631 00:27:28,400 --> 00:27:32,090 this blindness he was blind for three 632 00:27:29,930 --> 00:27:35,120 days and when he was healed this 633 00:27:32,089 --> 00:27:36,799 prescribes something like scales falling 634 00:27:35,119 --> 00:27:39,649 off this eyes that sounds like 635 00:27:36,799 --> 00:27:42,529 crustaceans that is because of the the 636 00:27:39,650 --> 00:27:44,180 pain that the the crustaceans performed 637 00:27:42,529 --> 00:27:47,839 in his eyes so when they fell off he 638 00:27:44,180 --> 00:27:50,180 could see again but yet we also see a 639 00:27:47,839 --> 00:27:52,279 missioning the weakness of his eyes and 640 00:27:50,180 --> 00:27:55,930 the letter to Galatia 641 00:27:52,279 --> 00:27:59,180 the Christians in Galatia by the way in 642 00:27:55,930 --> 00:28:02,090 415 of Galatians he speaks about them 643 00:27:59,180 --> 00:28:03,860 loving him so much that they would have 644 00:28:02,089 --> 00:28:06,379 been willing to tear their eyes out and 645 00:28:03,859 --> 00:28:08,389 give them to Paul again that could've 646 00:28:06,380 --> 00:28:10,130 just been an expression but it seems to 647 00:28:08,390 --> 00:28:12,200 suggest that he had that week and said 648 00:28:10,130 --> 00:28:16,760 at the end of that book as he picks up 649 00:28:12,200 --> 00:28:18,049 his is the writing utensil to write he 650 00:28:16,759 --> 00:28:19,910 had used that what they called an 651 00:28:18,049 --> 00:28:21,619 amanuensis to write her writing 652 00:28:19,910 --> 00:28:23,960 materials were expensive of that day and 653 00:28:21,619 --> 00:28:25,939 age so in order for something to be done 654 00:28:23,960 --> 00:28:28,059 properly you would hire someone to do it 655 00:28:25,940 --> 00:28:29,740 do it professionally there in that 656 00:28:28,059 --> 00:28:32,139 how they made their living so he would 657 00:28:29,740 --> 00:28:34,359 use in a man you instance to to write it 658 00:28:32,140 --> 00:28:37,030 Paul dictated it but he wrote it of 659 00:28:34,359 --> 00:28:39,669 course the Holy Spirit inspired it but 660 00:28:37,029 --> 00:28:41,889 then to the end Paul himself picks up 661 00:28:39,670 --> 00:28:44,080 the writing utensil and he begins 662 00:28:41,890 --> 00:28:46,540 writing and he says see with what large 663 00:28:44,079 --> 00:28:48,669 letters I write to you have been 664 00:28:46,539 --> 00:28:50,559 indicating that his eyes were so poor 665 00:28:48,670 --> 00:28:53,140 that he had to write with large letters 666 00:28:50,559 --> 00:28:55,269 but still no those are just suggestions 667 00:28:53,140 --> 00:28:57,759 but what we do know is this and often 668 00:28:55,269 --> 00:29:01,150 God does leave weaknesses in our life 669 00:28:57,759 --> 00:29:03,970 simply that we may depend on him more 670 00:29:01,150 --> 00:29:06,460 and that's where our faith is whatever 671 00:29:03,970 --> 00:29:09,039 God calls us to do we just need to 672 00:29:06,460 --> 00:29:10,960 arrest in him and not worry about things 673 00:29:09,039 --> 00:29:13,809 are beyond our control 674 00:29:10,960 --> 00:29:17,380 first Corinthians one eight and nine 675 00:29:13,809 --> 00:29:19,599 says this God he will keep you strong to 676 00:29:17,380 --> 00:29:21,610 the end so the year will be blameless on 677 00:29:19,599 --> 00:29:24,189 the day of our Lord Jesus Christ did you 678 00:29:21,609 --> 00:29:25,569 get that you will be blameless God's 679 00:29:24,190 --> 00:29:25,990 called don't know what they can keep you 680 00:29:25,569 --> 00:29:28,149 that way 681 00:29:25,990 --> 00:29:31,329 confessing your sins daily and trusting 682 00:29:28,150 --> 00:29:33,610 in him but God can keep you blameless on 683 00:29:31,329 --> 00:29:35,619 the day of our Lord Jesus Christ God has 684 00:29:33,609 --> 00:29:39,399 called you into fellowship with his son 685 00:29:35,619 --> 00:29:41,679 Jesus Christ our Lord is faithful that's 686 00:29:39,400 --> 00:29:43,540 the good news that he he will keep us 687 00:29:41,680 --> 00:29:45,430 faithful he will lead us and guide us 688 00:29:43,539 --> 00:29:46,750 who use us and God because every 689 00:29:45,430 --> 00:29:48,640 Christian gives every