1 00:00:00,030 --> 00:00:06,899 good evening ladies and gentlemen this 2 00:00:03,750 --> 00:00:09,990 evening we will consider together this 3 00:00:06,899 --> 00:00:15,509 sermon of the Lord on the Mount of 4 00:00:09,990 --> 00:00:20,219 Olives here in a picture we have a view 5 00:00:15,509 --> 00:00:25,710 of the Mount of Olives in the east of 6 00:00:20,219 --> 00:00:28,409 the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and the 7 00:00:25,710 --> 00:00:32,789 flesh is hinting to the peak of the 8 00:00:28,410 --> 00:00:35,549 mountain on this mountain in eastern 9 00:00:32,789 --> 00:00:39,780 Jerusalem took place the sermon of the 10 00:00:35,549 --> 00:00:43,699 Lord in the New Testament we have in all 11 00:00:39,780 --> 00:00:47,039 three accounts of this same speech and 12 00:00:43,700 --> 00:00:49,739 all these accounts are important to be 13 00:00:47,039 --> 00:00:52,399 considered together because they 14 00:00:49,738 --> 00:00:57,000 complete each other 15 00:00:52,399 --> 00:01:06,049 Matthew 24 mark 13 and Luke 21 16 00:00:57,000 --> 00:01:13,200 I should explain the the background of 17 00:01:06,049 --> 00:01:15,719 the speech it was on Tuesday just before 18 00:01:13,200 --> 00:01:20,400 the crucifixion that took place on 19 00:01:15,719 --> 00:01:24,780 Friday in the same week during the whole 20 00:01:20,400 --> 00:01:28,618 day there were discussions with 21 00:01:24,780 --> 00:01:33,420 different groups of enemies in the 22 00:01:28,618 --> 00:01:36,959 temple for example only in the Gospel of 23 00:01:33,420 --> 00:01:42,180 Mark Matthew in the Gospel of Matthew 24 00:01:36,959 --> 00:01:46,769 chapter 21 verse 23 up to the end of 25 00:01:42,180 --> 00:01:51,420 chapter 23 speaking about these 26 00:01:46,769 --> 00:01:53,728 discussions in a temple and of course 27 00:01:51,420 --> 00:01:58,680 you have the parallel texts in mark and 28 00:01:53,728 --> 00:02:01,968 Luke so this shows the importance of 29 00:01:58,680 --> 00:02:01,969 this day 30 00:02:03,489 --> 00:02:11,079 at the end of the day it was really 31 00:02:06,790 --> 00:02:15,040 evidence that the Jewish leaders of the 32 00:02:11,080 --> 00:02:19,350 different groups at that time they were 33 00:02:15,039 --> 00:02:26,079 convinced that that Jesus of Nazareth is 34 00:02:19,349 --> 00:02:28,568 not the Messiah they rejected him and so 35 00:02:26,080 --> 00:02:33,700 at the end of this day the Lord 36 00:02:28,568 --> 00:02:35,939 announced being still in the temple the 37 00:02:33,699 --> 00:02:39,789 destruction of the temple 38 00:02:35,939 --> 00:02:45,250 this announcement you find in all the 39 00:02:39,789 --> 00:02:50,229 three Gospels Matthew Mark and Luke were 40 00:02:45,250 --> 00:02:56,110 speaking about this day after that the 41 00:02:50,229 --> 00:02:59,409 Lord left the temple and went to the 42 00:02:56,110 --> 00:03:02,920 Kidron Valley in order to go on the 43 00:02:59,409 --> 00:03:07,090 Mount of Olives and the disciples went 44 00:03:02,919 --> 00:03:12,578 with him and they were really under 45 00:03:07,090 --> 00:03:15,009 shock this wonderful temple it was the 46 00:03:12,579 --> 00:03:19,360 most beautiful building in the whole 47 00:03:15,009 --> 00:03:23,709 world at that time this wonderful temple 48 00:03:19,360 --> 00:03:30,870 should be destroyed so the disciples 49 00:03:23,709 --> 00:03:35,079 posed for questions the first question 50 00:03:30,870 --> 00:03:39,370 when will a destruction of the temple 51 00:03:35,079 --> 00:03:42,159 take place these question this question 52 00:03:39,370 --> 00:03:45,939 you'll find in all the three parallel 53 00:03:42,159 --> 00:03:50,199 texts Matthew Mark and Luke second 54 00:03:45,939 --> 00:03:53,560 question what will be the sign of the 55 00:03:50,199 --> 00:03:57,780 destruction of the temple this question 56 00:03:53,560 --> 00:04:03,459 you do not find in Matthew neither in 57 00:03:57,780 --> 00:04:08,680 March but only in Luke and this is 58 00:04:03,459 --> 00:04:11,769 important because the clear answer to 59 00:04:08,680 --> 00:04:16,509 this question you do not find in Matthew 60 00:04:11,769 --> 00:04:17,579 and in March but clearly in the Gospel 61 00:04:16,509 --> 00:04:20,709 of Luke 62 00:04:17,579 --> 00:04:26,979 their question what will be the sign of 63 00:04:20,709 --> 00:04:31,409 your return and eventually for what will 64 00:04:26,980 --> 00:04:34,270 be the sign of the end times 65 00:04:31,410 --> 00:04:37,800 now if we consider these four questions 66 00:04:34,269 --> 00:04:42,930 we may realize that there are two groups 67 00:04:37,800 --> 00:04:46,389 these are in fact two and two questions 68 00:04:42,930 --> 00:04:50,470 question one and two is in connection 69 00:04:46,389 --> 00:04:55,089 with the temple with the second temple 70 00:04:50,470 --> 00:05:00,010 in Jerusalem and question three and four 71 00:04:55,089 --> 00:05:07,089 is in connection with the coming of 72 00:05:00,009 --> 00:05:11,620 Messiah in glory in the future so we 73 00:05:07,089 --> 00:05:20,909 could also say questions one and two are 74 00:05:11,620 --> 00:05:26,519 in connection with the time just after 75 00:05:20,910 --> 00:05:31,210 the coming of Christ into this world 76 00:05:26,519 --> 00:05:34,779 after his first coming into this world 77 00:05:31,209 --> 00:05:37,209 and question three and four is in 78 00:05:34,779 --> 00:05:43,000 connection with the second coming of 79 00:05:37,209 --> 00:05:46,509 Christ but we can also say that question 80 00:05:43,000 --> 00:05:51,870 one in two is in fact in connection with 81 00:05:46,509 --> 00:05:57,519 the beginning time and three and four in 82 00:05:51,870 --> 00:06:03,329 connection with the end time these needs 83 00:05:57,519 --> 00:06:07,209 some explanations Messiah Jesus came 84 00:06:03,329 --> 00:06:11,680 2,000 years ago the first time and he 85 00:06:07,209 --> 00:06:14,799 came as the suffering Messiah he came as 86 00:06:11,680 --> 00:06:17,439 the one who should resolve the 87 00:06:14,800 --> 00:06:23,800 fundamental problem of humanity which is 88 00:06:17,439 --> 00:06:27,310 sin and so he came in order to take the 89 00:06:23,800 --> 00:06:30,819 judgment of God the righteous judgment 90 00:06:27,310 --> 00:06:37,389 of God on himself 91 00:06:30,819 --> 00:06:41,980 in order to die in replacement of us the 92 00:06:37,389 --> 00:06:45,370 righteousness one for us the unrighteous 93 00:06:41,980 --> 00:06:51,129 people in order to bring us in 94 00:06:45,370 --> 00:06:59,259 fellowship with God but the prophecies 95 00:06:51,129 --> 00:07:03,009 of the Old Testament the prophecies of 96 00:06:59,259 --> 00:07:06,159 the Tanakh speak also about a coming of 97 00:07:03,009 --> 00:07:09,579 Messiah not only in order to suffer for 98 00:07:06,160 --> 00:07:14,920 our sins as for example in Isaiah 53 or 99 00:07:09,579 --> 00:07:18,120 Psalm 22 but also many passages about 100 00:07:14,920 --> 00:07:22,650 his coming in glory in order to bring 101 00:07:18,120 --> 00:07:26,350 rule of justice and order into his world 102 00:07:22,649 --> 00:07:29,500 so the Second Coming would be the coming 103 00:07:26,350 --> 00:07:31,840 of the triumphing Messiah but we can 104 00:07:29,500 --> 00:07:33,519 clearly show from the miracle text 105 00:07:31,839 --> 00:07:36,699 already of the Tanakh of the Old 106 00:07:33,519 --> 00:07:40,719 Testament that in between these two 107 00:07:36,699 --> 00:07:48,430 comings of the same Messiah there should 108 00:07:40,720 --> 00:07:52,270 be a long period of time now the 109 00:07:48,430 --> 00:07:57,189 destruction of the temple should occur 110 00:07:52,269 --> 00:08:00,879 just after the first coming of Messiah 111 00:07:57,189 --> 00:08:04,360 and sorry disciples asked question one 112 00:08:00,879 --> 00:08:08,860 when will destruction of a temple take 113 00:08:04,360 --> 00:08:14,310 place and what would be a sign the 114 00:08:08,860 --> 00:08:16,780 immediate design of the immediate 115 00:08:14,310 --> 00:08:24,060 fulfilling of this prophecy of 116 00:08:16,779 --> 00:08:28,629 destruction but then question three is 117 00:08:24,060 --> 00:08:30,970 the question what is the sign that the 118 00:08:28,629 --> 00:08:34,240 long time in between the first and the 119 00:08:30,970 --> 00:08:37,629 second coming of Messiah should be at 120 00:08:34,240 --> 00:08:43,149 the end so what is the sign of the end 121 00:08:37,629 --> 00:08:48,279 of this age and another question what 122 00:08:43,149 --> 00:08:54,579 is the sign that the the return of 123 00:08:48,279 --> 00:09:01,149 Christ would be immediately after so 124 00:08:54,580 --> 00:09:03,879 what is the sign of your coming these 125 00:09:01,149 --> 00:09:07,449 questions are of course very much 126 00:09:03,879 --> 00:09:13,870 related to each other but these are 127 00:09:07,450 --> 00:09:18,100 different questions now we can describe 128 00:09:13,870 --> 00:09:20,679 the time just since the coming of the 129 00:09:18,100 --> 00:09:26,200 suffering Messiah the beginning time and 130 00:09:20,679 --> 00:09:29,919 in contrast to this the time just before 131 00:09:26,200 --> 00:09:35,980 the coming or until the coming is the 132 00:09:29,919 --> 00:09:40,899 end time so there should be a long time 133 00:09:35,980 --> 00:09:46,539 in between and just when the Lord is 134 00:09:40,899 --> 00:09:48,009 opening his speech about his answers to 135 00:09:46,539 --> 00:09:53,559 all these questions 136 00:09:48,009 --> 00:09:56,590 he gives just a general exhortation and 137 00:09:53,559 --> 00:09:59,619 he's speaking about false messiahs that 138 00:09:56,590 --> 00:10:06,940 should come from the beginning time to 139 00:09:59,620 --> 00:10:09,429 the end time Matthew 24 verse 4 as it's 140 00:10:06,940 --> 00:10:13,750 just the beginning of the speech on the 141 00:10:09,429 --> 00:10:18,489 Mount of Olives and jesus answered and 142 00:10:13,750 --> 00:10:22,210 said unto them take heed that no man 143 00:10:18,490 --> 00:10:27,340 deceive you for many shall come in my 144 00:10:22,210 --> 00:10:31,150 name saying I am Christ Christ is the 145 00:10:27,340 --> 00:10:37,030 Greek term for Messiah so I am Christ 146 00:10:31,149 --> 00:10:42,569 means I am Messiah and shall deceive 147 00:10:37,029 --> 00:10:46,079 many so we see the Lord gives not just 148 00:10:42,570 --> 00:10:50,290 answers in order to know the future but 149 00:10:46,080 --> 00:10:55,500 he applies his answers always to the 150 00:10:50,289 --> 00:10:55,500 heart and to our 151 00:10:55,950 --> 00:11:05,790 so all begins all his prophecies big 152 00:11:00,090 --> 00:11:09,920 begin with this exhortation not to be 153 00:11:05,789 --> 00:11:13,349 deceived it is fundamental 154 00:11:09,919 --> 00:11:17,789 this is a fundamental teaching of all 155 00:11:13,350 --> 00:11:22,470 biblical prophecies no take heed that no 156 00:11:17,789 --> 00:11:28,409 man deceive you now I show you a list of 157 00:11:22,470 --> 00:11:32,519 more than 50 false messiahs who came 158 00:11:28,409 --> 00:11:40,230 just after the coming of Jesus Christ 159 00:11:32,519 --> 00:11:42,870 up to today in only some years after you 160 00:11:40,230 --> 00:11:47,250 see on the list toyota's came in the 161 00:11:42,870 --> 00:11:52,139 years 44 to 46 then the Messiah from 162 00:11:47,250 --> 00:11:56,159 Egypt between 52 and 58 then the so 163 00:11:52,139 --> 00:11:58,429 called nem nameless prophet in 59 and 164 00:11:56,159 --> 00:12:03,839 some years after that 165 00:11:58,429 --> 00:12:07,079 Menahem the Galilean and so on I don't 166 00:12:03,840 --> 00:12:09,800 want to read all the lists but you can 167 00:12:07,080 --> 00:12:13,020 see that throughout all the centuries 168 00:12:09,799 --> 00:12:17,399 false messiahs came claiming I am 169 00:12:13,019 --> 00:12:22,819 Messiah but they weren't and they were 170 00:12:17,399 --> 00:12:22,819 not able to fulfill Messianic prophecies 171 00:12:23,629 --> 00:12:31,679 when Jesus Christ came into this world 172 00:12:27,590 --> 00:12:37,350 why he's coming he fulfilled more than 173 00:12:31,679 --> 00:12:40,500 300 messianic prophecies that you find 174 00:12:37,350 --> 00:12:43,860 in the Old Testament written clearly 175 00:12:40,500 --> 00:12:47,070 long before his coming and they were 176 00:12:43,860 --> 00:12:49,940 fulfilled during his life and what 177 00:12:47,070 --> 00:12:54,480 followed immediately after 178 00:12:49,940 --> 00:12:57,000 so all these messiahs could not claim to 179 00:12:54,480 --> 00:13:01,279 have fulfilled these hundreds of 180 00:12:57,000 --> 00:13:07,409 prophecies but they were able to receive 181 00:13:01,279 --> 00:13:09,799 sometimes huge parts of world Judaism 182 00:13:07,409 --> 00:13:14,419 the last in the list here is rabbi 183 00:13:09,799 --> 00:13:17,189 menachem mendel schneerson from new york 184 00:13:14,419 --> 00:13:23,189 1902 to 1994 185 00:13:17,190 --> 00:13:26,790 now some decades ago he died but still 186 00:13:23,190 --> 00:13:34,470 today you can see in many places in 187 00:13:26,789 --> 00:13:36,688 Israel his image if you are driving on 188 00:13:34,470 --> 00:13:40,620 the streets on the highways you will see 189 00:13:36,688 --> 00:13:45,750 this picture Brokovich llaha blessing 190 00:13:40,620 --> 00:13:50,188 and success Messiah but they need not 191 00:13:45,750 --> 00:13:54,990 fulfill prophecy take heed not to be 192 00:13:50,188 --> 00:13:56,879 deceived so this long time in between 193 00:13:54,990 --> 00:14:00,120 the first and the second coming of the 194 00:13:56,879 --> 00:14:04,550 true Messiah should be a time of many 195 00:14:00,120 --> 00:14:09,089 false messiahs but then let's go on in 196 00:14:04,549 --> 00:14:15,740 our study of the speech you see in verse 197 00:14:09,089 --> 00:14:20,399 6 the Lord says and ye shall hear but 198 00:14:15,740 --> 00:14:27,329 literally translate it but when ye shall 199 00:14:20,399 --> 00:14:32,669 hear of wars and rumors of wars it is 200 00:14:27,328 --> 00:14:37,250 not so much end but just a small word 201 00:14:32,669 --> 00:14:41,188 but in Greek day and this is just a 202 00:14:37,250 --> 00:14:48,409 slight indication that a new thought is 203 00:14:41,188 --> 00:14:51,240 now being presented and so this makes a 204 00:14:48,409 --> 00:14:55,669 small difference between this general 205 00:14:51,240 --> 00:14:59,879 exhortation of verse verses 4 and 5 and 206 00:14:55,669 --> 00:15:03,318 now from verse 6 we find the answer on 207 00:14:59,879 --> 00:15:06,149 the question what will be the sign of 208 00:15:03,318 --> 00:15:10,860 the end of the age 209 00:15:06,149 --> 00:15:13,078 what will be the sign of the end times 210 00:15:10,860 --> 00:15:20,360 of this long period in between the first 211 00:15:13,078 --> 00:15:20,359 and second coming of Messiah but 212 00:15:20,419 --> 00:15:28,620 you find these also in the parallel text 213 00:15:24,049 --> 00:15:34,019 look but at the the exposition of 214 00:15:28,620 --> 00:15:38,570 several end times and time signs the 215 00:15:34,019 --> 00:15:41,240 Lord goes back in the Gospel of Luke 216 00:15:38,570 --> 00:15:44,670 speaking about the beginning time 217 00:15:41,240 --> 00:15:46,350 answering to the question when will the 218 00:15:44,669 --> 00:15:54,569 destruction of the temple take place and 219 00:15:46,350 --> 00:15:58,470 what will be their sign why can we call 220 00:15:54,570 --> 00:16:03,990 this time the beginning time because in 221 00:15:58,470 --> 00:16:06,810 1st John 1 verse 1 when John describes 222 00:16:03,990 --> 00:16:09,899 the coming of Jesus Christ into this 223 00:16:06,809 --> 00:16:15,479 world as the eternal life he speaks 224 00:16:09,899 --> 00:16:18,470 about what was since the beginning so 225 00:16:15,480 --> 00:16:22,519 the time of the coming of Christ is 226 00:16:18,470 --> 00:16:27,690 called the beginning the beginning time 227 00:16:22,519 --> 00:16:33,028 now in Luke 21 after the exposition of 228 00:16:27,690 --> 00:16:36,420 some of the signs of the end of the age 229 00:16:33,028 --> 00:16:39,419 the Lord goes back to the beginning time 230 00:16:36,419 --> 00:16:45,149 from the end time back to the beginning 231 00:16:39,419 --> 00:16:50,578 time in verse 12 he says but before all 232 00:16:45,149 --> 00:16:54,419 these they shall lay their hands on you 233 00:16:50,578 --> 00:16:57,958 and persecute you delivering you up to 234 00:16:54,419 --> 00:17:01,169 the synagogues and into prisons being 235 00:16:57,958 --> 00:17:03,689 brought before kings and rulers for my 236 00:17:01,169 --> 00:17:10,078 name's sake and he shall turn to you for 237 00:17:03,690 --> 00:17:13,880 a testimony now this time indication but 238 00:17:10,078 --> 00:17:19,289 before all these is very important and 239 00:17:13,880 --> 00:17:25,290 if you do not give attention reading the 240 00:17:19,289 --> 00:17:30,589 Bible to such indications you will never 241 00:17:25,289 --> 00:17:35,879 be able to correctly understand the text 242 00:17:30,589 --> 00:17:36,849 so this brings us back to the beginning 243 00:17:35,880 --> 00:17:40,330 time if 244 00:17:36,849 --> 00:17:47,079 for all these and what follows in these 245 00:17:40,329 --> 00:17:51,879 verses is just a description of decades 246 00:17:47,079 --> 00:17:55,480 in the first century that took place 247 00:17:51,880 --> 00:18:00,360 before destruction of the temple now let 248 00:17:55,480 --> 00:18:03,700 us see the details first the Lord says 249 00:18:00,359 --> 00:18:07,229 there will be a persecution of the 250 00:18:03,700 --> 00:18:11,620 followers of Messiah or Messiah Jesus 251 00:18:07,230 --> 00:18:16,929 and he says they will deliver you up to 252 00:18:11,619 --> 00:18:22,259 the synagogues and into prisons so the 253 00:18:16,929 --> 00:18:26,830 term synagogue here indicates that it 254 00:18:22,259 --> 00:18:35,519 should be a persecution from the Jewish 255 00:18:26,829 --> 00:18:41,199 side now let us see the historical 256 00:18:35,519 --> 00:18:45,639 events main events in 32 the crucifixion 257 00:18:41,200 --> 00:18:55,600 of Messiah Jesus took place outside the 258 00:18:45,640 --> 00:19:00,190 walls of Jerusalem and then a little bit 259 00:18:55,599 --> 00:19:04,569 more than fifty days later Pentecost 260 00:19:00,190 --> 00:19:07,870 took place the Holy Ghost came upon the 261 00:19:04,569 --> 00:19:10,480 followers of Messiah Jesus and this was 262 00:19:07,869 --> 00:19:15,058 the time when a persecution by the 263 00:19:10,480 --> 00:19:18,548 Jewish leaders and the Supreme Court of 264 00:19:15,058 --> 00:19:21,548 the Jewish people the Sanhedrin took 265 00:19:18,548 --> 00:19:28,269 place and you can read about that in 266 00:19:21,548 --> 00:19:32,970 acts 3 to 6 x2 and the coast and then 267 00:19:28,269 --> 00:19:40,480 this persecution three four five six and 268 00:19:32,970 --> 00:19:43,210 eventually in acts 7 and up to the 269 00:19:40,480 --> 00:19:47,200 beginning of eight you find the 270 00:19:43,210 --> 00:19:50,500 wonderful testimony of Stephen one of 271 00:19:47,200 --> 00:19:55,509 the follower of mission Messiah Jesus 272 00:19:50,500 --> 00:19:58,150 and eventually he was killed by the 273 00:19:55,509 --> 00:20:05,589 Sanhedrin this was a year after 274 00:19:58,150 --> 00:20:09,030 Pentecost 33 and so these words 275 00:20:05,589 --> 00:20:14,649 delivering you up to the synagogues and 276 00:20:09,029 --> 00:20:22,119 into prisons has been literally 277 00:20:14,650 --> 00:20:24,519 fulfilled by the way in mark 39 we have 278 00:20:22,119 --> 00:20:27,729 also the term sanhedrin's 279 00:20:24,519 --> 00:20:30,639 in the plural so this means not only 280 00:20:27,730 --> 00:20:34,210 they will be in front of the Supreme 281 00:20:30,640 --> 00:20:37,960 Court but also in front of local courts 282 00:20:34,210 --> 00:20:42,009 and the book of Acts shows as all these 283 00:20:37,960 --> 00:20:45,370 things have been literally fulfilled but 284 00:20:42,009 --> 00:20:51,509 we have more details the Lord Jesus says 285 00:20:45,369 --> 00:20:55,808 being brought before kings and rulers 286 00:20:51,509 --> 00:20:59,519 literally governor's for my name's sake 287 00:20:55,808 --> 00:21:05,200 and it shall turn to you for a testimony 288 00:20:59,519 --> 00:21:08,980 so it's important to see not just before 289 00:21:05,200 --> 00:21:18,450 a governor but in the plural governors 290 00:21:08,980 --> 00:21:21,370 now when you reach the first decades of 291 00:21:18,450 --> 00:21:27,720 Christianity in the book of Acts and New 292 00:21:21,369 --> 00:21:32,369 Testament you see many years going on 293 00:21:27,720 --> 00:21:35,798 passing by but never you read about a 294 00:21:32,369 --> 00:21:44,918 follower of Christ before a governor but 295 00:21:35,798 --> 00:21:50,908 then in acts 23 Paul was before governor 296 00:21:44,919 --> 00:21:54,880 Felix but is only only a singular 297 00:21:50,909 --> 00:21:59,440 governor but then go on reading the text 298 00:21:54,880 --> 00:22:02,460 and you will see that Paul was not only 299 00:21:59,440 --> 00:22:06,960 in the year 58 by name by the way 300 00:22:02,460 --> 00:22:11,069 for governor Felix but in acts 25 he was 301 00:22:06,960 --> 00:22:17,519 before governor partyís Festus who 302 00:22:11,069 --> 00:22:20,779 followed Felix so the plural is at least 303 00:22:17,519 --> 00:22:24,660 two it could be more but at least two 304 00:22:20,779 --> 00:22:27,779 the plural had had been fulfilled in the 305 00:22:24,660 --> 00:22:34,110 year 59 and you see we we are 306 00:22:27,779 --> 00:22:37,109 approaching now the year 70 which was 307 00:22:34,109 --> 00:22:39,229 the year in which the temple the second 308 00:22:37,109 --> 00:22:42,449 temple of Jerusalem had been destroyed 309 00:22:39,230 --> 00:22:45,690 what we find here is just a description 310 00:22:42,450 --> 00:22:46,319 that gives the answer to the the 311 00:22:45,690 --> 00:22:49,710 question 312 00:22:46,319 --> 00:22:53,579 when well the destruction of the temple 313 00:22:49,710 --> 00:22:58,490 take place but we have more details 314 00:22:53,579 --> 00:23:04,609 the text says being brought before kings 315 00:22:58,490 --> 00:23:08,220 but until acts 25 you don't find a case 316 00:23:04,609 --> 00:23:12,389 where a disciple of Messiah Jesus was 317 00:23:08,220 --> 00:23:17,549 before a king and give attention to the 318 00:23:12,390 --> 00:23:21,530 fact in the plural before Kings well 319 00:23:17,549 --> 00:23:24,869 when you read act 26 you see how 320 00:23:21,529 --> 00:23:28,170 virtuous Festus being unable to judge 321 00:23:24,869 --> 00:23:32,219 about the case of Paul was so happy 322 00:23:28,170 --> 00:23:38,340 happy when King Agrippa visited him 323 00:23:32,220 --> 00:23:42,450 because he knew really what Judaism was 324 00:23:38,339 --> 00:23:47,339 and so he presented Paul to King Agrippa 325 00:23:42,450 --> 00:23:54,269 and Paul had to give a very amazing 326 00:23:47,339 --> 00:23:57,629 speech in front of the court and at the 327 00:23:54,269 --> 00:24:03,059 head of the court was King Agrippa these 328 00:23:57,630 --> 00:24:05,880 was in a year 60 but this was only the 329 00:24:03,059 --> 00:24:11,539 fulfillment of the singular the text 330 00:24:05,880 --> 00:24:14,540 says before Kings so at that time Paul 331 00:24:11,539 --> 00:24:14,539 made 332 00:24:15,990 --> 00:24:26,200 use of his rights and he appealed to the 333 00:24:20,440 --> 00:24:31,120 highest court of the Roman Empire to the 334 00:24:26,200 --> 00:24:33,819 emperor of Rome and therefore King 335 00:24:31,119 --> 00:24:38,049 Agrippa was he was convinced by the 336 00:24:33,819 --> 00:24:40,720 speech of Paul in acts 26 followers of 337 00:24:38,049 --> 00:24:44,169 Messiah Jesus are not a problem 338 00:24:40,720 --> 00:24:46,900 there is no political problem no danger 339 00:24:44,170 --> 00:24:53,830 these people do not want to make your 340 00:24:46,900 --> 00:24:56,680 evolution so Paul should be released but 341 00:24:53,829 --> 00:25:00,099 because he appealed to the Emperor he 342 00:24:56,680 --> 00:25:04,080 had to go to the Emperor and now if you 343 00:25:00,099 --> 00:25:10,059 read the book of Acts you will see this 344 00:25:04,079 --> 00:25:13,599 amazing way of Paul going to to Rome to 345 00:25:10,059 --> 00:25:17,740 the capital in order to wait for it for 346 00:25:13,599 --> 00:25:21,669 the judgement in front of the King of 347 00:25:17,740 --> 00:25:28,859 Kings in the Roman Empire but the book 348 00:25:21,670 --> 00:25:34,000 of Acts ends by this full two years of 349 00:25:28,859 --> 00:25:39,009 waiting until those who accused him in 350 00:25:34,000 --> 00:25:41,529 the Land of Israel should come but there 351 00:25:39,009 --> 00:25:44,349 was a Roman law 352 00:25:41,529 --> 00:25:48,730 that said if the if they accuse us to 353 00:25:44,349 --> 00:25:51,879 not appear during a time period of the 354 00:25:48,730 --> 00:25:55,140 full length of two years the accused 355 00:25:51,880 --> 00:26:00,850 should be released and therefore after 356 00:25:55,140 --> 00:26:03,730 acts 28 Paul had been released and we 357 00:26:00,849 --> 00:26:07,019 see this this also from the letter to 358 00:26:03,730 --> 00:26:10,740 the Philippians to Philemon and 359 00:26:07,019 --> 00:26:14,230 Colossians that Paul was after that 360 00:26:10,740 --> 00:26:17,019 really released because the accusers did 361 00:26:14,230 --> 00:26:21,670 not arrive but the prophecy was 362 00:26:17,019 --> 00:26:24,460 fulfilled in a year 62 because Paul had 363 00:26:21,670 --> 00:26:28,150 to present himself before the Emperor 364 00:26:24,460 --> 00:26:28,779 and by this he was released because the 365 00:26:28,150 --> 00:26:32,830 accusers 366 00:26:28,779 --> 00:26:39,670 not present so the plural before Kings 367 00:26:32,829 --> 00:26:42,549 was fulfilled now we are still more and 368 00:26:39,670 --> 00:26:45,430 more approaching to the year 70 we are 369 00:26:42,549 --> 00:26:49,149 already in the years 62 but then in 370 00:26:45,430 --> 00:26:51,640 verse training the Lord says and when 371 00:26:49,150 --> 00:26:55,019 you shall see Jerusalem compassed with 372 00:26:51,640 --> 00:27:01,090 armies then know that the desolation 373 00:26:55,019 --> 00:27:05,259 thereof is nigh and this verse is the 374 00:27:01,089 --> 00:27:09,879 answer to the question what will be the 375 00:27:05,259 --> 00:27:16,089 sign of the immediate destruction of the 376 00:27:09,880 --> 00:27:23,230 temple and this was also literally 377 00:27:16,089 --> 00:27:30,369 fulfilled in the year 68 why in the year 378 00:27:23,230 --> 00:27:33,849 66 there was the beginning of a 379 00:27:30,369 --> 00:27:39,429 revolution of the Jewish people against 380 00:27:33,849 --> 00:27:45,309 the Roman Empire they wanted to get back 381 00:27:39,430 --> 00:27:47,890 their freedom and so the Roman army had 382 00:27:45,309 --> 00:27:50,529 to bring more and more legions into a 383 00:27:47,890 --> 00:27:54,370 land of Israel in order to destroy this 384 00:27:50,529 --> 00:27:57,029 revolution but in the beginning the 385 00:27:54,369 --> 00:28:02,829 Jewish people was very successful 386 00:27:57,029 --> 00:28:04,869 against the Roman legions and so the 387 00:28:02,829 --> 00:28:08,889 Romans had to bring in more and more 388 00:28:04,869 --> 00:28:12,969 legions by the way at the end a third of 389 00:28:08,890 --> 00:28:19,900 all the Roman army of the whole Empire 390 00:28:12,970 --> 00:28:21,670 up to Great Britain today was gathered 391 00:28:19,900 --> 00:28:24,759 together in the Land of Israel to 392 00:28:21,670 --> 00:28:28,300 destroy this revolution and so the 393 00:28:24,759 --> 00:28:34,019 Romans could get back much land of the 394 00:28:28,299 --> 00:28:37,668 of the of the Jewish occupation and 395 00:28:34,019 --> 00:28:41,898 occupation of their own land they could 396 00:28:37,669 --> 00:28:45,829 back in Galilee in Transjordan in Judea 397 00:28:41,898 --> 00:28:49,398 and then in the year 68 their own army 398 00:28:45,828 --> 00:28:53,898 went up to Jerusalem to make the siege 399 00:28:49,398 --> 00:28:59,858 of the capital and this was in 68 when 400 00:28:53,898 --> 00:29:01,968 they put their camps around the city 401 00:28:59,858 --> 00:29:04,489 which was the fulfillment of worse 402 00:29:01,969 --> 00:29:07,328 training and when you shall see 403 00:29:04,489 --> 00:29:10,509 Jerusalem compassed with armies then 404 00:29:07,328 --> 00:29:14,450 know that the desolation thereof is nigh 405 00:29:10,509 --> 00:29:17,389 and the Lord continues then let them 406 00:29:14,450 --> 00:29:20,179 which are in Judea flee to the mountains 407 00:29:17,388 --> 00:29:23,508 and let them which are in the midst of 408 00:29:20,179 --> 00:29:27,288 it that we say of Jerusalem he part out 409 00:29:23,509 --> 00:29:31,038 and let not them that are in the 410 00:29:27,288 --> 00:29:34,190 countries enter thereinto so never go 411 00:29:31,038 --> 00:29:43,158 back to Jerusalem for these be the days 412 00:29:34,190 --> 00:29:47,719 of vengeance and before the fulfillment 413 00:29:43,159 --> 00:29:49,039 you could pose the question how would 414 00:29:47,719 --> 00:29:52,038 that be possible 415 00:29:49,038 --> 00:29:55,848 to flee into the mountains when the 416 00:29:52,038 --> 00:30:00,378 enemies are building up their camps 417 00:29:55,848 --> 00:30:05,028 around Jerusalem but the Lord said so so 418 00:30:00,378 --> 00:30:07,158 you could be sure before the events were 419 00:30:05,028 --> 00:30:11,959 fulfilled that there will be a 420 00:30:07,159 --> 00:30:17,419 possibility to do so and the fulfillment 421 00:30:11,959 --> 00:30:21,528 was like that in 68 suddenly the Emperor 422 00:30:17,419 --> 00:30:24,969 Nero committed suicide and this was a 423 00:30:21,528 --> 00:30:29,479 shock in the whole Roman Empire and the 424 00:30:24,969 --> 00:30:30,769 general of the of the Roman Roman army 425 00:30:29,479 --> 00:30:34,848 in Israel 426 00:30:30,769 --> 00:30:37,489 Vespasian stopped the war because he 427 00:30:34,848 --> 00:30:41,689 wanted to become emperor of the Roman 428 00:30:37,489 --> 00:30:48,139 Empire and so he stopped the work went 429 00:30:41,690 --> 00:30:50,900 to Rome and indeed he became the next 430 00:30:48,138 --> 00:30:54,829 emperor of Rome 431 00:30:50,900 --> 00:31:00,170 but because the war was stopped all the 432 00:30:54,829 --> 00:31:03,679 Jews who believed that Jesus Yeshua was 433 00:31:00,170 --> 00:31:09,940 the real Messiah they knew because of 434 00:31:03,680 --> 00:31:14,210 Luke 21 the gospel text was already 435 00:31:09,940 --> 00:31:17,180 written and edited at that time they 436 00:31:14,210 --> 00:31:21,650 knew now we should flee into the 437 00:31:17,180 --> 00:31:26,600 mountains and they did so and so they 438 00:31:21,650 --> 00:31:29,870 could in freedom go up to the mountains 439 00:31:26,599 --> 00:31:40,099 they after that cross the Jordan River 440 00:31:29,869 --> 00:31:43,699 and went to Pella and Pella was king 441 00:31:40,099 --> 00:31:48,549 agrippa ruling he was ruling also over 442 00:31:43,700 --> 00:31:54,250 this city and he received all the Jewish 443 00:31:48,549 --> 00:31:58,700 believers of in Messiah Jesus as 444 00:31:54,250 --> 00:32:03,109 peaceful citizens because he knew by the 445 00:31:58,700 --> 00:32:06,019 speech of Paul these believers in 446 00:32:03,109 --> 00:32:14,979 Messiah Jesus are not dangerous 447 00:32:06,019 --> 00:32:21,500 and so they could get security in Pella 448 00:32:14,980 --> 00:32:29,679 but then in the year 70 after miss 449 00:32:21,500 --> 00:32:34,849 pasión became Emperor so he sent his son 450 00:32:29,679 --> 00:32:39,110 Titus to finish the war in Israel and so 451 00:32:34,849 --> 00:32:42,579 in spring 70 he arrived as a new general 452 00:32:39,109 --> 00:32:48,479 and he was just before the Passover 453 00:32:42,579 --> 00:32:51,480 because of the because of the fact that 454 00:32:48,480 --> 00:32:54,919 at Passover all the Jews from all over 455 00:32:51,480 --> 00:32:59,548 land should go to Jerusalem because 456 00:32:54,919 --> 00:33:02,549 there is no possibility to slaughter the 457 00:32:59,548 --> 00:33:05,400 Lambs the Paschal lamps outside of 458 00:33:02,548 --> 00:33:08,129 Jerusalem only in Jerusalem on the 459 00:33:05,400 --> 00:33:14,160 temple play place just north of the 460 00:33:08,130 --> 00:33:17,220 altar in a temple but the Jewish 461 00:33:14,160 --> 00:33:20,279 believers in Messiah Jesus they did no 462 00:33:17,220 --> 00:33:25,140 more go back to Jerusalem because they 463 00:33:20,279 --> 00:33:27,889 knew we must not Messiah Jesus said that 464 00:33:25,140 --> 00:33:31,140 we should flee and never go back then 465 00:33:27,890 --> 00:33:34,910 into the city of Jerusalem so they did 466 00:33:31,140 --> 00:33:38,750 not return but from from the whole land 467 00:33:34,910 --> 00:33:43,169 because it was an obligatory feast 468 00:33:38,750 --> 00:33:45,990 people came to Jerusalem in order to to 469 00:33:43,169 --> 00:33:49,220 slow to the Paschal lambs and this was 470 00:33:45,990 --> 00:33:53,579 the moment when the city was plenty 471 00:33:49,220 --> 00:33:58,650 according to Josephus Flavius a Jewish 472 00:33:53,579 --> 00:34:02,428 historian of the first century 2.7 473 00:33:58,650 --> 00:34:06,290 million people when they were inside the 474 00:34:02,429 --> 00:34:12,659 city titles closed the siege and 475 00:34:06,289 --> 00:34:16,559 destroyed Jerusalem during 140 days and 476 00:34:12,659 --> 00:34:20,639 at the end he totally destroyed the city 477 00:34:16,559 --> 00:34:25,739 and the city walls and even the second 478 00:34:20,639 --> 00:34:33,809 temple so everything was literally 479 00:34:25,739 --> 00:34:37,349 fulfilled but the Jewish Christians the 480 00:34:33,809 --> 00:34:42,239 Messianic Jews they all were saved 481 00:34:37,349 --> 00:34:45,079 because of the prophecy of this speech 482 00:34:42,239 --> 00:34:45,079 on the Mount of Olives 483 00:34:48,389 --> 00:34:59,548 now the Jewish people was dispersed 484 00:34:55,679 --> 00:35:02,999 among all the nations in the following 485 00:34:59,548 --> 00:35:05,489 centuries the centuries that follow the 486 00:35:02,998 --> 00:35:10,469 year 70 the year of the destruction of 487 00:35:05,489 --> 00:35:13,980 Jerusalem and the temple and this the 488 00:35:10,469 --> 00:35:16,649 Lord announced in this speech because it 489 00:35:13,980 --> 00:35:19,380 says in verse 22 for these be the days 490 00:35:16,650 --> 00:35:23,910 of vengeance that all things which are 491 00:35:19,380 --> 00:35:26,220 written may be fulfilled but woe unto 492 00:35:23,909 --> 00:35:28,920 them that are with child and to them 493 00:35:26,219 --> 00:35:31,639 that give suck in those days for there 494 00:35:28,920 --> 00:35:35,730 shall be great distress in the land and 495 00:35:31,639 --> 00:35:38,900 wrath upon these people and they shall 496 00:35:35,730 --> 00:35:44,389 fall by the edge of the sword and shall 497 00:35:38,900 --> 00:35:47,910 be led away captive into all nations and 498 00:35:44,389 --> 00:35:52,889 Jerusalem shall be trodden down to the 499 00:35:47,909 --> 00:35:57,389 of the Gentiles until the times of the 500 00:35:52,889 --> 00:36:03,389 Gentiles be fulfilled now this word 501 00:35:57,389 --> 00:36:09,210 until is most important after exposing 502 00:36:03,389 --> 00:36:11,879 the worldwide dispersion of the Jewish 503 00:36:09,210 --> 00:36:15,389 people that took place literally since 504 00:36:11,880 --> 00:36:20,338 the year 70 the Lord says that Jerusalem 505 00:36:15,389 --> 00:36:24,440 will be always under non-jewish rule and 506 00:36:20,338 --> 00:36:29,009 will be trodden down but not for always 507 00:36:24,440 --> 00:36:32,909 only until the times of the Gentiles be 508 00:36:29,009 --> 00:36:36,480 fulfilled and this term the time of the 509 00:36:32,909 --> 00:36:40,170 Gentiles is a term that means a time 510 00:36:36,480 --> 00:36:45,269 that will go up to the coming of Messiah 511 00:36:40,170 --> 00:36:49,559 as the triumphant Messiah so this word 512 00:36:45,268 --> 00:36:54,959 is little word until is very important 513 00:36:49,559 --> 00:37:00,650 because as the Lord went back in time in 514 00:36:54,960 --> 00:37:02,369 verse 12 he goes now in verse 24 again 515 00:37:00,650 --> 00:37:10,358 to the end 516 00:37:02,369 --> 00:37:13,568 to the end of this present age and it is 517 00:37:10,358 --> 00:37:16,119 connection it is very important that the 518 00:37:13,568 --> 00:37:19,088 prophets of the Bible taught already in 519 00:37:16,119 --> 00:37:22,720 the Tanakh in the Old Testament that the 520 00:37:19,088 --> 00:37:26,500 Jewish people will one day come back out 521 00:37:22,719 --> 00:37:29,409 of the worldwide dispersion that was 522 00:37:26,500 --> 00:37:36,909 also prophesied in the Old Testament for 523 00:37:29,409 --> 00:37:39,670 example tirana me 28 64 but the prophets 524 00:37:36,909 --> 00:37:42,699 said they will come back from all the 525 00:37:39,670 --> 00:37:46,690 nations back to the homeland of the 526 00:37:42,699 --> 00:37:50,889 forefathers but this will take place in 527 00:37:46,690 --> 00:37:54,220 the end time in the end times 528 00:37:50,889 --> 00:37:57,838 that's what say in the time just before 529 00:37:54,219 --> 00:38:03,308 the coming of the triumphing Messiah 530 00:37:57,838 --> 00:38:11,889 just an example is they kill 38:8 the 531 00:38:03,309 --> 00:38:16,210 context is about Gog and Magog and this 532 00:38:11,889 --> 00:38:20,618 is an enemy that will in the last days 533 00:38:16,210 --> 00:38:23,289 in the end times attack Israel and now 534 00:38:20,619 --> 00:38:26,849 in verse 8 God is speaking to this enemy 535 00:38:23,289 --> 00:38:31,650 from the uttermost North scene from 536 00:38:26,849 --> 00:38:36,730 Israel after many days thou shall be 537 00:38:31,650 --> 00:38:39,548 visited in the latter years this is 538 00:38:36,730 --> 00:38:43,059 another expression to say the end times 539 00:38:39,548 --> 00:38:47,679 or last days or days of the end there 540 00:38:43,059 --> 00:38:50,259 are many different expressions in the 541 00:38:47,679 --> 00:38:53,129 Bible that have the same meaning so 542 00:38:50,259 --> 00:38:55,690 after many days thou shalt be visited 543 00:38:53,130 --> 00:38:58,710 the judgment will come upon this enemy 544 00:38:55,690 --> 00:39:02,769 of Israel in the latter day latter years 545 00:38:58,710 --> 00:39:05,980 thou shalt come into the land that is 546 00:39:02,768 --> 00:39:09,969 brought back from the sword and is 547 00:39:05,980 --> 00:39:12,699 gathered out of many people against the 548 00:39:09,969 --> 00:39:16,000 mountains of Israel which have been 549 00:39:12,699 --> 00:39:19,419 always waste 550 00:39:16,000 --> 00:39:22,480 but it is brought forth out of the 551 00:39:19,420 --> 00:39:27,090 nations so in the end times Israel will 552 00:39:22,480 --> 00:39:32,050 be attacked Israel as a people that is 553 00:39:27,090 --> 00:39:35,800 again gathered together back in the 554 00:39:32,050 --> 00:39:39,400 homeland of the forefathers gathered out 555 00:39:35,800 --> 00:39:43,420 of many people many nations brought 556 00:39:39,400 --> 00:39:46,690 forth out of the nations so we have a 557 00:39:43,420 --> 00:39:49,690 very interesting anti parallelism the 558 00:39:46,690 --> 00:39:51,960 first coming of Messiah and then the 559 00:39:49,690 --> 00:39:55,829 dispersion of the Jewish people the 560 00:39:51,960 --> 00:40:01,179 second coming of Messiah but just before 561 00:39:55,829 --> 00:40:09,460 the gathering together of the people of 562 00:40:01,179 --> 00:40:12,339 Israel and this period of the time when 563 00:40:09,460 --> 00:40:18,030 the Jewish people comes back to the land 564 00:40:12,340 --> 00:40:23,470 is called in the Bible the end times or 565 00:40:18,030 --> 00:40:26,920 the last days so this does not mean the 566 00:40:23,469 --> 00:40:29,919 end of the world but the end of this 567 00:40:26,920 --> 00:40:33,369 long time in between the first coming 568 00:40:29,920 --> 00:40:35,889 and the second coming of Messiah at the 569 00:40:33,369 --> 00:40:40,349 end of this time that is called in the 570 00:40:35,889 --> 00:40:44,588 Bible the times of the Gentiles and 571 00:40:40,349 --> 00:40:48,460 these last days seen in connection with 572 00:40:44,588 --> 00:40:50,730 this fundamental sign of the end the 573 00:40:48,460 --> 00:40:55,170 return of the Jewish people 574 00:40:50,730 --> 00:41:00,659 this sign began to be fulfilled since 575 00:40:55,170 --> 00:41:04,180 1882 this was the year when the first 576 00:41:00,659 --> 00:41:04,989 mass immigration of Jews back to the 577 00:41:04,179 --> 00:41:09,629 homeland 578 00:41:04,989 --> 00:41:13,868 took place this is the fulfillment of 579 