Christian a 690 00:29:46,750 --> 00:29:50,799 spiritual gift gives every one of us an 691 00:29:48,640 --> 00:29:53,980 opportunity to serve commands us all to 692 00:29:50,799 --> 00:29:56,259 serve in some way and he will use us now 693 00:29:53,980 --> 00:29:57,970 something else God does also to show us 694 00:29:56,259 --> 00:30:00,420 Authority let me just speak about the 695 00:29:57,970 --> 00:30:04,390 church just very quickly but he also 696 00:30:00,420 --> 00:30:07,900 gives us unity as a church the very next 697 00:30:04,390 --> 00:30:10,030 verse in 1st Corinthians 1 I quoted 1st 698 00:30:07,900 --> 00:30:12,340 Corinthians 1 8 and 9 let me just read 699 00:30:10,029 --> 00:30:14,649 verse 10 because it's in that context 700 00:30:12,339 --> 00:30:16,629 and he says I peel to your brothers in 701 00:30:14,650 --> 00:30:19,269 the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that 702 00:30:16,630 --> 00:30:21,310 all of you agree with one another so 703 00:30:19,269 --> 00:30:24,279 it'll be no divisions among you and that 704 00:30:21,309 --> 00:30:27,190 you may be perfectly united in mind and 705 00:30:24,279 --> 00:30:29,289 thought that's what a church should be a 706 00:30:27,190 --> 00:30:31,509 church is not simply a Sindhi of people 707 00:30:29,289 --> 00:30:33,190 that can debate publicly about things a 708 00:30:31,509 --> 00:30:35,609 church is to be united under the 709 00:30:33,190 --> 00:30:38,470 lordship of Christ guided by his Spirit 710 00:30:35,609 --> 00:30:40,569 adhering to the Word of God and seeking 711 00:30:38,470 --> 00:30:41,370 to be in the church that God commands us 712 00:30:40,569 --> 00:30:43,710 to be he 713 00:30:41,369 --> 00:30:46,709 ours has to be by his spirit it says I 714 00:30:43,710 --> 00:30:48,180 want you to agree with one another in 715 00:30:46,710 --> 00:30:50,490 the original language that Renny says 716 00:30:48,180 --> 00:30:53,070 speak the same word to be agreed in 717 00:30:50,490 --> 00:30:55,500 doctrine what we believe and then also 718 00:30:53,069 --> 00:30:58,259 there to be no divisions among you that 719 00:30:55,500 --> 00:31:00,119 you all be united in mind and thought 720 00:30:58,259 --> 00:31:03,930 that's what God desires our church to be 721 00:31:00,119 --> 00:31:06,808 that we all bow under his authority and 722 00:31:03,930 --> 00:31:08,250 there's a temptation that sometimes one 723 00:31:06,808 --> 00:31:10,230 group in the church will think they're 724 00:31:08,250 --> 00:31:12,900 better than others they're smarter or 725 00:31:10,230 --> 00:31:14,759 they're more spiritual or something but 726 00:31:12,900 --> 00:31:18,090 we should never do that we should always 727 00:31:14,759 --> 00:31:21,450 seek the unity of the Spirit the unity 728 00:31:18,089 --> 00:31:23,308 of the Word of God and seek to honor one 729 00:31:21,450 --> 00:31:24,779 another and lift one another up and 730 00:31:23,308 --> 00:31:27,240 encourage one another 731 00:31:24,779 --> 00:31:28,980 God doesn't quit Christians and we 732 00:31:27,240 --> 00:31:31,710 should not quit one another either we 733 00:31:28,980 --> 00:31:33,360 should encourage one another now where 734 00:31:31,710 --> 00:31:35,340 God called him stood the Gentiles and 735 00:31:33,359 --> 00:31:40,500 when he said that word in that meeting 736 00:31:35,339 --> 00:31:42,419 they erupted and in anger and sometimes 737 00:31:40,500 --> 00:31:44,490 that's what happens in fact in Paul's 738 00:31:42,420 --> 00:31:49,470 sharing of his testimony we see four 739 00:31:44,490 --> 00:31:51,210 reactions some angry rejected sometimes 740 00:31:49,470 --> 00:31:53,160 though they simply said oh well he's 741 00:31:51,210 --> 00:31:55,079 just religious he's just it's just some 742 00:31:53,160 --> 00:31:57,600 religious thing has happened to him 743 00:31:55,079 --> 00:32:02,039 he may be so angel spoke to him we don't 744 00:31:57,599 --> 00:32:04,199 know pass him off as harmless Felix the 745 00:32:02,039 --> 00:32:04,649 the one of the political rulers and 746 00:32:04,200 --> 00:32:06,509 Agrippa 747 00:32:04,650 --> 00:32:08,009 another one Felix they responded 748 00:32:06,509 --> 