00:41:09,630 --> 00:41:17,410 many prophecies in the Bible for example 580 00:41:13,869 --> 00:41:21,190 as a killed 36 24 where God says in the 581 00:41:17,409 --> 00:41:25,868 6th century before Christ so long before 582 00:41:21,190 --> 00:41:29,440 the Jewish people had been scattered 583 00:41:25,869 --> 00:41:32,440 among all the Gentiles 584 00:41:29,440 --> 00:41:34,539 speaks here already from there about 585 00:41:32,440 --> 00:41:39,730 their return from all the nations of the 586 00:41:34,539 --> 00:41:43,269 world for I will take you from among the 587 00:41:39,730 --> 00:41:47,199 nations and gather you out of all 588 00:41:43,269 --> 00:41:51,929 countries and will bring you into your 589 00:41:47,199 --> 00:41:54,969 own land God is speaking to Israel and 590 00:41:51,929 --> 00:42:02,369 we are seeing the fulfillment in the 591 00:41:54,969 --> 00:42:07,029 time of 1882 up to 2023 million Jews 592 00:42:02,369 --> 00:42:10,799 from all the continents from about 130 593 00:42:07,030 --> 00:42:16,390 different countries returned back home 594 00:42:10,800 --> 00:42:22,560 so we realize now that the periods which 595 00:42:16,389 --> 00:42:29,069 we call end times or last days this 596 00:42:22,559 --> 00:42:33,909 period is a period of already 138 years 597 00:42:29,070 --> 00:42:38,380 and in the processor's the Jewish people 598 00:42:33,909 --> 00:42:41,710 is coming back and these strokes are 599 00:42:38,380 --> 00:42:45,300 indicating prophecies about end times 600 00:42:41,710 --> 00:42:48,250 that are already fulfilled and that 601 00:42:45,300 --> 00:42:55,510 tribe wants to count all these fulfilled 602 00:42:48,250 --> 00:43:01,150 prophecies and I got at least a whole 603 00:42:55,510 --> 00:43:04,900 list of 180 fulfilled prophecies in our 604 00:43:01,150 --> 00:43:09,670 time but what is still in the future is 605 00:43:04,900 --> 00:43:14,410 the coming of Messiah as the triumphing 606 00:43:09,670 --> 00:43:22,210 Messiah and so the end times are going 607 00:43:14,409 --> 00:43:25,480 on we are inside this period but we can 608 00:43:22,210 --> 00:43:29,829 clearly make a distinction between the 609 00:43:25,480 --> 00:43:32,199 end times and the past of almost 2,000 610 00:43:29,829 --> 00:43:35,079 years when the Jewish people was 611 00:43:32,199 --> 00:43:38,710 scattered among all nations had no 612 00:43:35,079 --> 00:43:43,319 Israeli statehood and was always 613 00:43:38,710 --> 00:43:47,590 persecuted by Gentile nations 614 00:43:43,320 --> 00:43:52,420 so the end times are a distinct period 615 00:43:47,590 --> 00:43:57,660 and clearly different from the time of 616 00:43:52,420 --> 00:44:00,610 the dispersion without Israeli statute 617 00:43:57,659 --> 00:44:04,509 and it was the same at the beginning 618 00:44:00,610 --> 00:44:06,970 time Messiah came and he was born in 619 00:44:04,510 --> 00:44:13,450 Bethlehem according to the prophecy in 620 00:44:06,969 --> 00:44:17,739 Micah 5:2 and eventually he was rejected 621 00:44:13,449 --> 00:44:21,129 and crucified outside the walls of 622 00:44:17,739 --> 00:44:22,989 Jerusalem and then Jerusalem was 623 00:44:21,130 --> 00:44:27,910 destroyed and the Jewish people began to 624 00:44:22,989 --> 00:44:31,989 be scattered and so many prophecies had 625 00:44:27,909 --> 00:44:37,769 been fulfilled also in the following 626 00:44:31,989 --> 00:44:41,549 time up to 135 this was the moment when 627 00:44:37,769 --> 00:44:45,190 the Roman Empire Emperor Hadrian 628 00:44:41,550 --> 00:44:50,110 destroyed the second Jewish revolution 629 00:44:45,190 --> 00:44:53,559 and he put a total end to Israeli state 630 00:44:50,110 --> 00:44:57,550 to it so this beginning time of 135 631 00:44:53,559 --> 00:45:03,389 years was also a distinct period clearly 632 00:44:57,550 --> 00:45:07,530 different from what followed and was 633 00:45:03,389 --> 00:45:13,150 characterized by this awful picture of 634 00:45:07,530 --> 00:45:14,940 the rejected Jew went from ghetto to 635 00:45:13,150 --> 00:45:22,750 ghetto 636 00:45:14,940 --> 00:45:25,480 homeless and hated by many nations but 637 00:45:22,750 --> 00:45:27,820 now we would like to consider the signs 638 00:45:25,480 --> 00:45:31,860 in the sermon of the Lord on the Mount 639 00:45:27,820 --> 00:45:36,220 of Olives concerning the end times 640 00:45:31,860 --> 00:45:39,880 we already saw the fact that disciples 641 00:45:36,219 --> 00:45:42,369 asked for two signs what is the sign of 642 00:45:39,880 --> 00:45:47,710 the end times and what is the sign that 643 00:45:42,369 --> 00:45:52,559 your coming will be immediate but the 644 00:45:47,710 --> 00:45:54,639 Lord offered them more than 25 signs in 645 00:45:52,559 --> 00:45:59,088 this 646 00:45:54,639 --> 00:46:03,798 this is the manner of the Lord he gives 647 00:45:59,088 --> 00:46:08,630 much more than we asked but now it it is 648 00:46:03,798 --> 00:46:13,699 very important to realize that these 649 00:46:08,630 --> 00:46:16,670 signs are called birth pangs in Matthew 650 00:46:13,699 --> 00:46:22,159 24 verse 8 after mentioning some of 651 00:46:16,670 --> 00:46:26,619 these signs of the end the Lord says all 652 00:46:22,159 --> 00:46:26,618 these are the beginning of Sorrows 653 00:46:27,940 --> 00:46:35,420 sorrows are birth pangs and we know when 654 00:46:32,210 --> 00:46:41,749 birth pangs arrive the baby will not 655 00:46:35,420 --> 00:46:45,818 just be be born but these sorrows these 656 00:46:41,748 --> 00:46:51,969 birth pangs are of a psychical nature 657 00:46:45,818 --> 00:46:56,528 they become more and more intensive and 658 00:46:51,969 --> 00:47:01,399 painful so there is a whole development 659 00:46:56,528 --> 00:47:09,170 but at the end at the end the great joy 660 00:47:01,400 --> 00:47:13,880 and Men I mean a human being enters into 661 00:47:09,170 --> 00:47:17,358 the world and this is interesting if we 662 00:47:13,880 --> 00:47:19,489 consider the time in between the first 663 00:47:17,358 --> 00:47:25,038 and the second coming of Christ which is 664 00:47:19,489 --> 00:47:28,278 called in the Bible the present age for 665 00:47:25,039 --> 00:47:34,039 example in Ephesians 1:19 the present 666 00:47:28,278 --> 00:47:37,869 age in contrast to the coming age which 667 00:47:34,039 --> 00:47:41,089 is always the age when Messiah will rule 668 00:47:37,869 --> 00:47:43,220 so in Judaism the rabbi's of the past 669 00:47:41,088 --> 00:47:46,369 made the distinction between how a lamb 670 00:47:43,219 --> 00:47:49,818 has a the present age and how LOM haba 671 00:47:46,369 --> 00:47:54,440 the coming age of Messiah when he will 672 00:47:49,818 --> 00:47:59,690 reign so the present age our ulama is a 673 00:47:54,440 --> 00:48:02,950 this age is compared by the Lord to the 674 00:47:59,690 --> 00:48:07,099 time of pregnancy which is a period of 675 00:48:02,949 --> 00:48:10,458 normally about nine months 676 00:48:07,099 --> 00:48:14,869 but at the end of this period we have 677 00:48:10,458 --> 00:48:20,690 signs that indicate the end of this time 678 00:48:14,869 --> 00:48:24,469 and indicate the coming of a human into 679 00:48:20,690 --> 00:48:28,519 his world these are the birth pangs now 680 00:48:24,469 --> 00:48:29,989 the more than trainee signs in the 681 00:48:28,518 --> 00:48:35,629 sermon of the Lord on the Mount of 682 00:48:29,989 --> 00:48:40,940 Olives are like birth pangs and they 683 00:48:35,630 --> 00:48:45,229 indicate the coming of the man Yeshua 684 00:48:40,940 --> 00:48:47,259 HaMashiach Jesus the Messiah into this 685 00:48:45,228 --> 00:48:56,169 world 686 00:48:47,259 --> 00:49:00,559 now in the Gospel of Matthew we have 687 00:48:56,170 --> 00:49:06,650 first several signs of the end the Lord 688 00:49:00,559 --> 00:49:10,729 speaks one about mass wars then two 689 00:49:06,650 --> 00:49:12,920 about revolutions not in Matthew but in 690 00:49:10,728 --> 00:49:18,588 a parallel passage of the beginning of 691 00:49:12,920 --> 00:49:24,880 the sermon in Luke and Mark then again 692 00:49:18,588 --> 00:49:29,958 back in Matthew 3 famines four epidemics 693 00:49:24,880 --> 00:49:34,749 five earthquakes and then give attention 694 00:49:29,958 --> 00:49:37,818 to the biblical text the Lord says then 695 00:49:34,748 --> 00:49:43,248 after these beginning signs there will 696 00:49:37,818 --> 00:49:49,308 be a huge persecution of his disciples 697 00:49:43,248 --> 00:49:52,698 of his followers and then also give 698 00:49:49,309 --> 00:49:56,630 attention to the time indication will 699 00:49:52,699 --> 00:50:03,139 take place at mass apostasy a falling 700 00:49:56,630 --> 00:50:07,548 away from faith now these five signs are 701 00:50:03,139 --> 00:50:13,699 called in Matthew 24 verse 8 all these 702 00:50:07,548 --> 00:50:18,318 are the beginning of Sorrows so this is 703 00:50:13,699 --> 00:50:20,450 just the beginning of the end times now 704 00:50:18,318 --> 00:50:25,529 let us consider a fact 705 00:50:20,449 --> 00:50:28,529 1882 the first mass immigration of 706 00:50:25,530 --> 00:50:34,369 thousands of Jews back to the homeland 707 00:50:28,530 --> 00:50:43,470 of the forefathers took place 82 83 84 708 00:50:34,369 --> 00:50:48,450 but then well you may still ask posed 709 00:50:43,469 --> 00:50:53,639 the question how can worse revolution 710 00:50:48,449 --> 00:50:56,608 famines be clear indications of the end 711 00:50:53,639 --> 00:51:00,088 times always in world history there were 712 00:50:56,608 --> 00:51:04,409 wars revolutions famines there were 713 00:51:00,088 --> 00:51:05,969 epidemics how now we saw already in 714 00:51:04,409 --> 00:51:08,608 connection with the prophecy about the 715 00:51:05,969 --> 00:51:14,789 destruction of the temple that every 716 00:51:08,608 --> 00:51:20,369 word every hint has a huge indication 717 00:51:14,789 --> 00:51:25,769 and meaning so it is the same here the 718 00:51:20,369 --> 00:51:32,809 first sign speaking about wars and war 719 00:51:25,769 --> 00:51:36,780 news was fulfilled by a new phenomenon a 720 00:51:32,809 --> 00:51:38,909 world war on all the five continents we 721 00:51:36,780 --> 00:51:43,640 had never before in world history this 722 00:51:38,909 --> 00:51:50,420 was the first time in 1914 up to 18 a 723 00:51:43,639 --> 00:51:53,368 war with 18 million dead now the Lord 724 00:51:50,420 --> 00:51:58,849 said in matthew 24:6 725 00:51:53,369 --> 00:52:04,858 and ye shall hear of wars plural not of 726 00:51:58,849 --> 00:52:08,880 a war you shall hear of wars and rumors 727 00:52:04,858 --> 00:52:11,699 of wars so when you hear about wars this 728 00:52:08,880 --> 00:52:14,940 means words that are not far away from 729 00:52:11,699 --> 00:52:19,139 you but when you are hearing about 730 00:52:14,940 --> 00:52:24,210 rumors of wars these wars are so far 731 00:52:19,139 --> 00:52:27,690 away that you hear just rumors about 732 00:52:24,210 --> 00:52:32,250 them and so this is just an indicating 733 00:52:27,690 --> 00:52:34,440 that geographically 734 00:52:32,250 --> 00:52:43,219 these Wars about the Lord is speaking 735 00:52:34,440 --> 00:52:46,409 here are our honor on the on a vast 736 00:52:43,219 --> 00:52:50,339 field of the world 737 00:52:46,409 --> 00:52:53,909 and he goes on see that he be not 738 00:52:50,340 --> 00:52:57,980 troubled for all the things must come to 739 00:52:53,909 --> 00:53:00,329 pass but the end is not yet 740 00:52:57,980 --> 00:53:03,329 it is just the beginning of the end 741 00:53:00,329 --> 00:53:06,090 times the end this means really the end 742 00:53:03,329 --> 00:53:10,799 of the end times and we will later on 743 00:53:06,090 --> 00:53:12,960 see that the end means in fact the Great 744 00:53:10,800 --> 00:53:17,519 Tribulation with which will be the last 745 00:53:12,960 --> 00:53:21,630 world war of three and a half years just 746 00:53:17,519 --> 00:53:25,500 before the coming of the triumphal 747 00:53:21,630 --> 00:53:29,730 Messiah so the Lord says this is just 748 00:53:25,500 --> 00:53:32,309 the beginning the end is not yet and he 749 00:53:29,730 --> 00:53:34,530 goes on saying for nation shall rise 750 00:53:32,309 --> 00:53:37,889 against nation and Kingdom against 751 00:53:34,530 --> 00:53:42,060 Kingdom so this is a mass war not just a 752 00:53:37,889 --> 00:53:45,049 war like France against Germany nation 753 00:53:42,059 --> 00:53:48,750 against nation Kingdom against against 754 00:53:45,050 --> 00:53:52,050 against Kingdom and these are many wars 755 00:53:48,750 --> 00:53:56,159 in the plural hear of wars and far away 756 00:53:52,050 --> 00:54:01,170 also close and far away rumors of wars 757 00:53:56,159 --> 00:54:04,529 and now you see here on this map all the 758 00:54:01,170 --> 00:54:13,400 nations that were implied in world war 759 00:54:04,530 --> 00:54:17,010 one all what is here in color are 760 00:54:13,400 --> 00:54:24,289 nations that were touched by the war 761 00:54:17,010 --> 00:54:28,770 only the grey parts are were outside and 762 00:54:24,289 --> 00:54:32,219 the second world war that took place 763 00:54:28,769 --> 00:54:34,289 just some years later so that the 764 00:54:32,219 --> 00:54:38,459 phenomenon that never took place in in 765 00:54:34,289 --> 00:54:44,929 world history until 1914 took place a 766 00:54:38,460 --> 00:54:49,809 second time in 1919 39 to 45 767 00:54:44,929 --> 00:54:57,529 World War two and even more nations were 768 00:54:49,809 --> 00:55:01,030 employed so we can see the end times 769 00:54:57,530 --> 00:55:04,099 from 1882 up to the coming of Messiah 770 00:55:01,030 --> 00:55:07,730 just after the end of three and a half 771 00:55:04,099 --> 00:55:13,250 years but here we have already in this 772 00:55:07,730 --> 00:55:15,318 period two world wars so we see every 773 00:55:13,250 --> 00:55:19,159 word had been fulfilled in the sign of 774 00:55:15,318 --> 00:55:24,949 wars was very clear that this is the end 775 00:55:19,159 --> 00:55:27,920 times these are the end times Luke 21 776 00:55:24,949 --> 00:55:30,469 verse 9 the Lord says be not terrified 777 00:55:27,920 --> 00:55:34,809 for these things must come to pass but 778 00:55:30,469 --> 00:55:39,489 the end is not by-and-by matthew 24:8 779 00:55:34,809 --> 00:55:46,010 all these are the beginnings of Sorrows 780 00:55:39,489 --> 00:55:47,959 now if people would say to me well you 781 00:55:46,010 --> 00:55:53,000 are speaking about the end times today 782 00:55:47,960 --> 00:55:56,210 but my grandfather already spoke decades 783 00:55:53,000 --> 00:56:01,489 decades ago that we are in the end times 784 00:55:56,210 --> 00:56:05,510 and it seems he was not he was not 785 00:56:01,489 --> 00:56:10,959 current in his views now I should say he 786 00:56:05,510 --> 00:56:15,349 was absolutely correct the end times are 787 00:56:10,960 --> 00:56:18,579 since the end of the 19th century but he 788 00:56:15,349 --> 00:56:21,440 was not yet so advanced as we are today 789 00:56:18,579 --> 00:56:23,809 that's just a difference and the Lord 790 00:56:21,440 --> 00:56:28,338 speaks about this difference saying but 791 00:56:23,809 --> 00:56:33,440 the end is not vine pie but it's already 792 00:56:28,338 --> 00:56:38,230 end time last days and now let us 793 00:56:33,440 --> 00:56:45,829 consider the window of time from 1882 to 794 00:56:38,230 --> 00:56:50,829 1922 a window of 40 years why this 795 00:56:45,829 --> 00:56:52,850 window because the Lord exposed five 796 00:56:50,829 --> 00:56:58,190 signs and 797 00:56:52,849 --> 00:57:03,589 then a huge persecution will go on 798 00:56:58,190 --> 00:57:06,860 against the believers and in 1922 the 799 00:57:03,590 --> 00:57:10,250 Soviet Union was founded with a new 800 00:57:06,860 --> 00:57:13,760 state program that you saw never before 801 00:57:10,250 --> 00:57:19,150 in other nation since the beginning a 802 00:57:13,760 --> 00:57:25,700 state program that said we will destroy 803 00:57:19,150 --> 00:57:29,240 Christianity a huge persecution so let 804 00:57:25,699 --> 00:57:33,559 us see these signs these five signs in 805 00:57:29,239 --> 00:57:37,159 this window of 40 years now we're all 806 00:57:33,559 --> 00:57:41,360 ready so that the First World War took 807 00:57:37,159 --> 00:57:46,099 place in this window of 40 years but 808 00:57:41,360 --> 00:57:50,329 then a next prophecy revolutions Luke 809 00:57:46,099 --> 00:57:55,789 21:9 but when ye shall hear of wars and 810 00:57:50,329 --> 00:57:59,539 revolutions in Greek katha Stasi I be 811 00:57:55,789 --> 00:58:03,489 not terrified for these things must 812 00:57:59,539 --> 00:58:08,449 first come to pass but the end is not 813 00:58:03,489 --> 00:58:12,789 by-and-by in the parallel text mark 13 8 814 00:58:08,449 --> 00:58:18,679 and there shall be famines and troubles 815 00:58:12,789 --> 00:58:22,190 in Greek high another word these are the 816 00:58:18,679 --> 00:58:27,429 beginnings of Sorrows troubles Tara high 817 00:58:22,190 --> 00:58:30,200 is also another word for revolution now 818 00:58:27,429 --> 00:58:33,349 somebody could pose the question how can 819 00:58:30,199 --> 00:58:37,819 you evolutions be a real sign of the end 820 00:58:33,349 --> 00:58:42,409 times there were always revolutions in 821 00:58:37,820 --> 00:58:45,470 world history yes I would say when for 822 00:58:42,409 --> 00:58:49,009 example the French Revolution okay and 823 00:58:45,469 --> 00:58:53,500 then yeah that's cool we learned about 824 00:58:49,010 --> 00:58:58,570 the Glorious Revolution okay we did so 825 00:58:53,500 --> 00:59:02,119 also and then well there there were more 826 00:58:58,570 --> 00:59:06,200 but let us just see this window of 40 827 00:59:02,119 --> 00:59:12,828 years which was a window 828 00:59:06,199 --> 00:59:18,019 of 70 revolutions and rebellions let us 829 00:59:12,829 --> 00:59:20,720 just see 11 examples the Philippine 830 00:59:18,019 --> 00:59:23,509 revolution then the constitutional 831 00:59:20,719 --> 00:59:31,098 Aleutian in Iran the Russian Revolution 832 00:59:23,510 --> 00:59:34,030 of 1905 but success to destroy the 833 00:59:31,099 --> 00:59:37,730 Empire of the tars did not take place 834 00:59:34,030 --> 00:59:45,589 but then the Young Turk revolution in 835 00:59:37,730 --> 00:59:48,469 the Ottoman Empire 1908 so the country 836 00:59:45,588 --> 00:59:53,750 called at a time Palestine was part of 837 00:59:48,469 --> 00:59:55,819 the Ottoman Empire so the Jews that went 838 00:59:53,750 --> 00:59:58,639 back through the land of their 839 00:59:55,820 --> 01:00:06,740 forefathers entered at that time - the 840 00:59:58,639 --> 01:00:09,969 Ottoman Empire and you see the Young 841 01:00:06,739 --> 01:00:13,250 Turk revolution took place in this 842 01:00:09,969 --> 01:00:15,469 empire but then also the Mexican 843 01:00:13,250 --> 01:00:18,858 revolution since 1910 which was a 844 01:00:15,469 --> 01:00:23,078 terrible revolution the Chinese sing 845 01:00:18,858 --> 01:00:27,588 high revolution 1911 12 which led China 846 01:00:23,079 --> 01:00:33,980 into decades of civil war of terrible 847 01:00:27,588 --> 01:00:38,409 Civil War but the Arab revolt 1962 18 16 848 01:00:33,980 --> 01:00:42,500 to 18 took place also inside the Ottoman 849 01:00:38,409 --> 01:00:46,639 Empire then the February revolution in 850 01:00:42,500 --> 01:00:50,929 Russia 1917 which was a civil revolution 851 01:00:46,639 --> 01:00:54,159 but was then changed to a communist 852 01:00:50,929 --> 01:00:57,348 revolution by Lenin October Revolution 853 01:00:54,159 --> 01:01:00,769 in the same year and then the November 854 01:00:57,349 --> 01:01:05,720 evolution in Germany and the a solution 855 01:01:00,769 --> 01:01:08,000 in Hungary but we could go on 70 more 856 01:01:05,719 --> 01:01:15,399 than 70 revolutions and rebellions in 857 01:01:08,000 --> 01:01:15,400 this time so we fill in our window 858 01:01:18,789 --> 01:01:32,019 and now birth-pangs should go on and 859 01:01:24,559 --> 01:01:35,139 they did because since 1882 up to 2020 860 01:01:32,019 --> 01:01:38,230 the world saw more than three hundred 861 01:01:35,139 --> 01:01:44,469 thirty-five revolutions and rebellions 862 01:01:38,230 --> 01:01:44,469 modern times are times of revolutions 863 01:01:46,570 --> 01:01:56,660 three famines the Lord said Matthew 24:7 864 01:01:52,519 --> 01:02:00,590 and there shall be famines in diverse 865 01:01:56,659 --> 01:02:03,250 places let's see first the window 40 866 01:02:00,590 --> 01:02:09,200 years the beginning of the end times and 867 01:02:03,250 --> 01:02:16,119 we had many terrible famines first in 868 01:02:09,199 --> 01:02:20,779 China three famines with million of debt 869 01:02:16,119 --> 01:02:26,179 also to tear most terrible famines in 870 01:02:20,780 --> 01:02:33,970 Russia again with about seven million 871 01:02:26,179 --> 01:02:39,259 dead and also in Lebanon and in India 872 01:02:33,969 --> 01:02:43,069 with up to 11 million dead and in Africa 873 01:02:39,260 --> 01:02:44,500 especially in central Kenya where fifty 874 01:02:43,070 --> 01:02:53,180 to ninety percent of the population 875 01:02:44,500 --> 01:02:56,920 population died so in all more than 876 01:02:53,179 --> 01:03:00,379 twenty six million dead only in this 877 01:02:56,920 --> 01:03:08,269 relatively short window of forty years 878 01:03:00,380 --> 01:03:12,530 so we add nine terrible famines but we 879 01:03:08,269 --> 01:03:15,380 should realize in this context that the 880 01:03:12,530 --> 01:03:20,720 20th century was called a century of 881 01:03:15,380 --> 01:03:23,630 famines because there was not only this 882 01:03:20,719 --> 01:03:26,929 acute hunger as we have seen in this 883 01:03:23,630 --> 01:03:30,349 window for the years but in general the 884 01:03:26,929 --> 01:03:31,069 problem of chronic hunger people have 885 01:03:30,349 --> 01:03:35,210 always 886 01:03:31,070 --> 01:03:38,510 not enough to eat this is of course 887 01:03:35,210 --> 01:03:44,320 connected to the fact that the world 888 01:03:38,510 --> 01:03:51,470 population from 1900 to 2000 went from 889 01:03:44,320 --> 01:03:56,480 1.6 to 6.5 billion and now up to around 890 01:03:51,469 --> 01:03:59,719 8 billion people but we have been used 891 01:03:56,480 --> 01:04:05,000 in 20th century to know that about 8 892 01:03:59,719 --> 01:04:11,019 million people died each year and at the 893 01:04:05,000 --> 01:04:14,230 moment about 1 billion people are hungry 894 01:04:11,019 --> 01:04:18,590 this is really painful 895 01:04:14,230 --> 01:04:20,750 yes these are parts of these birth pangs 896 01:04:18,590 --> 01:04:26,600 of the end times 897 01:04:20,750 --> 01:04:32,210 as the Lord prophesied it but there is 898 01:04:26,599 --> 01:04:35,630 more for epidemics and there shall be 899 01:04:32,210 --> 01:04:39,460 famines and pestilences or you can also 900 01:04:35,630 --> 01:04:44,860 translate the Greek word by epidemics in 901 01:04:39,460 --> 01:04:49,070 diverse places now you see there's 902 01:04:44,860 --> 01:04:52,820 terrible virus that caused the Spanish 903 01:04:49,070 --> 01:04:58,539 flu but let's look at this window of 40 904 01:04:52,820 --> 01:05:03,710 years we had many most terrible 905 01:04:58,539 --> 01:05:09,199 epidemics in this time I mentioned 6 the 906 01:05:03,710 --> 01:05:13,340 Russian flu with 1 1 million dead the 907 01:05:09,199 --> 01:05:19,269 third pest pandemics with 12 million 908 01:05:13,340 --> 01:05:19,269 debt in history the pandemics are 909 01:05:20,469 --> 01:05:32,038 numbered from 1 to 3 and therefore 910 01:05:26,139 --> 01:05:36,608 the next is the sixth cholera epidemics 911 01:05:32,039 --> 01:05:41,140 with more than 800,000 dead the Russian 912 01:05:36,608 --> 01:05:45,759 typhus epidemics also with million of 913 01:05:41,139 --> 01:05:51,400 that and the sleeping sickness coat and 914 01:05:45,759 --> 01:05:53,679 several latest the tareka with 1.5 915 01:05:51,400 --> 01:05:57,430 million dead and eventually the Spanish 916 01:05:53,679 --> 01:06:01,989 flu which was so terrible at the end of 917 01:05:57,429 --> 01:06:04,719 the First World War and after nobody 918 01:06:01,989 --> 01:06:07,480 knows exactly the number it is just an 919 01:06:04,719 --> 01:06:11,259 estimation that goes from fifty to a 920 01:06:07,480 --> 01:06:14,318 hundred million that and now you 921 01:06:11,259 --> 01:06:21,028 understand why people in general today 922 01:06:14,318 --> 01:06:25,239 are so afraid of Corona because this 923 01:06:21,028 --> 01:06:31,259 fact of the Spanish flu is still in the 924 01:06:25,239 --> 01:06:36,159 memory of many people and there is this 925 01:06:31,259 --> 01:06:41,769 danger that such a catastrophic repeat 926 01:06:36,159 --> 01:06:47,798 and was most terrible at that time so we 927 01:06:41,768 --> 01:06:52,449 can complete our window by six terrible 928 01:06:47,798 --> 01:06:57,038 epidemics but we can go on in the 20th 929 01:06:52,449 --> 01:07:03,998 century by the Asian flu the Hong Kong 930 01:06:57,039 --> 01:07:07,690 flu million in every case died so you 931 01:07:03,998 --> 01:07:13,328 understand corona today should just be 932 01:07:07,690 --> 01:07:17,409 seen in the light of these terrible 933 01:07:13,329 --> 01:07:22,720 epidemics of the relative recent past of 934 01:07:17,409 --> 01:07:26,679 history and then the Russian flu but 935 01:07:22,719 --> 01:07:33,298 think also about AIDS 37 million debt 936 01:07:26,679 --> 01:07:37,538 are a fact since 1981 and it goes on 937 01:07:33,298 --> 01:07:39,369 every year we have about 1.8 million 938 01:07:37,539 --> 01:07:43,750 dead 939 01:07:39,369 --> 01:07:51,549 smallpox in the 20th century was so 940 01:07:43,750 --> 01:07:58,119 awful the estimation is 300 million to 941 01:07:51,550 --> 01:08:00,660 500 million dead and tuberculosis in the 942 01:07:58,119 --> 01:08:09,539 20th century about 100 million dead 943 01:08:00,659 --> 01:08:13,719 nasals million and million of dead since 944 01:08:09,539 --> 01:08:18,550 1870 more than 200 million dead but we 945 01:08:13,719 --> 01:08:24,510 could continue by hepatitis E and now we 946 01:08:18,550 --> 01:08:29,289 have the problem of Kove 819 corona 947 01:08:24,510 --> 01:08:33,210 epidemics and think also about my 948 01:08:29,289 --> 01:08:33,210 codeine addiction in the 20th century 949 01:08:33,539 --> 01:08:40,810 according to the United Nations in 20th 950 01:08:37,989 --> 01:08:46,149 century there were more about one hand 951 01:08:40,810 --> 01:08:48,640 100 million dead now earthquakes the 952 01:08:46,149 --> 01:08:52,779 Lord says and there shall be famines and 953 01:08:48,640 --> 01:08:58,660 pestilences or epidemics and earthquakes 954 01:08:52,779 --> 01:09:02,889 in diverse places now there is a most 955 01:08:58,659 --> 01:09:06,279 hurled list of earthquakes in the 20th 956 01:09:02,890 --> 01:09:09,510 century and of course there were never 957 01:09:06,279 --> 01:09:15,429 so many people on earth therefore 958 01:09:09,510 --> 01:09:22,180 earthquakes in general are more 959 01:09:15,430 --> 01:09:25,000 dangerous to the modern societies than 960 01:09:22,180 --> 01:09:31,710 in the past but what is also interesting 961 01:09:25,000 --> 01:09:35,739 is the fact that great concentrations of 962 01:09:31,710 --> 01:09:40,659 