00:32:10,589 differently Felix said it's not 749 00:32:08,009 --> 00:32:12,660 convenient for me to be a Christian 750 00:32:10,589 --> 00:32:15,689 right now it's not convenient I may be 751 00:32:12,660 --> 00:32:17,940 later on and and Agrippa said I need 752 00:32:15,690 --> 00:32:19,860 more time to think about this I can't 753 00:32:17,940 --> 00:32:23,460 make this decision in such a short time 754 00:32:19,859 --> 00:32:25,529 now we see a lot of those responses some 755 00:32:23,460 --> 00:32:28,740 people reject some people say he's just 756 00:32:25,529 --> 00:32:30,450 a religious nut some people say well 757 00:32:28,740 --> 00:32:32,460 that may work for you but it doesn't 758 00:32:30,450 --> 00:32:34,470 work for me it's not convenient for me 759 00:32:32,460 --> 00:32:36,990 that's you're tripping up my truth 760 00:32:34,470 --> 00:32:39,509 that's commonly said today others say 761 00:32:36,990 --> 00:32:41,730 well I just need more time but some 762 00:32:39,509 --> 00:32:43,890 people do believe some people do hear 763 00:32:41,730 --> 00:32:47,640 the gospel and believe in Christ and 764 00:32:43,890 --> 00:32:49,500 that's what we hope for so what is your 765 00:32:47,640 --> 00:32:52,110 life why if you're giving a defense for 766 00:32:49,500 --> 00:32:54,480 your life what would you say that God 767 00:32:52,109 --> 00:32:56,308 has radically changed you 768 00:32:54,480 --> 00:32:59,130 or you looking at your life and say the 769 00:32:56,308 --> 00:33:01,168 reason I am like ahem is because of the 770 00:32:59,130 --> 00:33:04,580 world because of my upbringing my 771 00:33:01,169 --> 00:33:07,080 personality my experiences my choices or 772 00:33:04,579 --> 00:33:10,529 could you say the only one explanation 773 00:33:07,079 --> 00:33:13,349 for my life is Christ its Christ that's 774 00:33:10,529 --> 00:33:16,769 what we all should say trust in Christ 775 00:33:13,349 --> 00:33:18,869 follow him let him bring the radical 776 00:33:16,769 --> 00:33:21,210 change that he desires and your life 777 00:33:18,869 --> 00:33:24,839 will be different will use you to bless 778 00:33:21,210 --> 00:33:26,640 others know if you're not a Christian 779 00:33:24,839 --> 00:33:28,259 let me invite you to trust him as your 780 00:33:26,640 --> 00:33:30,600 Savior say Lord I admit that I'm a 781 00:33:28,259 --> 00:33:32,279 sinner I need your forgiveness to turn 782 00:33:30,599 --> 00:33:34,980 from sin and self and turn to him and 783 00:33:32,279 --> 00:33:36,899 trust in him if you're a believer and 784 00:33:34,980 --> 00:33:40,019 you just need someone to talk to to pray 785 00:33:36,900 --> 00:33:42,600 with I invite you to write to me pastor 786 00:33:40,019 --> 00:33:44,849 at IBC Stuttgart dr. E and I would love 787 00:33:42,599 --> 00:33:46,740 to communicate with you I'm pregnant go 788 00:33:44,849 --> 00:33:48,719 bye bless you let me close us out in 789 00:33:46,740 --> 00:33:50,579 prayer father God we thank you for your 790 00:33:48,720 --> 00:33:52,620 grace in your love the lord I thank you 791 00:33:50,579 --> 00:33:56,759 that someone was faithful to share with 792 00:33:52,619 --> 00:33:58,379 us the gospel 2000 years the church has 793 00:33:56,759 --> 00:34:01,230 been faithful and the gospel has 794 00:33:58,380 --> 00:34:03,210 continued I thank you for all those who 795 00:34:01,230 --> 00:34:05,970 have been faithful through the years 796 00:34:03,210 --> 00:34:08,639 even up to us Lord let us today be 797 00:34:05,970 --> 00:34:11,668 faithful to believe in you to submit to 798 00:34:08,639 --> 00:34:13,950 your lordship and also to share your 799 00:34:11,668 --> 00:34:16,168 gospel with others and Lord we thank you 800 00:34:13,949 --> 00:34:19,079 for the way you give us things to do for 801 00:34:16,168 --> 00:34:21,059 you to use us for your your glory I 802 00:34:19,079 --> 00:34:22,980 prayed you'd bless us appreciate bless 803 00:34:21,059 --> 00:34:25,139 every family and every individual is 804 00:34:22,980 --> 00:34:26,909 listening this message we pray this in 805 00:34:25,139 --> 00:34:30,349 Jesus name Amen 806 00:34:26,909 --> 00:34:30,349 thank you god bless you