populations you find on the globe 963 01:09:35,739 --> 01:09:46,510 especially in places where the danger of 964 01:09:40,659 --> 01:09:51,269 earthquakes is very high why that why 965 01:09:46,510 --> 01:09:51,270 did they go to live exactly there 966 01:09:51,939 --> 01:09:59,050 so in our window of 40 years we have 967 01:09:55,779 --> 01:10:04,090 terrible earthquakes in the Ottoman 968 01:09:59,050 --> 01:10:07,389 Empire in 1883 this means when the Jews 969 01:10:04,090 --> 01:10:09,939 returned to the Ottoman Empire just in 970 01:10:07,389 --> 01:10:19,679 the next year at the beginning an 971 01:10:09,939 --> 01:10:26,139 earthquake then in Iran to 1893 and 1885 972 01:10:19,679 --> 01:10:30,719 and Japan Japan India and in Europe in 973 01:10:26,139 --> 01:10:36,159 Messina Sicily Calabria with 72,000 dead 974 01:10:30,719 --> 01:10:41,260 and then again in Italy 1915 30 975 01:10:36,158 --> 01:10:48,248 thousands dead and in China 200,000 dead 976 01:10:41,260 --> 01:10:54,880 in 1920 so we had eight severe 977 01:10:48,248 --> 01:11:01,828 earthquakes but he could go armed with 978 01:10:54,880 --> 01:11:07,630 far more then 150 terrible earthquakes 979 01:11:01,828 --> 01:11:13,988 until today Japan China Turk mania Peru 980 01:11:07,630 --> 01:11:19,179 just to mention most terrible 981 01:11:13,988 --> 01:11:24,368 earthquakes China in 1976 maybe this was 982 01:11:19,179 --> 01:11:29,078 the most terrible earthquake event of 983 01:11:24,368 --> 01:11:34,359 history with 800,000 dead and then here 984 01:11:29,078 --> 01:11:37,688 Iran again and again and again Pakistan 985 01:11:34,359 --> 01:11:41,618 China again and high tea you remember of 986 01:11:37,689 --> 01:11:46,739 2010 three hundred sixteen thousand debt 987 01:11:41,618 --> 01:11:46,738 and it goes on up to today 988 01:11:49,390 --> 01:11:57,400 only the 20th century 2.3 million debt 989 01:11:53,979 --> 01:12:02,819 in about 140 great earthquakes but he 990 01:11:57,399 --> 01:12:09,099 went on in the 21st century now we go on 991 01:12:02,819 --> 01:12:12,369 with further signs of the end I take 992 01:12:09,100 --> 01:12:19,390 together six affliction seven death and 993 01:12:12,369 --> 01:12:22,510 eight hate matthew 24:9 then shall they 994 01:12:19,390 --> 01:12:27,310 deliver you up to be afflicted and shall 995 01:12:22,510 --> 01:12:29,440 kill you and ye shall be hated of all 996 01:12:27,310 --> 01:12:34,500 nations for my name's sake 997 01:12:29,439 --> 01:12:38,139 now give attention to the term then 998 01:12:34,500 --> 01:12:43,630 after these five signs that were clearly 999 01:12:38,140 --> 01:12:47,950 fulfilled during 40 years then a most 1000 01:12:43,630 --> 01:12:52,090 terrible persecution of the believers of 1001 01:12:47,949 --> 01:12:54,789 the Christians the Communists in the 1002 01:12:52,090 --> 01:12:58,180 Soviet Union decided in the 1920s to 1003 01:12:54,789 --> 01:13:02,140 destroy Christianity and there was a 1004 01:12:58,180 --> 01:13:04,570 persecution up to the end to the 1005 01:13:02,140 --> 01:13:08,020 dissolution of the soviet soviet union 1006 01:13:04,569 --> 01:13:12,880 at the end of the 20th century and how 1007 01:13:08,020 --> 01:13:16,840 by torture labor camps prisons mental 1008 01:13:12,880 --> 01:13:19,630 hospitals thousands ten thousands of 1009 01:13:16,840 --> 01:13:21,250 Christians have been killed even more up 1010 01:13:19,630 --> 01:13:29,319 to millions 1011 01:13:21,250 --> 01:13:34,109 there are estimations like this even 1012 01:13:29,319 --> 01:13:37,359 people that did not really have a 1013 01:13:34,109 --> 01:13:39,369 personal relationship to Jesus Christ as 1014 01:13:37,359 --> 01:13:44,319 their personal Savior but they were 1015 01:13:39,369 --> 01:13:47,010 confessing to be Christians they were 1016 01:13:44,319 --> 01:13:47,009 cut off 1017 01:13:50,880 --> 01:13:58,219 so we see of these five signs of the 1018 01:13:54,300 --> 01:14:04,579 beginning then shall they deliver you up 1019 01:13:58,219 --> 01:14:10,770 to be afflicted and shall kill you and 1020 01:14:04,579 --> 01:14:13,529 all this persecution went on we can say 1021 01:14:10,770 --> 01:14:16,500 that most Christian martyrs died in 1022 01:14:13,529 --> 01:14:21,920 whole in the whole church history of 1023 01:14:16,500 --> 01:14:21,920 2000 years during the 20th century and 1024 01:14:23,060 --> 01:14:32,429 not only by the communists 1025 01:14:25,800 --> 01:14:35,760 very much so but also by Islamists and 1026 01:14:32,429 --> 01:14:39,899 Christians are persecuted in Islamic 1027 01:14:35,760 --> 01:14:44,760 countries all over the world after today 1028 01:14:39,899 --> 01:14:52,579 and many are killed because of their 1029 01:14:44,760 --> 01:14:58,409 faith in Jesus Christ now it was a 1030 01:14:52,579 --> 01:15:02,850 forced apostasy that took place the Lord 1031 01:14:58,408 --> 01:15:09,960 says and then shall many turn away from 1032 01:15:02,850 --> 01:15:14,100 faith and shall betray one another you 1033 01:15:09,960 --> 01:15:18,109 see in the past of the church history in 1034 01:15:14,100 --> 01:15:21,750 the first centuries the Roman Empire 1035 01:15:18,109 --> 01:15:26,569 persecuted the Christians but the result 1036 01:15:21,750 --> 01:15:32,100 was that the number of Christians 1037 01:15:26,569 --> 01:15:34,769 increased by the persecution so in 1038 01:15:32,100 --> 01:15:38,639 general that Christians remained 1039 01:15:34,770 --> 01:15:41,580 faithful and did not fall away but other 1040 01:15:38,639 --> 01:15:49,650 people were convinced by their authentic 1041 01:15:41,579 --> 01:15:57,109 faith that was ready even to die in 1042 01:15:49,649 --> 01:16:00,539 place of denying Christ this was so 1043 01:15:57,109 --> 01:16:04,229 convincing that many people in the Roman 1044 01:16:00,539 --> 01:16:05,189 Empire became real Christians but the 1045 01:16:04,229 --> 01:16:09,029 Lord said 1046 01:16:05,189 --> 01:16:11,449 in the end times when this persecution 1047 01:16:09,029 --> 01:16:16,349 of the five beginning signs will begin 1048 01:16:11,449 --> 01:16:19,619 there will be a great apostasy so people 1049 01:16:16,350 --> 01:16:23,820 will go away from Christianity and this 1050 01:16:19,619 --> 01:16:28,979 is the fulfillment of many turn away 1051 01:16:23,819 --> 01:16:31,949 from faith and it is true million felt 1052 01:16:28,979 --> 01:16:33,959 away from the Christian faith because 1053 01:16:31,949 --> 01:16:37,789 the Communists in the former Soviet 1054 01:16:33,960 --> 01:16:42,180 Union and of course in Eastern Europe 1055 01:16:37,789 --> 01:16:44,460 forced them to do so so people that were 1056 01:16:42,180 --> 01:16:48,210 confessing Christians went away from 1057 01:16:44,460 --> 01:16:52,230 Christianity and a season became the 1058 01:16:48,210 --> 01:16:58,020 common belief in this big part of the 1059 01:16:52,229 --> 01:17:07,619 world ruled by communism in many many 1060 01:16:58,020 --> 01:17:14,730 countries so we can at then shall many 1061 01:17:07,619 --> 01:17:16,880 turn away from faith sign number 10 1062 01:17:14,729 --> 01:17:20,639 betrayal 1063 01:17:16,880 --> 01:17:24,859 the Lord said then shall many turn away 1064 01:17:20,640 --> 01:17:29,640 from faith and shall betray one another 1065 01:17:24,859 --> 01:17:32,929 the secret police in communist communist 1066 01:17:29,640 --> 01:17:34,050 countries misused the population 1067 01:17:32,930 --> 01:17:37,550 systematically 1068 01:17:34,050 --> 01:17:40,800 to work with them betraying one another 1069 01:17:37,550 --> 01:17:43,920 this was not the way of your Roman 1070 01:17:40,800 --> 01:17:47,220 Empire in the past for example but in 1071 01:17:43,920 --> 01:17:52,440 communist communist countries it was 1072 01:17:47,220 --> 01:17:55,079 like that and so working together a 1073 01:17:52,439 --> 01:17:57,689 population the word of the Lord was 1074 01:17:55,079 --> 01:18:00,170 fulfilled many turn away from faith and 1075 01:17:57,689 --> 01:18:02,729 shall betray one another 1076 01:18:00,170 --> 01:18:05,609 you could never be sure about your 1077 01:18:02,729 --> 01:18:08,039 neighbour even when he was lovely but 1078 01:18:05,609 --> 01:18:12,469 you could not be sure whether he was 1079 01:18:08,039 --> 01:18:14,260 working together with the secret police 1080 01:18:12,470 --> 01:18:19,780 but Allah 1081 01:18:14,260 --> 01:18:23,380 hate in society by the common work of 1082 01:18:19,779 --> 01:18:28,840 the population together with the secret 1083 01:18:23,380 --> 01:18:32,230 police you could no more be sure that 1084 01:18:28,840 --> 01:18:36,730 your neighbors were not ones enemies and 1085 01:18:32,229 --> 01:18:39,669 this destroyed the relation the natural 1086 01:18:36,729 --> 01:18:45,669 relationship of people in the society 1087 01:18:39,670 --> 01:18:52,750 and became like this and shall hate one 1088 01:18:45,670 --> 01:18:57,159 another 12 persecutions my family name 1089 01:18:52,750 --> 01:18:59,500 members the secret police went further 1090 01:18:57,159 --> 01:19:02,139 not just working together II the 1091 01:18:59,500 --> 01:19:04,029 population in general but the secret 1092 01:19:02,140 --> 01:19:07,990 parties injured even the most inner 1093 01:19:04,029 --> 01:19:11,170 circle of families they even risk to 1094 01:19:07,989 --> 01:19:15,159 destroy most precious family ties and 1095 01:19:11,170 --> 01:19:19,690 the Lord announced this in mark 13 12 in 1096 01:19:15,159 --> 01:19:23,949 the parallel passage now brother shall 1097 01:19:19,689 --> 01:19:28,179 betray brother to death and the father 1098 01:19:23,949 --> 01:19:31,809 his son and children shall rise against 1099 01:19:28,180 --> 01:19:37,140 their parents and shall cause to bring 1100 01:19:31,810 --> 01:19:38,850 them to death and this has also been 1101 01:19:37,140 --> 01:19:43,050 fulfilled 1102 01:19:38,850 --> 01:19:46,480 but when we are speaking about this 1103 01:19:43,050 --> 01:19:50,890 first apostasy falling away from faith 1104 01:19:46,479 --> 01:19:56,759 in the end times I would just add as a 1105 01:19:50,890 --> 01:20:00,130 sort of parenthesis the deliberate 1106 01:19:56,760 --> 01:20:02,789 apostasy that was prophesied in 2nd 1107 01:20:00,130 --> 01:20:02,789 Thessalonians 1108 01:20:07,698 --> 01:20:16,189 second Thessalonians two were three Paul 1109 01:20:10,429 --> 01:20:21,260 says for that day he's speaking about 1110 01:20:16,189 --> 01:20:22,359 the day of Messiah which is the day of 1111 01:20:21,260 --> 01:20:26,090 the Lord 1112 01:20:22,359 --> 01:20:30,679 this means the coming of Messiah as the 1113 01:20:26,090 --> 01:20:33,650 judge and ruler of the world and Paul 1114 01:20:30,679 --> 01:20:37,909 says for that day thus we say the day of 1115 01:20:33,649 --> 01:20:41,500 messiahs coming shall not come except 1116 01:20:37,909 --> 01:20:46,909 there come a falling away first and that 1117 01:20:41,500 --> 01:20:54,020 man of sin Antichrist be revealed the 1118 01:20:46,909 --> 01:20:56,179 son of perdition now we see in the 1119 01:20:54,020 --> 01:21:00,530 Western countries that were not 1120 01:20:56,179 --> 01:21:03,800 dominated by the Communists as in the 1121 01:21:00,529 --> 01:21:09,439 former Soviet Union in China and Eastern 1122 01:21:03,800 --> 01:21:15,260 Europe and so on there was a deliberate 1123 01:21:09,439 --> 01:21:18,229 falling away of many and the 20th 1124 01:21:15,260 --> 01:21:23,780 century became the post Christian era 1125 01:21:18,229 --> 01:21:26,539 and this especially since the 60s the 1126 01:21:23,779 --> 01:21:29,599 revolution of the 60s was a falling away 1127 01:21:26,539 --> 01:21:34,189 from Christianity on all the Christian 1128 01:21:29,600 --> 01:21:38,750 values in the Western world we saw in 1129 01:21:34,189 --> 01:21:43,609 the 20th century up to today million of 1130 01:21:38,750 --> 01:21:48,170 people who abandoned the Christian faith 1131 01:21:43,609 --> 01:21:52,219 and its ethical values and many are now 1132 01:21:48,170 --> 01:21:56,119 even fighting with hate against 1133 01:21:52,219 --> 01:22:00,739 so-called fundamentalists the term 1134 01:21:56,119 --> 01:22:04,488 fundamentalists means simply Christians 1135 01:22:00,738 --> 01:22:09,349 that are true to the Bible not 1136 01:22:04,488 --> 01:22:14,198 christened with weapons just true to the 1137 01:22:09,350 --> 01:22:17,030 Bible and by liberal theology that 1138 01:22:14,198 --> 01:22:20,809 became more and more prevalent in the 1139 01:22:17,029 --> 01:22:24,079 20th century in the great 1140 01:22:20,810 --> 01:22:26,090 oh geez my liberal theology all the 1141 01:22:24,079 --> 01:22:31,239 fundamentals of Christian faith are 1142 01:22:26,090 --> 01:22:34,220 rejected professors of theology who deny 1143 01:22:31,239 --> 01:22:37,359 the inspiration of the scriptures who 1144 01:22:34,220 --> 01:22:42,220 deny that Jesus Christ is the son of God 1145 01:22:37,359 --> 01:22:45,949 who deny the fundamental truth of 1146 01:22:42,220 --> 01:22:49,909 biblical faith and this is also 1147 01:22:45,949 --> 01:22:54,109 announced in more details in second 1148 01:22:49,909 --> 01:23:00,139 Timothy 3 and chapter 4 in second Peter 1149 01:22:54,109 --> 01:23:06,710 2 3 chapter 3 and in the the Epistle of 1150 01:23:00,140 --> 01:23:13,280 Jude we go on by sign 13 1151 01:23:06,710 --> 01:23:15,770 false prophets Matthew 24:11 and many 1152 01:23:13,279 --> 01:23:24,649 false prophets shall rise and shall 1153 01:23:15,770 --> 01:23:29,540 deceive many and we can say this was 1154 01:23:24,649 --> 01:23:34,309 just typical for church history in the 1155 01:23:29,539 --> 01:23:38,449 20th and 21st century and we saw even 1156 01:23:34,310 --> 01:23:41,750 three waves becoming more and more 1157 01:23:38,449 --> 01:23:46,369 prevalent there was a first wave of 1158 01:23:41,750 --> 01:23:52,310 false prophets since 1901 then since the 1159 01:23:46,369 --> 01:23:56,779 1960s then since the 1980s new prophets 1160 01:23:52,310 --> 01:24:01,990 who came and announced for example in a 1161 01:23:56,779 --> 01:24:05,179 year 2000 we will see the greatest 1162 01:24:01,989 --> 01:24:06,069 awakening of all times in the Western 1163 01:24:05,180 --> 01:24:10,460 world 1164 01:24:06,069 --> 01:24:13,449 now 2020 we can look back and see it was 1165 01:24:10,460 --> 01:24:19,239 not true it was false prophecy and 1166 01:24:13,449 --> 01:24:24,859 according to the autonomy 18 a prophet 1167 01:24:19,239 --> 01:24:28,899 who utters one false prophecy is just a 1168 01:24:24,859 --> 01:24:32,289 false prophet so all these people that 1169 01:24:28,899 --> 01:24:33,960 often had leading positions in 1170 01:24:32,289 --> 01:24:38,579 Christianity 1171 01:24:33,960 --> 01:24:43,710 they were false prophets so million of 1172 01:24:38,579 --> 01:24:47,159 people in our time get now visions or 1173 01:24:43,710 --> 01:24:53,670 they call that impressions or heavenly 1174 01:24:47,159 --> 01:24:57,300 messages you never saw this like that in 1175 01:24:53,670 --> 01:25:05,270 the past centuries after the time of the 1176 01:24:57,300 --> 01:25:08,279 Apostles and so this prophecy has been 1177 01:25:05,270 --> 01:25:10,140 amazingly fulfilled many fellows 1178 01:25:08,279 --> 01:25:14,670 prophets shall rise 1179 01:25:10,140 --> 01:25:18,390 we never saw such a huge number of false 1180 01:25:14,670 --> 01:25:25,289 prophets in church history as in the end 1181 01:25:18,390 --> 01:25:29,400 times 14 many are deceived yes the Lord 1182 01:25:25,289 --> 01:25:32,930 said and manifold prophets shall rise 1183 01:25:29,399 --> 01:25:32,929 and shall deceive many 1184 01:25:33,529 --> 01:25:40,519 well it could also be many false 1185 01:25:37,079 --> 01:25:44,340 prophets shall arise shall rise and 1186 01:25:40,520 --> 01:25:47,640 nobody listens to them that would be 1187 01:25:44,340 --> 01:25:54,050 really good but the Lord says no it will 1188 01:25:47,640 --> 01:25:59,850 be different and shall deceive many and 1189 01:25:54,050 --> 01:26:04,590 is a fact that in our times million of 1190 01:25:59,850 --> 01:26:09,720 people receive these messages with open 1191 01:26:04,590 --> 01:26:12,890 hearts instead of just studying the 1192 01:26:09,720 --> 01:26:17,400 Bible going deep into the Bible and 1193 01:26:12,890 --> 01:26:20,160 study prophecy at the sake of Isaiah 1194 01:26:17,399 --> 01:26:26,789 Jeremiah Ezekiel chapter by chapter 1195 01:26:20,159 --> 01:26:33,779 verse by verse the prophets from Isaiah 1196 01:26:26,789 --> 01:26:37,590 to Malachi and so on the speech of the 1197 01:26:33,779 --> 01:26:38,369 Lord on the Mount of the Mount of Olives 1198 01:26:37,590 --> 01:26:41,190 and 1199 01:26:38,369 --> 01:26:45,649 the book of Revelation they listened to 1200 01:26:41,189 --> 01:26:46,879 these people and shall deceive many 1201 01:26:45,649 --> 01:26:51,719 15 1202 01:26:46,880 --> 01:26:54,569 science and wonders there was a 1203 01:26:51,719 --> 01:26:59,149 concentration of signs and wonders in 1204 01:26:54,569 --> 01:27:03,960 the first century when the Apostle 1205 01:26:59,149 --> 01:27:06,089 apostles were living and the Lord says 1206 01:27:03,960 --> 01:27:09,060 in the end times there will also be a 1207 01:27:06,090 --> 01:27:14,130 concentration of signs and wonders 1208 01:27:09,060 --> 01:27:18,060 Matthew 24:24 for there shall arise 1209 01:27:14,130 --> 01:27:21,800 false Christ's and false prophets and 1210 01:27:18,060 --> 01:27:25,140 shall shew great signs and wonders and 1211 01:27:21,800 --> 01:27:33,119 so much that if it were possible they 1212 01:27:25,140 --> 01:27:36,510 shall deceive the very elect now in our 1213 01:27:33,119 --> 01:27:39,920 time in the past decades throughout 1214 01:27:36,510 --> 01:27:44,909 these these three waves we saw 1215 01:27:39,920 --> 01:27:48,239 spectacular healing meetings and not 1216 01:27:44,909 --> 01:27:51,960 just fate there's much fake but there 1217 01:27:48,238 --> 01:27:54,839 are also real wonders but the Lord 1218 01:27:51,960 --> 01:28:01,529 announced shall shew great signs and 1219 01:27:54,840 --> 01:28:06,180 wonders and million of Christians say we 1220 01:28:01,529 --> 01:28:08,340 are speaking in tongues and Toronto 1221 01:28:06,180 --> 01:28:14,969 blessing became a supernatural 1222 01:28:08,340 --> 01:28:19,079 phenomenon for thousands of thousands of 1223 01:28:14,969 --> 01:28:22,980 Christians and with this movement of 1224 01:28:19,079 --> 01:28:28,500 signs and wonders many heresies many 1225 01:28:22,979 --> 01:28:31,259 false teachings are linked to this is 1226 01:28:28,500 --> 01:28:37,699 important to see because this helps also 1227 01:28:31,260 --> 01:28:41,340 to detect the spirit behind these 1228 01:28:37,699 --> 01:28:46,050 phenomenon the Lord Jesus himself says 1229 01:28:41,340 --> 01:28:49,770 in Matthew 7:22 many will say to me in 1230 01:28:46,050 --> 01:28:53,520 that day Lord Lord have we not 1231 01:28:49,770 --> 01:28:58,739 prophesied in thy name and in thy name 1232 01:28:53,520 --> 01:29:00,030 have cast out devils or demons in thy 1233 01:28:58,738 --> 01:29:03,419 name done many 1234 01:29:00,029 --> 01:29:08,578 wonderful works and then will I profess 1235 01:29:03,420 --> 01:29:15,059 unto them I never knew you depart from 1236 01:29:08,578 --> 01:29:19,308 me ye that work iniquity so this word 1237 01:29:15,059 --> 01:29:26,029 shows that it is possible even to do 1238 01:29:19,309 --> 01:29:31,199 great miracles without being a real 1239 01:29:26,029 --> 01:29:36,929 disciple of the Lord I do not say that 1240 01:29:31,198 --> 01:29:40,019 all these people who believe the message 1241 01:29:36,929 --> 01:29:46,020 of such players are not true Christians 1242 01:29:40,020 --> 01:29:49,349 this is nothing to do with the reality 1243 01:29:46,020 --> 01:29:55,320 but I just want to show by Matthew 7 1244 01:29:49,349 --> 01:30:00,210 that the possibility is not just for 1245 01:29:55,319 --> 01:30:03,090 some but for many who are not real but 1246 01:30:00,210 --> 01:30:06,000 there are many real Christians real 1247 01:30:03,090 --> 01:30:09,929 children of God really believers in the 1248 01:30:06,000 --> 01:30:17,460 Lord Jesus who received his gospel his 1249 01:30:09,929 --> 01:30:24,480 message his forgiveness of sins but they 1250 01:30:17,460 --> 01:30:28,710 follow such teachings and therefore it 1251 01:30:24,479 --> 01:30:34,288 is really a birth pang it's really 1252 01:30:28,710 --> 01:30:37,948 painful what is happening 16 false 1253 01:30:34,288 --> 01:30:42,420 messiahs in Matthew 24 24 the Lord says 1254 01:30:37,948 --> 01:30:46,649 for there shall arise false messiahs and 1255 01:30:42,420 --> 01:30:51,538 false prophets and so on and we can give 1256 01:30:46,649 --> 01:30:58,308 also a list of many people throughout 1257 01:30:51,538 --> 01:31:01,550 the the period of the end times that 1258 01:30:58,309 --> 01:31:05,670 pretended to be Messiah 1259 01:31:01,550 --> 01:31:08,610 just for example Oscar Ernst Bernhardt 1260 01:31:05,670 --> 01:31:11,539 alias actor Sheen who called himself the 1261 01:31:08,609 --> 01:31:16,279 true Christ or 1262 01:31:11,539 --> 01:31:20,750 to Krishnamurti who said in the past to 1263 01:31:16,279 --> 01:31:25,039 be Messiah who came again or George 1264 01:31:20,750 --> 01:31:27,409 Baker area's father divine he considered 1265 01:31:25,039 --> 01:31:34,010 himself to be the second incarnation of 1266 01:31:27,409 --> 01:31:38,840 God and we can go out go on with many 1267 01:31:34,010 --> 01:31:43,280 other examples for example the leader of 1268 01:31:38,840 --> 01:31:47,560 the sect he considered himself the Son 1269 01:31:43,279 --> 01:31:52,009 of God in Messiah but many others like 1270 01:31:47,560 --> 01:31:55,090 Bhagwan Shree Rhenish Guru Maharaj ji 1271 01:31:52,010 --> 01:31:58,699 David Koresh and so on Jim Jones 1272 01:31:55,090 --> 01:32:02,480 Marshall Applewhite Charles Manson and 1273 01:31:58,699 --> 01:32:04,239 of course in Judaism Rabbi Menachem 1274 01:32:02,479 --> 01:32:07,429 Mendel Schneerson 1275 01:32:04,239 --> 01:32:09,250 who is still about four hundred thousand 1276 01:32:07,430 --> 01:32:14,869 adherents 1277 01:32:09,250 --> 01:32:20,000 seventeen tsunamis or large waves in 1278 01:32:14,869 --> 01:32:24,189 Luke 21:25 the Lord says and upon the 1279 01:32:20,000 --> 01:32:28,520 earth dismay among the nations in 1280 01:32:24,189 --> 01:32:31,329 perplexity at the roaring of the sea and 1281 01:32:28,520 --> 01:32:34,570 the rolling waves 1282 01:32:31,329 --> 01:32:37,760 so here the Lord is speaking about 1283 01:32:34,569 --> 01:32:42,939 catastrophic by tsunamis and other large 1284 01:32:37,760 --> 01:32:46,850 waves and we can show a list throughout 1285 01:32:42,939 --> 01:32:52,839 the time we are calling end times of 1286 01:32:46,850 --> 01:32:55,460 such terrible tsunamis and large waves 1287 01:32:52,840 --> 01:32:58,489 for example I mentioned among the 1288 01:32:55,460 --> 01:32:59,689 earthquakes Messina Sicily Calabria in 1289 01:32:58,489 --> 01:33:04,069 1908 1290 01:32:59,689 --> 01:33:08,509 this was also a tsunami in Europe within 1291 01:33:04,069 --> 01:33:12,250 all 72,000 dead but think about India 1292 01:33:08,510 --> 01:33:17,420 Sri Lanka Maldives Indonesia Thailand in 1293 01:33:12,250 --> 01:33:22,310 2004 is most terrible tsunami that end 1294 01:33:17,420 --> 01:33:25,489 it by 300,000 dead but what happened 1295 01:33:22,310 --> 01:33:30,590 after in the United States in your Orlan 1296 01:33:25,488 --> 01:33:40,849 and so on it was exactly the fulfillment 1297 01:33:30,590 --> 01:33:44,659 of this prophecy 18 terrorism in Luke 1298 01:33:40,850 --> 01:33:46,550 21:11 the Lord says and great 1299 01:33:44,659 --> 01:33:50,479 earthquakes shall be in diverse places 1300 01:33:46,550 --> 01:33:58,460 and famines and pestilences or epidemics 1301 01:33:50,479 --> 01:34:04,029 and fearful sights what's that now the 1302 01:33:58,460 --> 01:34:09,789 Greek word is for beta which means 1303 01:34:04,029 --> 01:34:13,840 terrible events and also dreadful 1304 01:34:09,789 --> 01:34:16,279 happenings so what is terrorism 1305 01:34:13,840 --> 01:34:24,460 terrorism is just a word taken from 1306 01:34:16,279 --> 01:34:24,460 Latin terror which means terror 1307 01:34:24,729 --> 01:34:34,129 it's a Latin English word and we can say 1308 01:34:29,060 --> 01:34:37,730 that the international terrorism is a 1309 01:34:34,130 --> 01:34:42,829 child of the 20th century and the 1310 01:34:37,729 --> 01:34:50,599 Islamic terrorism so four periods that 1311 01:34:42,829 --> 01:35:01,069 became more and more terrible since 1924 1312 01:34:50,600 --> 01:35:04,789 the 867 and then since 9/11 but there is 1313 01:35:01,069 --> 01:35:06,259 more because for Petra can also mean 1314 01:35:04,789 --> 01:35:12,199 dreadful happenings 1315 01:35:06,260 --> 01:35:15,680 so besides terrorism and beside famines 1316 01:35:12,199 --> 01:35:18,260 that are mentioned in the text like 1317 01:35:15,680 --> 01:35:23,840 tsunamis and earthquakes we can think 1318 01:35:18,260 --> 01:35:27,110 about floods heat waves wildfires oil 1319 01:35:23,840 --> 01:35:33,199 spill volcanism nuclear reactor 1320 01:35:27,109 --> 01:35:36,189 catastrophe catastrophic and so on here 1321 01:35:33,199 --> 01:35:37,969 we see a diagram from the United Nations 1322 01:35:36,189 --> 01:35:42,519 showing 1323 01:35:37,969 --> 01:35:49,789 the trends in number of dreadful 1324 01:35:42,520 --> 01:35:55,150 happenings from 1900 to 2000 and we see 1325 01:35:49,789 --> 01:36:00,529 how it increased in a most terrible an 1326 01:35:55,149 --> 01:36:04,939 unexpected way from 2000 up to from 1900 1327 01:36:00,529 --> 01:36:12,259 up to 2000 so what the United Nations 1328 01:36:04,939 --> 01:36:15,069 shows here and thinks this you have to 1329 01:36:12,260 --> 01:36:20,060 see in connection with global warming's 1330 01:36:15,069 --> 01:36:24,380 now you can say the explanation of these 1331 01:36:20,060 --> 01:36:28,460 facts you can see differently but the 1332 01:36:24,380 --> 01:36:31,219 facts are present and this is a most 1333 01:36:28,460 --> 01:36:36,109 amazing fulfillment of the prophecy in 1334 01:36:31,219 --> 01:36:41,539 Luke 21 then let's go on nama training 1335 01:36:36,109 --> 01:36:46,639 in negative that abounds Matthew 24:12 1336 01:36:41,539 --> 01:36:50,269 and because iniquity in Greek Annamayya 1337 01:36:46,640 --> 01:36:51,910 shall abound the love of many shall wax 1338 01:36:50,270 --> 01:36:56,480 cold 1339 01:36:51,909 --> 01:37:01,039 now the Greek enemy a' translated in the 1340 01:36:56,479 --> 01:37:04,899 King James Version by iniquity means 1341 01:37:01,039 --> 01:37:09,519 also lawlessness violation of law 1342 01:37:04,899 --> 01:37:15,589 wickedness contempt of law and order 1343 01:37:09,520 --> 01:37:19,699 look what happened since the 1960s 1344 01:37:15,590 --> 01:37:24,400 since the 68 revolution which was a 1345 01:37:19,698 --> 01:37:30,349 moral revolution where people said 1346 01:37:24,399 --> 01:37:34,479 immorality is not a moral sexual 1347 01:37:30,350 --> 01:37:38,329 perversion is not perversion it is just 1348 01:37:34,479 --> 01:37:43,639 what is what could be normal adultery 1349 01:37:38,329 --> 01:37:47,479 likewise and divorce became more and 1350 01:37:43,640 --> 01:37:49,550 more a reality of society linked 1351 01:37:47,479 --> 01:37:51,188 together with an increase of aphorisms 1352 01:37:49,550 --> 01:37:54,090 godlessness 1353 01:37:51,189 --> 01:37:59,969 and this again linked in society with 1354 01:37:54,090 --> 01:38:05,619 violence criminality that is increasing 1355 01:37:59,969 --> 01:38:08,969 our catism drug abuse which is amazingly 1356 01:38:05,618 --> 01:38:17,158 increasing since the 1960's up to today 1357 01:38:08,969 --> 01:38:19,658 always energy and abortion abortion 1358 01:38:17,158 --> 01:38:26,288 worldwide according to the United 1359 01:38:19,658 --> 01:38:29,728 Nations 40 million each year we never 1360 01:38:26,288 --> 01:38:33,248 saw something like that in world history 1361 01:38:29,729 --> 01:38:39,189 the Lord just says and because iniquity 1362 01:38:33,248 --> 01:38:42,908 shall abound but all the things have of 1363 01:38:39,189 --> 01:38:47,949 course of course an effect on our 1364 01:38:42,908 --> 01:38:51,339 emotions on our soul on our inner man 1365 01:38:47,948 --> 01:38:55,208 and the Lord Jesus says and because 1366 01:38:51,340 --> 01:39:02,610 iniquity shall abound the love of many 1367 01:38:55,208 --> 01:39:06,219 shall wax cold and so all these facts 1368 01:39:02,609 --> 01:39:14,259 for example only the abortion of 40 1369 01:39:06,219 --> 01:39:18,158 million babies a year doesn't shock the 1370 01:39:14,260 --> 01:39:20,079 civil civilized world anymore the mass 1371 01:39:18,158 --> 01:39:21,868 in society is no more shocked about that 1372 01:39:20,078 --> 01:39:26,259 what what happened 1373 01:39:21,868 --> 01:39:32,768 the love the natural affections for 1374 01:39:26,260 --> 01:39:38,380 these babies became cold and all this 1375 01:39:32,769 --> 01:39:43,179 lifestyle that was propagated by the 68 1376 01:39:38,380 --> 01:39:48,989 movement destroyed in so many people in 1377 01:39:43,179 --> 01:39:52,510 our society the inner emotions and 1378 01:39:48,988 --> 01:39:57,879 feelings because they were herded by 1379 01:39:52,510 --> 01:40:02,429 this but then let's go on 22 the gospel 1380 01:39:57,880 --> 01:40:04,400 for all nations the Lord adds in Matthew 1381 01:40:02,429 --> 01:40:06,920 24:14 and 1382 01:40:04,399 --> 01:40:10,670 gospel of the kingdom shall be preached 1383 01:40:06,920 --> 01:40:17,060 in all the world for a witness unto all 1384 01:40:10,670 --> 01:40:19,730 nations and then shall the end come here 1385 01:40:17,060 --> 01:40:25,989 it does no more say but the the end is 1386 01:40:19,729 --> 01:40:25,988 not at hand then shall the end come 1387 01:40:27,219 --> 01:40:34,850 now the gospel should reach all the 1388 01:40:31,369 --> 01:40:40,429 nations and look in the Greek text we 1389 01:40:34,850 --> 01:40:44,780 have here the word at nas for nation not 1390 01:40:40,429 --> 01:40:50,510 Laos which would be the real word for 1391 01:40:44,779 --> 01:40:55,819 people and not the term tribe or tribes 1392 01:40:50,510 --> 01:41:02,000 but nations and Aetna's according to the 1393 01:40:55,819 --> 01:41:08,599 Greek lexicon of lone Ida says this is 1394 01:41:02,000 --> 01:41:13,819 the biggest social unity the smallest 1395 01:41:08,600 --> 01:41:18,260 unity is a couple then the family then 1396 01:41:13,819 --> 01:41:20,630 the clan the tribe the people but many 1397 01:41:18,260 --> 01:41:24,409 people together in India for example 1398 01:41:20,630 --> 01:41:29,750 form one nation the nation at NAS of 1399 01:41:24,408 --> 01:41:35,448 India and so the Lord says until the end 1400 01:41:29,750 --> 01:41:43,908 not all men will be reached by the 1401 01:41:35,448 --> 01:41:46,729 gospel but all nations and in 1800 the 1402 01:41:43,908 --> 01:41:50,448 Bible was translated in only 70 1403 01:41:46,729 --> 01:41:52,879 languages but then in the time of the 1404 01:41:50,448 --> 01:41:56,649 Great Awakening in North America and 1405 01:41:52,880 --> 01:41:59,779 northern Europe people became aware 1406 01:41:56,649 --> 01:42:03,170 about the need to bring the gospel to 1407 01:41:59,779 --> 01:42:05,899 all the nations and already in 1830 the 1408 01:42:03,170 --> 01:42:10,250 Bible was translated in 157 languages 1409 01:42:05,899 --> 01:42:13,969 and today the Bible or parts of the 1410 01:42:10,250 --> 01:42:15,948 Bible are translated in more than 3,300 1411 01:42:13,969 --> 01:42:22,208 languages 1412 01:42:15,948 --> 01:42:25,819 and by global recordings Network 1413 01:42:22,208 --> 01:42:28,069 biblical messages are available today in 1414 01:42:25,819 --> 01:42:30,828 about six thousand six thousand 1415 01:42:28,069 --> 01:42:34,458 languages and dialects and by Ray you're 1416 01:42:30,828 --> 01:42:38,899 broadcasting all over the world people 1417 01:42:34,458 --> 01:42:41,988 in all the nations have access to the 1418 01:42:38,899 --> 01:42:47,328 Bible and also by internet of course so 1419 01:42:41,988 --> 01:42:49,759 we are now in this time when Mark 1310 1420 01:42:47,328 --> 01:42:56,029 is fulfilled and the gospel must first 1421 01:42:49,760 --> 01:43:01,880 be published among all nations and so we 1422 01:42:56,029 --> 01:43:06,828 can prove that we are really in the end 1423 01:43:01,880 --> 01:43:11,949 times let us see three conclusions out 1424 01:43:06,828 --> 01:43:16,130 of this lecture first we realize God 1425 01:43:11,948 --> 01:43:19,339 exists the fulfilled prophecy of the 1426 01:43:16,130 --> 01:43:22,219 Bible proves that God is here and he 1427 01:43:19,340 --> 01:43:27,498 holds the whole world in his hands also 1428 01:43:22,219 --> 01:43:31,399 my personal fate my personal life that's 1429 01:43:27,498 --> 01:43:34,939 comforting a comforting conclusion out 1430 01:43:31,399 --> 01:43:38,538 of the Bible also the time in which we 1431 01:43:34,939 --> 01:43:39,759 are living today is in the hands of the 1432 01:43:38,538 --> 01:43:44,268 Almighty 1433 01:43:39,760 --> 01:43:50,869 nothing can happen in my life which he 1434 01:43:44,269 --> 01:43:53,269 doesn't allow but to the fulfilled 1435 01:43:50,868 --> 01:43:57,380 prophecy proves that the Bible is not a 1436 01:43:53,269 --> 01:44:01,059 human book but the Bible is the Word of 1437 01:43:57,380 --> 01:44:06,010 God inspired by God the Bible is fully 1438 01:44:01,059 --> 01:44:09,650 trustworthy and a consequence would be 1439 01:44:06,010 --> 01:44:14,989 read a portion of the Bible every day if 1440 01:44:09,649 --> 01:44:19,848 you do not yet begin tomorrow by reading 1441 01:44:14,988 --> 01:44:24,018 a chapter maybe John one next day John 2 1442 01:44:19,849 --> 01:44:27,860 and so on read a portion of the my 1443 01:44:24,019 --> 01:44:29,520 believer every day asking God in prayer 1444 01:44:27,859 --> 01:44:34,469 to 1445 01:44:29,520 --> 01:44:36,240 through his work to your heart so read 1446 01:44:34,470 --> 01:44:39,869 the Bible in order to learn about God's 1447 01:44:36,239 --> 01:44:42,329 message for you personally and he will 1448 01:44:39,869 --> 01:44:48,210 speak personally to you and to your 1449 01:44:42,329 --> 01:44:51,390 heart 3 the conversion to God is a must 1450 01:44:48,210 --> 01:44:52,170 for me in order to be reconciled with 1451 01:44:51,390 --> 01:44:57,680 God 1452 01:44:52,170 --> 01:45:02,340 this Bible says that we all are sinners 1453 01:44:57,680 --> 01:45:04,770 because we failed to uphold and follow 1454 01:45:02,340 --> 01:45:07,039 really the commandments of the Bible and 1455 01:45:04,770 --> 01:45:12,720 this is a proof that we are sinners 1456 01:45:07,039 --> 01:45:17,909 because we are sinning sinning but what 1457 01:45:12,720 --> 01:45:23,340 can we do in first John 1 verse 9 we 1458 01:45:17,909 --> 01:45:27,479 read if we confess our sins he is 1459 01:45:23,340 --> 01:45:29,520 faithful and just to forgive us our sins 1460 01:45:27,479 --> 01:45:33,209 and to cleanse us from all 1461 01:45:29,520 --> 01:45:38,190 unrighteousness so this is a wonderful 1462 01:45:33,210 --> 01:45:42,859 promise and valid up to today if we 1463 01:45:38,189 --> 01:45:48,329 confess and regret really our sins 1464 01:45:42,859 --> 01:45:50,369 before God in prayer we can know that he 1465 01:45:48,329 --> 01:45:54,439 will it is a promise 1466 01:45:50,369 --> 01:45:57,349 he will forgive us our sins and to 1467 01:45:54,439 --> 01:46:00,839 cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1468 01:45:57,350 --> 01:46:04,740 sometimes people think well but if I 1469 01:46:00,840 --> 01:46:08,039 look back into my past I say things God 1470 01:46:04,739 --> 01:46:10,880 will never be able to forgive but then 1471 01:46:08,039 --> 01:46:14,359 we can encourage the Bible text says 1472 01:46:10,880 --> 01:46:18,029 cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1473 01:46:14,359 --> 01:46:21,869 there is nothing in the past that could 1474 01:46:18,029 --> 01:46:24,239 not be forgiven but why because Messiah 1475 01:46:21,869 --> 01:46:26,189 came the first time to resolve the 1476 01:46:24,239 --> 01:46:30,840 problem the fundamental problem of 1477 01:46:26,189 --> 01:46:35,250 humanity the problem of our sins the 1478 01:46:30,840 --> 01:46:40,670 Lord Jesus was ready to bear the wrath 1479 01:46:35,250 --> 01:46:40,670 the righteous wrath of God against sin 1480 01:46:41,159 --> 01:46:52,109 as I replace meant he was on the cross 1481 01:46:44,220 --> 01:46:55,530 and God put sins upon him and he judged 1482 01:46:52,109 --> 01:47:00,000 him in place of all those who will 1483 01:46:55,529 --> 01:47:05,750 receive this sacrifice of Christ through 1484 01:47:00,000 --> 01:47:09,739 faith and this sacrifice of Christ is 1485 01:47:05,750 --> 01:47:16,529 enough for everybody for the whole world 1486 01:47:09,739 --> 01:47:20,639 every single human being can come repent 1487 01:47:16,529 --> 01:47:25,309 confess the sins and believe in the word 1488 01:47:20,640 --> 01:47:29,090 of the Lord Jesus and God will attribute 1489 01:47:25,310 --> 01:47:34,650 the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross 1490 01:47:29,090 --> 01:47:39,180 to this middle person to every to me and 1491 01:47:34,649 --> 01:47:47,339 to you if you receive it in real sincere 1492 01:47:39,180 --> 01:47:49,619 faith and just to finish I said the 1493 01:47:47,340 --> 01:47:53,010 coming of Christ as the triumphant 1494 01:47:49,619 --> 01:47:57,649 Messiah is still in future and before 1495 01:47:53,010 --> 01:48:01,199 will be the edge the great tribulation 1496 01:47:57,649 --> 01:48:03,329 which is described in all details for 1497 01:48:01,199 --> 01:48:06,510 example in the book of Revelation at the 1498 01:48:03,329 --> 01:48:09,390 end of the Bible three and a half years 1499 01:48:06,510 --> 01:48:14,600 the most Herald World War and just 1500 01:48:09,390 --> 01:48:22,340 before Antichrist will come the most 1501 01:48:14,600 --> 01:48:24,800 terrible deceiver but there is a mystery 1502 01:48:22,340 --> 01:48:30,630 the mystery of rapture 1503 01:48:24,800 --> 01:48:32,270 first Corinthians 15:51 and first 1504 01:48:30,630 --> 01:48:37,079 Thessalonians 4:13 1505 01:48:32,270 --> 01:48:41,670 218 speaks about this rapture that Jesus 1506 01:48:37,079 --> 01:48:49,050 Christ will come just before to take 1507 01:48:41,670 --> 01:48:54,090 away all those who believe now in him in 1508 01:48:49,050 --> 01:48:54,850 order to protect them from the most 1509 01:48:54,090 --> 01:48:57,460 terrible 1510 01:48:54,850 --> 01:49:02,640 judgements that will come upon this 1511 01:48:57,460 --> 01:49:10,300 world so this is a wonderful family 1512 01:49:02,640 --> 01:49:18,570 mystery and in relation 3 verse 10 the 1513 01:49:10,300 --> 01:49:22,659 Lord gives this promise to the church 1514 01:49:18,569 --> 01:49:26,439 saying because thou hast kept the word 1515 01:49:22,659 --> 01:49:31,389 of my patience I also will keep thee 1516 01:49:26,439 --> 01:49:33,789 from the hour of temptation which shall 1517 01:49:31,390 --> 01:49:38,039 come upon all the world to try them that 1518 01:49:33,789 --> 01:49:42,430 dwell upon the earth note I come quickly 1519 01:49:38,039 --> 01:49:46,810 hold it fast what thou hast that no man 1520 01:49:42,430 --> 01:49:52,240 take thy crown so the Lord says I will 1521 01:49:46,810 --> 01:49:55,450 keep you from the hour of temptation and 1522 01:49:52,239 --> 01:49:58,300 the hour of temptation is the period 1523 01:49:55,449 --> 01:50:00,069 just before the end before the Great 1524 01:49:58,300 --> 01:50:04,630 Tribulation when Antichrist will come 1525 01:50:00,069 --> 01:50:09,119 and all those who believe now in Messiah 1526 01:50:04,630 --> 01:50:14,250 Jesus as their Lord and personal Savior 1527 01:50:09,119 --> 01:50:19,090 they will be raptured into the glory I 1528 01:50:14,250 --> 01:50:21,939 would like to give a hint to my book I 1529 01:50:19,090 --> 01:50:26,590 wrote about this subject in his large 1530 01:50:21,939 --> 01:50:29,979 lecture but much more are we really 1531 01:50:26,590 --> 01:50:34,420 living in the last days more than 175 1532 01:50:29,979 --> 01:50:40,389 fulfilled prophecies and here I expose 1533 01:50:34,420 --> 01:50:43,600 this list I made of about 180 prophecies 1534 01:50:40,390 --> 01:50:47,619 already fulfilled concerning the last 1535 01:50:43,600 --> 01:50:54,070 days but fulfilled since 1882 1536 01:50:47,619 --> 01:50:58,750 up to 2020 and much more will be 1537 01:50:54,069 --> 01:51:01,529 fulfilled in the upcoming time thank you 1538 01:50:58,750 --> 01:51:01,529 for listening